The End of the World

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

    I arrive back in the present. Mephiles is there, Sonic is there and Elise is there. But Chance is there too. I run to try and push him away but I'm hit by something. Am I bleeding? Why does everything seem like it's spinning? Why is the sky on fire? Why am I so cold? Why is everything fading to black?

(Mephiles' P.O.V.)

    A sense of shock hits me and I think Elise felt it too. Tears stream down her face but I know they aren't her tears. They're his. He's crying and I am too. The person I loved so dearly. The one I desperately tried to push away. The one who always tried to smile even when she felt like crying. There she lay on the ground. Her beautiful (E/C) eyes closed. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair becoming stained in blood. And there standing over her, laughing with a knife in hand, the fox who ended my world. Iblis burst forth from Elise. His despair leaking through her tears. The seven chaos emeralds lay in front of me. Fine. That fox wants me to destroy the world? So be it. A world without (Y/N) is not one I want to exist.

(Solaris' P.O.V.)

    She doesn't even look dead. Just sleeping like an angel. I created this rift just for her. Those two hedgehogs are continuously trying to defeat me. Without the third, their attempts are in vain. I'm just waiting for them to give up. Here time doesn't move forward or backward. They can spend all eternity here for all I care. Once again I feel a wind blow past me. It almost seems to whisper to me. I don't listen, I just continue to watch over my angel as she sleeps forever.

(Silver's P.O.V.)

    We were so close but then that false timekeeper ruined everything. We all thought he was going to kill Sonic and instead, he kills (Y/N). We can't even go near her. Solaris hangs over her and attacks anyone who dares to get close. I knew Mephiles loved her and I knew Iblis liked her too. I guess Solaris emulates both. Another wind blows by me. "Silver, I'm still here..." "(Y/N)? Guys! I don't think she's dead yet!" Jasper gets up from where she was sitting and flies to my height. "Silver, now you're just talkin' crazy. Even if that were true, how do you propose we save her? That flyin' monster isn't even gonna let us get close!" "The chaos emeralds. They cause miracles. I know they do. They brought someone back to life once, I'm sure they'd do it again." I'm recalling an alternate timeline but as I'm the only one who remembers it, they can't prove or deny that it's possible. "Ok Silver, but the chaos emeralds are scattered all over. How are we supposed to find them?" Tails perks up at Jasper's question. "I have a radar. It should still work." "And why should we trust ya?" "Because I'm a victim of my doppelganger too. He blamed me for everything he did. He used me to cover his tracks. I want to fix what he broke, like any good mechanic would do." It takes a couple hours and a bit of Eggman's help but he manages to adjust the radar to pinpoint the chaos emeralds. Don't worry (Y/N), we're on our way.

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