Chapter 19

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The conversation with Vision would be awkward at best and downright hard at some moments but they needed to go through that. They both had things to apologise for. Tony should have been more open about his feelings and his grieving. It was difficult to hear Jarvis' voice each time that Vision was talking but it wasn't the android's fault. Vision needed to learn everything about human feelings. He was still a child on many levels. Maximoff's view of the world was very personal to say the least. The Witch had certainly not been the right person to teach him about life. Repercussions and consequences were for others, especially for Tony Stark.

Nobody had acknowledged Jarvis' death, not even Rhodey, not really. His best friend had seen him building the AI but he didn't understand the link Tony and Jarvis had anyway. It was just a robot, a piece of technology albeit an advanced one. The genius was being difficult as always. More than his diva behaviour, Jarvis dying was Tony's fault. Ultron had killed Jarvis but Ultron was Tony's creation. That wasn't exactly the entire truth but who cared. To Steve, Maximoff couldn't do no wrong even if she had tried to kill them all earlier.

More than what they had done wrong in the past, Vision wanted to talk about how he could improve his future. He wanted to learn about everything and experience it all for himself. There was no better place than a university for that and Vision wanted to go, with his brand new friend at that. The android was a bit nervous about not fitting in and Barnes being there would certainly help with that.

Vision had started a friendship with James Barnes asking Tony if it was ok first. He didn't want to systematically be friends with Tony's worst enemies. Things were evolving that way on their own. James wasn't really responsible for the Stark's murder. Barnes had been Hydra's weapon. In the bunker, he had just been answering badly to a shitty situation. Fight or flight type of reaction. Tony had been angrier at Rogers more than anything. Mr 'My teammates don't tell me things' was keeping the biggest secret. Tony was actually glad to know that Bucky Barnes had somebody else than Rogers to count on. The Captain would want his friend to follow him through thick and thin even if it wasn't what Barnes would have wanted. Tony was actually impressed by the ex Winter Soldier. Going through a trial for the crimes his hands hac committed even if his mind wasn't into it, would not be easy. Tony knew how hard the public scrutiny could be.

"So what do you want to study?" asked Tony to the android.

"I was thinking about learning psychology after everything that had happened with Wanda. But I think philosophy might be a better starting point for me. I do know a lot but it feels all very unorganised and messy. So maybe philosophy."

"You have all your life in front of you. Who knows... You might end up learning both. You can do it all, Vision. Never believe otherwise." said Tony with a soft smile.

The genius would make sure that his son could study whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted. Money was made for that exactly. Tony would provide all his children everything they needed and more, android, AIs and humans alike. He had no doubt that Peter, Harley and the Barton's children would go far in life. University or not, Tony wanted to be there each step of the way and help at best as he could. If they needed accommodations, school fees or maybe a bit of spending money to enjoy life, the genius would do it. Not only that, he would help, give advice, anything to make their lives as best as could be.

Tony had thought a lot about everything that had happened and there was still a bit of lingering guilt about Barnes. The soldier had his life stolen from him in the worst way possible. Tony had always regretted his gut reaction in Siberia. If Steve had been honest from the start, nothing would have happened this way. That chapter of the genius' life needed to be closed forever.

Barnes was a special case. There was no denying that the Winter Soldier had inflicted horrors to others. James had already paid the high price, seventy years of torure. Steve didn't seem to understand that James would want another life now, far away from the fights and pains. Rogers never really understood the needs of others when they weren't aligned with his. Bullies existed, no doubt about that.Tony had met his fair share during his school year. Younger and smarter than any of his classmates, he had been an easy target. That, way before MIT and Rhodey protecting his skinny white ass. The definition of bullying that Steve had was a little too broad. Not sharing his point of view didn't mean they were all bullies.

Barnes seemed genuinely curious about this new world he was living in. He already had made more effort to adapt than Rogers ever had. Hydra had made sure to keep its weapon up to date, waking him up regularly. It was also a question of nature. The propaganda had always pictured Barnes as a nerd, reading science fiction books and getting tickets for the Stark Expo. They also said he was a womaniser. Steve had always looked at the genius with so much disdain for the exact same thing. Why? Really James and Tony were quite similar, each in their own time. The genius might have been too close to what Barnes could have been without the war and Hydra interfering. James had not enrolled, he had been drafted. The dream of soldiers' glory was all Steve and only his.

