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The time pass and you and the members are really friends now. You already debuted in Stray Kids with the album "In Life" and you already went to a few concerts with them. Fans really like you and they say you are the 4th generation princess.

Your friendship with the members has grown a lot, but specially with Han. Han really likes you but you don't know it, the only thing you know is that you are starting to like him too. You go with him everywhere and you spend a lot of fun time when he is around you. 


Y/N is my best friend, but i really like her and i don't know how to tell her. I've been planing how to do it, and Hyunjin helped me a lot. Tomorrow is Y/N's birthday and i told her to hang out today at 10:00 pm just to have fun. I'll prepare her a surprise. It's already 09:30 pm so I have to prepare it.


Now I'm gonna hang out with Han cause he told me he has a surprise for me. Honestly I'm really nervous, i like him a lot, but he is my best friend, and i don't want to tell him my feelings cause, if he doesn't like me back, i'm gonna ruin our friendship and it will be very uncomfortable being with him on the same group. Well i've to go now.

I was arriving to the Han River when i noticed Han was already there.

-Hi!! -you said smiling-.

-Hi Y/N, are you ready for your surprise? -Han said-.

-Of course!

-Okay -he said while grabbing you hand to follow him-.

A few minutes later, you arrived to a beautiful restaurant. It was the most beautiful place you've ever seen.

-Wow Han, it's beautiful

-I know, come on let's enter -he opened the door and we both enter-.

An hour and a half later, you already had dinner and you were walking in front of the Han River.

-Wow, this River is awesome -you said, looking at the River-.

-I know -Han said, smiling- Y/N, can you tell me what time is it please?

-Sure -look at your phone- It's 00:00 am

-Happy birthday Y/N! -Han said, giving me a small box-.

I was speechless, how i can forget my own birthday?! I was almost crying

-Thank you so much!! -i said, covering my eyes, so he couldn't see that i was crying-.

-Are you crying? -he said grabbing my hand so he could see my face, he was smiling-.

I hugged him, so happy. Then i opened the box and i saw a beautiful necklace with a heart on it.

-Is beautiful -i said, putting my necklace on-.

Han smiled, and he said:

-I have another surprise for you

-Another? But this was perfect already -smile-.

He grabbed my hand and after a minutes we were in his house.

-Why we are in your house?

-You'll see, but first, i need you to close your eyes.

I nodded and i covered my eyes with my hands. Han, carefully conduced me into his house.

-Now you can open them -Han said smiling-.

I opened my eyes and i saw a coat decorated with chocolates, sweets, candles in his living room.

-Wow, this is beautiful Han -i looked at him and i hugged him-.

Han smiled and said:

-I wrote you a letter -Han gave me the letter and i started reading-.


Hi Y/N! First of all, happy birthday!! I hope you liked the surprised, and i had the courage to write you this letter, since you arrived to the group i knew we were gonna be friends, so it was. All the time i spent with you has been amazing and i want to tell you one thing. Y/N, i want to confess something, a long time ago, i started having feelings for you, and every day i like you more, so i wanted to ask you if you'll accept to be more than friends, please... I want you to be my past, present and future, and i was wondering if you'll accept to be my girlfriend. I love you so much. With love, Han

-Y/N, will you accept...? -Han said, a bit nervous-. If you don't want, it's okay i will underst...

I didn't let him finish the phrase and i kissed him, I was so happy. Han was surprised because of the kiss, but he responded at it.

After a seconds, we separate of the kiss and i looked to other side cause i was blushing. Han grabbed my chin softly and made me look at him.

-I love you Y/N -he said, smiling-.

-I love you too, and of course i want to be your girlfriend -smile-. 

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