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Things that I love


Red autumns

The sound of rain against my window

When it's cold outside but you're snuggled in a warm blanket, with your favorite show on the TV


Seeing my little sister happy

When a drawing turns out good

The smell of fire. Not hair burning fire, but more like, a christmas fire with self-knitted sweaters and hot chocolate. A Weasley fire. 

Hot brownies with vanilla ice cream and raspberries

Dancing in the kitchen with loud music and cooking something with my best friend

British accents

Realizing that I can rap the fast part of "Rap God"

Making others laugh

Diving in the ocean

Hugging my favorite people

Silver rings

The smell of books

Driving at night

Laser Tag


Playing the piano

Converse/ Chucks

Cargo pants

Movie evenings

Compliments from random strangers online

Watching old photos or videos with my family and remembering things

Early spring air

Watching Rugby

Sweet tea 

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