This Is Goodbye

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"What do you mean you're moving to Boston?" Meredith said incredulously as we walked through the halls of Grey-Sloan Memorial

"What do you think it means Mer? Amelia and I are packing up and we're leaving for Boston. They need a Chief of Cardio and Neuro so we decided it was time for a change, a fresh start." I explained

"When are you leaving" she mumbled, now seeming upset

"Next week" I replied bluntly

"Next week?" Meredith shrieked "How can you be leaving so soon?"

"Mer calm down OK, I can fly over and back on holidays to see you and the kids and we can Facetime and all that other stuff, it'll be like I never left. Besides aren't you glad I'm getting Amelia out of your hair" I grinned as I took a glance at her

A small smile began to appear on her face and I knew that was the OK to continue

"Look they needed Amelia and I as soon as possible, we were lucky to get the week so that we could pack our things and find a nanny in Boston who could watch Kayden at such short notice" I explained

"I'm gonna miss that little guy" she pouted

"And I'm sure he's going to miss you too, but this is good Mer, this move is a good thing. For me, for Amelia, for Kayden." I said enthusiastically "Every time I walk these halls I just keep expecting to see her bright little smile appear from one of the paeds rooms and every time I go home to our house I'm just reminded of that night. I need to move on, I'll never forget Arizona but if I want to give my all to Amelia, I need to leave everything behind. Including my favorite person in the whole world" I joked as I wrapped my arms around her

"Aw who me?" she played along

"No, actually I was talking about Karev, but you're a close second I guess" I teased

"Hey!" she punched my arm lightly

"You know I'm kidding, of course it's you. And speaking of Karev, I've got a surgery to get to. I'll see you at Joe's later" I waved a small goodbye as I began walking away towards the OR


"Good afternoon Dr Karev" I said behind the surgical mask as the scrub nurse placed my gloves on

"Hey Quinn, you ready to get started?" Karev said softly

"Absolutely" I smiled behind the mask

"10 blade" Karev said as he held out his hand "6 year old Jason Maguire, here for his third and final reconstruction on a collapsed left ventricle" Karev stated as he began the incision

"Man, I remember his first surgery when he was just 2 years old" I said in awe as the scrub nurse handed me one of my surgical blades. "Hey you're coming to Joe's tonight right?" I asked

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it" he replied "So when exactly are you leaving?" Alex asked

"Next week, Mass Gen needs us as soon as possible so they gave us a week to pack our things and get over there" I said, feeling more excited as I spoke about it

"So this is it huh?" Alex said monotonously

"Yeah, my last every surgery at Grey-Sloan Memorial. I've decided to take my sick days up until I leave so that I can get everything packed and put the house up for sale" I replied

"I'm gonna miss you around here Quinn" Karev mumbled

"Hey don't go all soft on me Alex, we've got a surgery to do, save it for Joe's" I laughed "And for the record I'm going to miss you too, there's a lot I couldn't have gotten through without you"

"You're a hard ass Quinn, you never needed anybody" Karev reassured me "You're going to make a kick-ass chief of cardio" his eyes lit up from the smile that was concealed behind his surgical mask

"Thank you Alex" I whispered softly as I placed my hand on his across the table

The surgery was a success and we were finally able to fully repair Jason's heart. It was the little victories like this that made leaving bitter sweet. We closed up Jason and then removed our gowns and gloves and left the OR to scrub out. With a quick goodbye to Alex, I left to check up on the last batch of my patients.

"Hey Andrew" I smiled as I saw Dr DeLuca at the nurses station

"Hey Jamie" he smiled back as he took me into a bear hug "I'll see you at Joe's tonight right?"

