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More Hunger Games because I watched Argylle today and don't know what to say- 

"C'mon, hop-hop! The train won't wait forever!" Tikkie rushed the two Tributes who were silently following the purple dressed woman. "Well for me he'd wait but that's off-topic" she added and chuckled over her own thoughts. 

Natalia tried to keep up with her mentor. She didn't like being last and especially now she wanted to stay in the top of ranks. 

William on the other hand seemed empty and cold. His eyes were fixed on the ground and he held his head low as the young man passed the rows of Peacekeepers. 

A long metal train was steaming, ready to make his way to the Capitol. The bright sun sparked off the shining surface when the doors slid open for the Tributes to step in. 

"Up-up, in you go! You can admire everything later! We have a day of travelling before all the big parties, so be patient!" Tikkie hushed even if the two Teenagers were everything but excited. 

The train rumbled and started to move. Natalia glanced out of the window to see the crowd of people clapping and cheering for their Tributes. Oh, if only they knew. 

Seeing all of these children and families, Nat remembered something. "What happened with Mike?" She turned around to look at William who was grimmly sitting on a leather sofa.  

The boy raised his head at her voice and sat up straighter. "Well, I think his reaction at the Reaping said everything." He tried to smile which looked more like a grimasse. 

Natalia lowered herself onto an armchair in front of him. "I think it was very brave of you to volunteer. Not everyone has the guts to do that." She said honestly in an attempt to cheer him up.

He scoffed. "It doesn't matter. He hates me." Will shook his head. "Either I'll die or come back to a family who abandons me out of spite." His voice was quiet. 

Nat put a strand of loose hair behind her ear, thinking. But before she could say anything else, Tikkie bursted in, putting on purple sunglasses, with Duke Coulson strutting right behind her.  

"Well, well, well. What a day! And it hasn't even ended yet." The woman spoke dramatically while gracefully sitting on a cushion. "We'll briefly show you the train and your apartments. Then dinner will be served. Finishing off, we'll see the videos of the Reaping in the other Districts so you'll see who your competetors will be.", She explained with a doll-like smile. 

"Will, you'll come with me. As for you, Nat, Décours will help you with everything." Coulson stated with his raspy voice. 

Natalia exchanged a look with the boy before both of them got up from their seats, more or less motivated. 

The mentor of the two Teenagers nodded and swiftly led William away to the wagon where the male employes had been accommodated.

Nat stared at Tikkie who was trying to smile in a comforting way. "Looks like we've got some woman-time now-" 

The young girl made her way to her own wagon. "Time out" , she cut her off.


For the next hours of travelling, Nat stayed locked in her apartment. She kept her eyes on the ceiling, blinding out the sounds of rumbling. Slowly the realisation hit. 

She would be going into the arena. 

She had to kill other kids. Kids with families and friends. 

Small tears tickled down her cheeks and she hated herself for that. 

Her hands started to shake and she tried to calm herself down by picking off loose threads off her red dress. The thought of it made her laugh. It was like a curse lay on it, dooming everyone who wore it to die a gruesome death. 

When the time hit seven, Natalia got up in a sudden rush of motivation. She quickly undressed and got into something more comforting. 

Comforting meaning a huge sweater and underpants. 

Barefoot, she tapped through the wagons, only having one thrilling thought spin through her mind: Food. 

Sliding open the doors to the kitchen, she slipped in and collected everything that seemed edible enough. Her hand hesitantly hovered over a pack of Pop-Tarts. "Fuck it, I'm going to die anyways" She grabbed it. 

Arms full, she made her way to Will's apartment, almost kicking down his door. 

He shot up like someone had just electrified him. "What are you doing here, what happened-" He stopped, only now taking in her appearence. His eyes landed on the huge pile of junkfood in the girl's arms and he raised his eyebrows. 

Nat shrugged. "I've found some stuff." "This sounds like you're selling drugs" "Shut up, just make some space." She dropped the things that promised a sugar rush and placed them in order.  

Nat sat down criss-cross, gesturing for Will to follow her actions. "What is this about?" His voice was sceptical, yet amused. "Well, I figured they won't have that kind of stuff on the big parties and since we both probably won't live long enough to taste something like this again, I thought now couldn't be a better opportunity" she simply explained, opening a bag of chocolate chips.

Will observed the girl in front of him for a second before he chuckled and shook his head. "This morning you wouldn't even talk to me and now you're stealing food for us?" 

