sadly today is the 28th.

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It's been a while since I wrote down a dream

Okay so since I'm writing a math exam tomorrow, which has been bothering me for weeks already, I had this nightmare that I was late for school and that I didn't know most of the topics because I was fighting for my immune system's life for a whole week. 

That made me panic and I started crying on the roof of the Empire State building. 
Then suddenly, Blackjack appeared (the Pegasus from Percy Jackson) and beat me senseless. 

Next thing I knew, I was being kidanpped by a flying horse who kept talking to me like I was his dissappointing son.

No matter how much I was trying to explain that I couldn't miss this exam, he dropped me off at Camp Halfblood, which broke my ribs in the process. 

Then a wild horde of dryads made grass grow over my sprawled limbs because they thought I was already dead and just another one of the many corpses around me. 
Apparently Blackjack really needed to fix his way of transporting kids. 

Now that I was slowly being eaten alive by ants and grass, I kinda gave up on trying to do math, but my teacher suddenly appeared, did the griddy, told me I failed his class, then backflipped away again. 

That made me break out in tears again, but this time, the sun literally shot a deadly laser at me and burned off my skin. 

Then I "woke up", thinking it was all just a dream and that I was safe now, but no.
My teacher came back, handing out sheets of empty paper and I suddenly found myself back in class again. 

That's when I realized that I had just imagined myself finishing the exam, and that I still have to write it. 

So I had to go through that torture again, my calculator wasn't working, I forgot my ruler and somehow was wearing crocs instead of shoes, so that everyone could see my dawgs. 

And the best part is, now I really have to write it tomorrow. 
I basically had to write the same exam three times.

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