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"Quinn, whose service you got this week?" Danny asked curiously as he entered the intern locker room

"I'm on Neuro with Derek Shepherd" I answered enthusiastically

"I'm with Karev, you had him already right? What can I expect?" Danny asked inquisitively

"Right" I nodded "Uh, lots of sweet hugs and kisses" I smiled sarcastically as I stood up to leave the room

"Not cool" he called out just as I shut the door behind me

It had been a month since we started our surgical internship and it certainly wasn't getting any easier, although Joe's certainly helped to take some of the pain away. I made my way down the hallway to the elevator and up to the OR floor. I was about to watch Dr Shepherd perform an intracranial electrode placement surgery on a patient suffering from epilepsy.

"Good morning everyone" Dr Shepherd said as he entered the OR

"Good morning Doctor Shepherd" the scrub nurses and I replied

"All right everyone, it's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's get started." Dr Shepherd said enthusiastically

This surgery is 6 hours long, but one of the shortest in neurosurgery. I knew I had a lot longer ones ahead of me this week. Dr Shepherd has to precisely place electrodes throughout the patient's brain to map exactly where the source of his epileptic fits are coming from. Derek Shepherd is the best in his field and people come from all over the state to be operated on by him. I almost couldn't contain my excitement working for him.

"Dr Quinn why don't you come on over here and get a better look at what I'm doing" Dr Shepherd called over to me

"Thank you sir" I smiled through my mask as I made my way towards the operating table


6 hours later and we had successfully made it through the surgery without any complications. I returned the patient to his room along with Dr Shepherd and monitored his post ops closely.

"Thank you for letting me into your surgery today Dr Shepherd. It was amazing to work with you." I said appreciatively as I took note of the patients SATs

"No problem Dr Quinn. I suggest you go take a nap. We've got a 9 hour surgery coming up this evening. You should rest up." Dr Shepherd said as he went to exit the room

I finished the patients post op care and made my way to the on call room. Praying there wasn't some intern and attending going at it again. I walked into the dark room to find it empty for once. Until a shadowed figure emerged from the corner of the room. I jumped back a little until I saw the familiar face.

"Dr Karev, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there" I huffed as I took a few steps away from the door

"Its fine Quinn" he mumbled as he brushed past me to pick up his white coat off the bed

"Is everything ok sir?" I ask concerned

"Quinn, didn't I tell you to call me Doctor Karev" Karev said loudly as he swung round to face me

"Yes, sorry" I whispered as he hovered extremely close to me

"And to answer your question. I'm fine" Dr Karev now lowered his voice to match mine as he remained face to face with me

"That's good" I could barely muster a whisper as his gaze robbed me of my thoughts

"When are you back on my service?" He asked

"Next week" I whispered a reply feeling the energy build between us

"Good" he mumbled as he leaned in closer. His face now directly in front of mine

Before I could say anything, Alex leaned in and placed his lips gently on mine. Uncertain as to how I would react. But I went with it. He pulled in closer to me and wrapped one arm around my waist as he placed his free hand on my cheek, deepening the kiss. It soon became heated and intense but I knew this was a mistake. Sure, Dr Karev wasn't all bad but he was my attending and I certainly didn't want to get on the wrong side of him. Over the last month we had only ever spoken in Joes. A few late night conversations on a Saturday but that's as far as it went. I slowly pulled away from him and turned to face the door.

"Sorry for disturbing you Doctor" I breathed. Trying to regain my breath after the kiss

"Dr Quinn, wait, I didn't mean, can you just stop for a..." Doctor Karev stuttered as he tried to issue an apology but he couldn't get the words straight

"Forget about it Alex" I mumbled as I opened the door and left in a huff

It was the first time I had said his name like that. I never called him Alex. But it felt strange.

It felt right.

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