Got 'em, guilty, your honor you heard them-

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Men I'd feel safe with: 

-John Krasinski 

-Ryan Reynolds 

-Ryan Gosling 

-Chris Pratt

-Tom Hiddleston

-Dwayne The Rock Johnson 

-Lin Manuel Miranda 

-Robert Sheehan

-Anthony Mackie

-Paul Rudd

-David Castañeda

-all of the Sturniolos 

-Jack Black

-Henry Cavill

-Conan Gray

-Pedro Pascal

-Taylor Lautner 

-Terry Crews

-Adam Sandler

-Andy Samberg 

-Keanu Reeves 

-Oscar Isaac 

-Jimmy Fallon

-Andrew Garfield 

-Jeff Goldblum 

Men that should feel unsafe with me because I started hitting people with my metal scooter: 

-Kanye West

-Scooter Braun

-Mark Zuckerberg 

-Jake Gyllenhaal

-Andrew Tate


-Napoleon (you heard me) 


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