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"I'd be yours, if you asked."

Dad went off earlier to work today, I wasn't surprised. He barely existed because he was a single parent. I worried about him often, he worked so hard that by the time he was home, it would already be midnight.

He drowned himself in work to forget about his wife - but along with his wife he was forgetting his daughter.

Moving on, I was running late today so I couldn't pack lunch. Amelia offered some of her lunch but I just didn't feel like sitting in the cafeteria. It may have to do with some girl bragging about getting the boy she lost at the end of junior year...

So I headed to the library to get in level with my reading. I walked over to the fantasy section and browsed, collected a few books and then headed to the small table in the corner. My table. It was at the end of the library but it was placed in such a way that I could see everyone from where I was.

Ms. Griffin was sorting out the books and after I waved to her, I jumped right into my books and homework. Trigonometry was always a big trouble for me in the starting but after a few youtube videos - I was slowly learning.

Immersed as I was in my problems of sin, cos and tan; I hadn't noticed the black haired boy that stepped into the library. It was only when I was chewing the back of my pen in deep thought that my eyes widened to find you chatting with Ms. Griffin.

I nearly fell off my chair with surprise - what were you doing here? Wasn't Kayla waiting for you to have lunch? As much as I hated the thought of you and her together, I felt a little bad for her because she was looking forward to having lunch with you all day.

But not a lot.

You hadn't ever really skipped a lunch period except for a few instances but why were you here today? You only came here to pick up a few books for classes that you would ask Ms. Griffin to keep, and then you were off.

So what were you doing here?

I could only ask myself in wonder as you continued chatting with Ms. Griffin. I observed the friendliness oozing from you like a cloak billowing with optimism. Your lopsided grin had me blushing pink and I looked down, embarrassed.

I was in too deep to get out.

You left after some time and I ran over to Ms. Griffin to try and squeeze something about what the two had conversed but all Ms. Griffin did was chuckle and pat me on the head.

It was suffice to say though, that you had made my day without knowing it.

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