"I still have my Nakama!!!"

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I saw Hancock come beside the submarine and turned the marines to stone, "What's Luffy's condition?!"

"His life is still preserved for the moment, but he's in critical condition." Informed Law to Hancock.

I then soon saw Iva-san and his followers on a stolen ship. The Newkama Land citizens cheer that they will finally be able to head forth to the Kamabkka Kingdom now that the war is over and that they're finally free.

"He's been through a lot ever since Impel Down with Goddess-girl, she tried her best to keep him stable until he and her went in to save Ace. In my perspective, Ace's death would crush anyone's mind." Informed Iva-san as I nodded at the things he said on what Luffy have been through.

"If only I could've taken his place!~" Said Boa as she got very worried over my captain.

"He's so lucky that he gets the Pirate Empress worried for him!" Said some of Law's crew.

"If only I didn't turn my back on the battlefield, he wouldn't have suffered so much..." I said as I lowered my head.

Everyone could tell that your taking the pain silently and that your the one in the worst pain of all.

I felt Hancock hug me saying that she agrees that she wanted to save Luffy making me sliently cry.

Iva-san then asked Law why he saved me and Luffy, "I don't know to be exact. I just did it."

"It seems that Straw Hat-boy can just change people's hearts just like that, even without doing anything major." Sighed Iva-san as I wiped my tears and soon laughed since I also agreed.

"Thank you for saving me Law." Thanked Jinbe-san as he went to me asking if i'm okay, "Yeah i'm fine but I'm more worried on Luffy's condition, my magic didn't seem to help while I helped Law on the operation before resting."

Jinbe-san agreed that he also worries over Luffy even thouh Iva-san told him to rest.

"But what worries me more is what's gonna happen when he wakes up." Wondered the fish-man as I too wondered how Luffy's gonna react when he gets up.

Hancock then demands Bepo to give her a Den Den Mushi so she can call the Kuja Pirates to carry us across the Calm Belt to Amazon Lily so that Luffy will be able to rest without the Marines finding our location.

I said I was gonna go change since I'm still in the remains of my amazon outfit that Marguerite gave me.

As I came out, Iva-san gave me a hug saying he'll be leaving to go back to his Kingdom, "Be safe Iva-san! Thank you for everything!" I bowed down to him making him laugh and say it was his duty since Luffy was Dragon's son.

And soon I waved at them as we sailed to Amazon Lily.


Law got speacial permission to land on a beach but are forbbiden anywhere else or even going anywhere.

Hancock and the others said they'll be at the castle recovering until Luffy gets back up, I told them I'll send them a message with my magic for a signal for them to come see him.


I heard a crash and saw Luffy has woken up and demanded where is Ace making me get a bit scared.

"WHERE'S ACE!?!?!" He started rampaging, even hurting Bepo and the other Heart Pirates.

"Goddess-ya! We need to calm him down! If he continues on rampaging, he'll surley die because of his wounds!!" Cried out Law to me.

"Luffy! Please listen to me-Ah!" I tried to calm down my voice but he punched me and ran away.

"(Y/N)-san! Are you alright?" Said Jinbe towards you and grabbed you before you fell.

"I'm fine! Get to Luffy! Your the only person that can calm him down! If I go he'll remember me almost getting killed by Akainu and rampage even more! I'll join you when he calms down!" I said to him as he nodded and ran to get Luffy.

The Heart Pirates tried to ask the women of Amazon Lily if they can get to the borders to help but they didn't let them, "So do they have female bears?"

"BEPO!! NOW'S NOT THE TIME!!" Cried out Penguin and Sachi.

I sat down at the edge of the beach with Law a few meters from me with Luffy's hat.

We soon saw something that killed a sea king which then lands on the island near us, "KYA!! What in the world?!"

"AH! IT'S THE DARK KING RAYLEIGH!!!" Cried out Bepo, Peguin and Sachi.

"Ah! (Y/N)! How's Luffy doing?" Asked my uncle as he dried up his shirt.

"Geez uncle Ray, you should be more careful! You almost hit me with that sea king! And Luffy's currently with Jinbe-san talking over some things. They'll be over here in a few moments." I said as I summoned a towel to give to my uncle who thanked me as the trio of the Heart Pirates cry out in surprise.

"EH! HE'S YOUR UNCLE?!?!?!!"

"Didn't you guys know? Oh well, yeah he is! Cool right?"


Hancock soon came with food as Luffy and Jinbe-san came in to see Rayleigh.

Law left as soon as Luffy came in, I told him that he said to take it easy for two weeks.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry for punching you! I wasn't thinking back then! Please forgive me! I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I-" He got cut off as he was about to bow but you hugged him.

"Idiot! Throw me away or push me away I don't care! I'll always be beside you Luffy! Since you have always done that for me, I'll do it for you!" I said as I kissed his forehead.

"(Y/N), you could've told me your dating Luffy y'know?" Said my uncle as I threw a bottle of sake at his head which made him fall back a little laughing.


"Oh c'mon! I know your gonna marry him!"

"Yeah that's right. (Y/N)'s my future wife."

"LUFFY! Oh my god! We aren't old enough! And we still don't have papers, haven't even started dating and my parents don't even know this!"

"Then when I reach my goal of being Pirate King, I'll propose to you and then bring all of us to your Island so we can get married! See? It's not that hard-OW!"