Nat's glance found his. "I can bring it back if you want to" The boy rolled his eyes, laughing. Then he leaned over the little mountain of candy. "What else do you got?" 

Nat didn't actually know why she did it but it made her feel a little better. Rather die by the hand of a friend than an enemy. 

"What where you two thinking?!" Tikkie's enraged voice made her accent heavier than ever. "The chef has been preparing meals for you and where do I find you? In a pile of chocolate wrappers!" 

Duke Coulson scratched his chin. "You can't blame 'em though" Tikkie looked at him, betrayed. "Everything's better than that weird salad" "That salad was fine cabbage with rasped carrots and the best sun-riped tomatoes from the Capitol!" 

Nat crossed her arms, trying to look serious. Next to her, Will was already failing. 

The sugar was slowly hitting and the two teenagers were giggling like small children. 

"You two won't be able to sleep tonight! Do you have any idea how terrible you're going to look tomorrow? Right in front of the Capitol!" 

Will nodded seriously. "Yes and that would be horrible" He agreed but his cheeks were red from laughter. 

Tikkie gave up and started wild prayers in spanish, which could be understood as curses too, while Duke wondered if the kids may have gotten hold of the alcohol chocolate. 

During the next few minutes, they all forgot the dark story of why they were here. If only those feelings would stay.


"Here they are, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Tributes of District one!" Distant clapping and cheering came from the TV. 

The small group of people was sitting at the dinnertable -"Fresh Mahagoni!", as Tikke has proudly stated- watching the Reapings from the other Districts. 

Natalia had an open notebook in front of her, jotting down everything that could be important about her new enemies. 

The two siblings from District one, Mariah and Cole Fisher, both with firey red hair and a freckled face, were proudly waving and laughing. The TV showed them, Cole having an arm around his sister who smiled confidently. 

They both had this evil spark in their blue eyes, looking dangerously sure of their victory. Nat already knew she wouldn't like these two. 

"I can't belive what Mirana is wearing, she looks ridicoulus!" Tikkie complained about the District one mentor while examining her nails. Coulson looked at her with his eyes squinted.

When District two appeared on screen and the fight between the two brothers was presented, the whole room seemed to darken. 

Natalia could feel Will next to her tensing up. She felt sorry for him. She couldn't even imagine the feeling of the person who you loved most hating you. If Mike could only understand what Will had done for him. 

When they got to District four, her attention was drawn back to the screen. The fishing industry was cleary recognizable from the wide rivers flowing directly through the city.

 Natalia's friend, Elisabeth Crossgrove lived there. A petite girl with ocean blue eyes, that had a vicious spark. She had her sleek, silvery blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail. For people who didn't knew her, she seemed like an bright, honest young woman. But behind that smile, she hid the greatest collection of dark secrets Panem could think of. 

She and Nat knew eachother since they were little kids and they went to school together until her parents moved away. 

When Liz got selected as a Tribute, Nat let herself sink back into her chair. "Are they fucking kidding me?! Are they doing that on purpose?" She covered her face and let out a frustrated groan. Her heart dropped in disappointment. She couldn't fight another friend in the arena. 

Elisabeth's competetor was a tall blond boy with a pretty face called James Brown. His muscles where visible even through his shirt and when he winked at the camera, some girlish screams could be heard from the crowd. 

James put his arm around Lizzie's waist. She smiled but not in a happy way. More like she knew his biggest secret. When James loosened himself and strutted off the stage, Lizzie flashed an evil grin and hid his wallet in her pocket. 

Big drama happened in District eight when a young boy called Henry Freeman got selected. He wasn't older than twelve and he looked incredibly small next to the buff girl who got chosen as the female Tribute. 

A woman that seemed to be his mother bursted into tears when the black haired boy stepped forward, his shaking hands visible even through the screen. He could be seen over the different monitors trying to get a brave expression on his youthful face but the screams of sorrow from his mother even pinched Nat's heart. 

The last notes she wrote down where about the male Tribute from District ten. His name was Leo Ferrai and even if he was a year younger than Nat, she saw the danger behind that innocent face. And after he had shot a wicked grin at the camera, she knew not to mess with that kid. 

The evening was finished with the Tributes from twelve, two scrawny kids who looked like they've never heard of a proper shower, a warm meal excluded. Nat just knew they wouldn't survive the first day and they seemed to know that too. 

There's this really sad dog documentary on TV and I'm bawling my eyes out 

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