Tony bought a flat for Vision, big enough for two to live comfortably, near the university. The deed was under the android's name. The genius still didn't want to come back on Earth in any way, shape or form. Vision had needed a proper identity, and had actually wanted one. He wanted to be more humane and so, chose Stark as a surname. Tony had almost cried at that. He thought that he didn't deserve such an honour.

Vision had been using his human skin a little too much. The look of others could be so hard sometimes. Tony had been trying to make the android feel welcomed and as good as possible in his own skin. People surrounding the android were working together to make him feel included. He was now surrendered by people who wanted the best for him. James and Vision had now a shot at a new life, at growth, at a whole future.

Banner wanted to meet, after all this time. Rhodey had passed the message. The Colonel had self appointed in that position. Tony would have simply ignored all those people. His brother from another mother was still more diplomatic than he was. The genius just didn't care anymore. These people had not been there when he needed them. Yet Bruce had a special place in Tony's heart. They could have been friends, science bro. They had been for a while. Science had brought them together. Science had broken them apart. They had all said that Tony had forced Bruce in the lab, to work on Ultron with him. Was it even possible? The genius had thought and thought again about that day. He had not been himself thanks to Maximoff. The sceptre had played its part. The entity inside was what had created Ultron really, not him, not Banner. Tony had not shied away from his responsibility and Bruce had gone somewhere off planet.

Shawarma wasn't as good as he remembered. They weren't riding the high of a victory this time. Memory had this crazy way to make everything look either way better or a lot worse. They talked a lot and really listened to one another. Things weren't the same between them obviously. There was always room for improvement.

"Did you know I recreated the beaming technology from Star Trek? And the kids want to learn how to make a lightsaber. It will be a lot of fun. I wonder how far we can go with the beam. Like Asgard. Asgard doesn't exist anymore but what they used without the scorched mark on the lawn that is. That was such a pain for the gardeners. Imagine how far in the galaxy we could explore!"

Tony was rambling like every time he was over excited by Science. He didn't care now to know if it was annoying people. He was who he was and that was it.

"I was actually wondering about that. Or maybe put some kind of door on each side to create a predestined pathway. We would need only to put coordinates in to choose where to go.. Obviously it would mean going there by some other means first..."

Bruce was responding to his ideas with others. Tony had missed that a lot. When they met all together with the kids that day had been glorious. The children were smart with new ideas only a new generation could get. Bruce wanted nothing more than being part of their little family. Tony had decided he would, only little by little. The genius wouldn't let the bitterness win. They would not get the best of him. It only hurt one person and that was himself. Tony wouldn't live like that.

Laura didn't know what to do. She thought she had moved on from Clint and it was the case on so many levels. Unfortunately, the man was still the father of their three children. General Ross wasn't a problem anymore and the war was over. Clint had died saving them or at least trying. That should count for something. It looked like a suidide if you asked Tony. The archer had nothing to live for anymore so why bother? Tony knew the feeling too well. He himself had toyed with the idea of ending it all often. The children should be able to see both their parents if they wanted to. If they didn't want to, Laura would make sure that they knew they could but she wasn't about to force them either way.

For a moment, Laura thought that Clint would go to court and get a judge to sign custody to him or a shared one. She had opened up to Tony. This wasn't the Clint they knew but then again they had been really surprised by the people they were meant to know.

"I won't go." shouted Cooper. "I don't want to see him and you can't force me!"

"Your mother isn't forcing you kid. She is just giving you the choice. It's entirely up to you." intervened Tony.

This wasn't the kind of conversation the genius was comfortable with but he knew a thing or two about shitty fathers. So Tony talked to Cooper. He shared a lot of things about Howard. Not the worst of course. Nobody needed to know that. Despite everything, the genius would have done anything to have, at least, one more conversation with his father. Perhaps Tony wouldn't have had the answers to his questions. He had many of them. Why have a son to ignore him most of his life? Was his legacy that important? What did he see in Captain America?

In the long run, the answers weren't as important as what people thought. They would always be lacking, not being what you wanted to hear or on the opposite too close to the truth. But Tony could have told everything to his father, everything he had in his heart, everything that had been weighing him down for so long. That conversation would have set him free on many levels. Cooper didn't need to have this talk with his father now and maybe not ever but Laura was making it sure it would be possible easily anyway. One day Cooper would understand.

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