"For sure" I laughed as he finally let go "I'm so glad you can make it"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world! I'm going to miss you around these halls Quinn, Grey-Sloan is going to be pretty quiet without you" Andrew admitted

"I'm sure you'll survive without me DeLuca" I teased "But you better visit me in Boston OK!" I warned

"Hey next time Yankees play the Red Sox I'm game, I'm on the next flight over there" he laughed

"Hot dogs on me" I joked

"I'll get the foam fingers dusted down" he grinned playfully

"It's a date" I smiled as I began to walk away

"See you tonight" Andrew called after me

"If you're lucky" I called back with a cheeky wink


"Jamie Quinn I swear you're going to be late to your own funeral" Amelia scolded as I walked through the door into Joe's bar

"Sorry babe, Kayden wasn't settling and the babysitter was running late" I apologized and kissed her sweetly on the lips

"Ayyyyy she's here" Karev yelled from the bar

I laughed at his already half drunken state and made my way in between him and Mer as I ordered a beer.

"This ones on me my love" Alex said as he kissed my cheek and handed Joe the money

"Easy tiger" Amelia butted in between us "Hands off my girl" she warned playfully

Alex raised his hands playfully in the air as he took a dramatic step back "She's all yours but hey, I had her first" he laughed as he turned to go and talk to some of the other attendings

I shook my head at his joke as I wrapped one of my arms around Amelia's waist.

"I love it when you're jealous" I whispered seductively into her ear, nipping the bottom of her earlobe before pulling away

She slapped my ass playfully as she shot me a wink and turned back to the bar to order a drink.

"Hey Quinn, you made it to your own party, well done" Meredith said sarcastically from behind me

"Sorry Mer" I held my hands up in defense "Kayden just didn't want to sleep tonight" I smiled

"Kids huh, who'd have them" she joked as she turned and raised her glass "A toast" she announced loudly, grabbing everyone's attention before continuing "To the incredible surgeon, amazing friend and the strongest person I know Jamie Quinn" she said as a round of clapping and cheering began "And to the best and most annoying sister in law anyone could ask for, Amelia you're a pain in the ass but you're my pain in the ass and I'm going to miss you" Meredith finished as everyone cheered once more and we began clinking glasses

"Before we get too crazy, I just want to say thank you to everyone here" I began solemnly "Each and every one of you has played a vital role in making me the surgeon and the person I am today, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your love, support and kindness." I bowed my head as I felt the tears begin to cloud my vision, I then felt Amelia's supportive arm wrap around me "And to the woman I love" I said looking up into Amelia's eyes "This new start wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for her, she is the love of my life and my savior and I don't get to tell you that often enough" I said lovingly as I kissed her gently and heard a roar of cheering from around me as I began to smile once more. "And to those who are no longer with us but played an instrumental part in each one of our lives. To Maggie Pierce, Derek Shepherd and my hero Arizona Robbins" I said as I raised my glass, and so too did everyone in response

We all sat down then and began to chat amongst ourselves until a voice pulled me from my conversation with Alex and Christina.

"Excuse me, is there a Jamie Quinn here?" A deep, gruff voice called to the crowd

"Yes sir that's me" I replied as I stood from the chair "How can I help you officer?" I asked, worry beginning to wash over me

"Ms Quinn you need to come with me" The officer said bluntly

"I'm sorry sir but what is this about?" I asked in confusion

His eyebrows furrowed in frustration as he had enough of my questioning

"Jamie Quinn you're under arrest for the manslaughter of Arizona Robbins" he began as he approached me and placed me in handcuffs "Anything you say or do will be held against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you-" The officer read me my rights but I stopped listening after he mentioned Arizona's name

Everything felt silent, even though everyone was moving around me and following me outside, asking questions and wondering what the hell was going on. But in my world everything was silent and dark and everyone around me became a blur as I sat into the police cruiser. I watched the faces of everyone who stood outside, confusion, shock, sadness. I placed my face against the cool glass window as we sped off into the night. This was the end for me. I had finally given up. My life as I knew it was now over.



Hi everyone! So this is it! The final chapter of A Little Unsteady. Thank you so much to everyone who has read or is continuing to read my story. Your votes and comments have meant the world to me and I hope you enjoyed reading this just as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Much Love. x

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