Welcome to the family

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*Welcome to the family*

So here at DumblediusClaudore we believe you should embrace your inner fangirl and use it to improve the fandom world, whether it be with fanfics, fangirling or just general ERMAGERSH I SHIP IT. Basically, feel free to be yourself and spread the love...and the food.

*shares around doughnuts and cake*

Right, everybody got some? Good. Let's continue.

So we came up with this idea that every week we'll upload a 'little bit of random' and get you guys involved too. Whether it be discussing your favourite fandom, or fangirling over an otp that just became cannon, we can all join in with this bloggy type book discussion thing and have fun! (Cheesy I know, but cheese is good in small doses)

So we hope to see you all soon on this bloggy book type discussion thingy (we really need a shorter name) and share our little bits of random.

See you soon!


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