"I STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH MY UNCLE HERE! *sighs* We'll talk about this someday...."

"Oh my! Your already getting wedded?! Nice,
(Y/N)-ah!" Said Rayleigh super excited until I threw another bottle at his head.


"What is this family....?" Asked Jinbe to himself while sweat dropping.

We started eating but Jinbe-san wasn't aloud to get a lot since Hancock says it's for Luffy making me laugh but I sneaked in some for him so he was okay.

My uncle gave a letter to Hancock saying it's from Shakky mentioning to me that she once lived here, "WOW! My aunt has a awesome but stupid husband and she's awesome herself! Damn! I did NOT know my family is that cool!"

"(Y/N)!~ That's mean! I'm still your uncle!~" Said Ray as he got offended but I ignored him.

"Your literally the Dark's niece." Deepened Jinbe at you.

Uncle Ray also mentions how he figured me and Luffy's location thanks to Kuma after the battle on Saboady as well as Shakky's intuition after the Marineford war.

"Luffy, (Y/N) are you planning on going back to Saboady?" Asked my uncle.

"Of course!" Comfirmed Luffy as I nodded.

"I see, but if you go back the whole incident could start all over again. But, I have a plan, but only if you guys want to go along with it."


We stole a ship at Marineford and went in the bay.

"Let's go Luffy." I said as he nodded.

We ran to the plaza making some marines confused, but they didn't attack since they wanted to know what we we're up to before engaging.

Luffy went up to a huge bell and looked at me which I nodded, and ringed the bell 16 times.

"Light Magic!: Fireworks!" I said as some fireoworks shot up from my hands all over the bell and us.

Some photographers we're taking pictures of us but we didn't care.

As Luffy went down from the bell we both grabbed each others hand and went to the trench that splits the city and threw down some flowers in the trench and made a silent prayer.

Photographers took this as a chance to take in some scoops of us as we still didn't move and still held each others hand.

"Luffy-san! (Y/N)-san! Let's head back! More Marines will come and attack if your there any longer!" Shouted Jinbe-san as we both looked at each other and smiled and ran to the ship still holding hands.


Luffy and I are currently resting at Amazon Lily after getting back from paying respects at Marineford and hoped that the others will get the message.

"It should be able to reach them if they understand it's meaning. And plus, they're your crew, no? I'm sure they'll get it in no time!" Said Rayleigh as he hugged me but I got pain since he was crushing my torso, "Uncle Ray! Your c-crushing me!!"

*Flash back*

Jinbe-san has decided to head back to Fish-Man Island, "I thank you, Luffy-san, (Y/N)-san for freeing me once again from Impel Down. I'll wait for you two in 2 years!" Said Jinbe-san as we both waved goodbye a him.

Luffy made a sign to me that he wanted to talk to me in private so I just followed him.

"(Y/N), about Ace and everything. I just want to thank you for being part of my crew! And....w-well for being with me after all this time! I just don't know how to express myself..." Trailed on Luffy as I giggled and said it's fine.

"It's fine Luffy! I'm acutally happy you kept on asking to be part of your crew back in Jaya. I also don't know how to express myself but I just want to thank you helping me back in my Kingdom and also accepting me, now that we deicided to get stronger. I will get stronger fo you! No matter what I'll be with you to the ends of the world! I pormise!" I said as he got red and just sheepishly laughed heartily before going to hug me which I returned as we walked back smiling.

"I see that you guys worked it out~"

"Uncle Ray, you got 5 seconds to take it back." I said as he didn't get fazed but when I pulled out half of the Goddess' sword he soon sweat dropped and gave in.

"Alright, I'll take it back." He said with hands raised as I soon smiled in content and retracted the sword.

"Woah! (Y/N) made Rayleigh himself surrender!" Said one of the amazons.

"I'll be taking Luffy as my student if you're okay with that (Y/N)." Said my uncle as I nodded.

"I'm fine with that! I was about to ask anyways."

"What about you (Y/N)? Who are you gonna train with?" Asked Luffy.

"She'll be here in 3....2.....1"

"Yo people! Crystal is here!" Said my new mentor.

"Ah~ Crystal! It's nice to see you!" Said my uncle as he hugged my mom's sister.

"Luffy meet my mom's sister, Crystal! She was the one that trained my mom to become the greatest female magician in the world! I'll be with her in her home turf for my training." I said as I hugged her.

"It's nice to meet the husband of my niece!"

I soon smacked her, "HE'S NOT MY HUSBAND! STOP IT WITH THE MARIAGE JOKES! HE-WE AREN'T OLD ENOUGH!!!! AT LEAST HAVE THAT IN YOUR MIND!" I was glad that my red face was turned from Luffy or else I would get even more red.

"Ow! Ok, ok~ Geez, can be innocently nice but demonic just like Yuki! Haha! Your like a second Yuki!" Laughed Crystal.

"I know right! She'll be a menace to the world just like her mother! Hahaha! I love her!" Laughed uncle Ray.

"I swear to god.....let's just go! We're already wasting time from talking!"

"(Y/N), we're meeting back here right?" Asked my captain.

"Of course! See you soon captain!' I smiled as he nodded and smiled as I went in the portal Crystal made.

Let's meet in 2 years!

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