For an Allman like me

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I randomly wrote a tiny Spider-sona oneshot during a 3h car ride and almost threw up, so enjoy

Ducking from one of the robotic arms, I shot another sling at Liv in attempt to stop her from demolishing half of Brooklyn.  

My attack hit its target, but only for a short moment, before it was torn apart by four metallic claws like it was nothing but a piece of cloth, and not a specifically modified fabric I've worked on for months. 

But sure, go ahead. Shred my hard work to confetti; I totally don't mind. 

"Come on now, Doc! You can't be seriously trying to murder him??", I gestured at the man that was cowering behind a flipped taxi and who I had been protecting from flying rubble for almost five minutes now.

I had no idea where this woman had come from. I mean, I knew her from the science videos we always watched at school. But there she usually talked about multiverses and other physics stuff I didn't understand.

And from what I've seen of her, she'd never seemed like the revengeful type of woman. 

But now she was apparently determined to commit manslaughter. And with her eight highly advanced robot tentacle-arm-thinggies, she was close to acheving that point on her to-do list by tearing out parts of the street and hurling them at me and the man behind me. 

"Uhm...Miss'am? Is this really about world domination or... something else??", I yelled over the noise of helicopters and panicked pedestrians. 

Supporting herself on four of the eight metal arms that stuck out of her back, Doctor Olivia Octavius readjusted her goggles, tears of fury and pain rolling down her cheeks. That, together with the messy red hair that struck out in every direction, really made the woman look like a mad scientist. 

She scoffed, one of the arms lashing out like a snake that attacked. 

"He cheated on me...with my SISTER!", her shrill voice bounced off the skyscrapers. 

"What?!", I got up from my crouching position, letting my arms drop. 

Turning around on the upside down car I was standing on, I looked down at the man who wore the expression of a toddler that got caught stealing cookies.

I threw up my hands in disappointment, "Dude, seriously!?" 

Next to me, I saw Liv's shadow towering over his shaking figure. 

"I gave you everything I had! After three years, I have to find out you were just using me?! I loved you, Marcus!"

"Yeah, what the hell, Marcus!?" 

He flinched when he suddenly had two women shouting at him. 

"Livie, please, let me explain-"

"DON'T call me that!"

"If you gave me a chance-"

But Olivia was on a run now, throwing out all the words that had apparently been bothering her for months. 

"Who came over at two am when your fridge broke down?! Who fixed all of your stupid little problems in your job?! Who rejected a promotion because she wanted to spend more time with you?! I did. And all of that for you to break up with me on our anniversary?!" 

"Bro!", I threw in my helpful as always comments. 

Marcus seemed to be crumbling into himself with every thing she accused him with, as if she was stabbing him with her voice. 

I craned my neck to look up at the scientist, who hovered above a hill of trash and rubble, her metal arms angrily circling around her as if they were protecting their mother from harm. 

"Girl, I am so sorry" 

From my peripheral vision, I noticed Marcus trying to scramble out of sight, which I quickly ended by shooting one of my webs and pinning him against the window of a closed convenience store. Still, my attention was fixed on the woman in front of me. 

Doc. Ock sniffed her nose, furiously rubbing the tears from her cheeks.

"For once I take a break from work, getting to know somebody, like my mother always advised me to and look where that got me!"

In the distance, I could already hear the police sirens blaring through the crowded streets of New York. 

Swinging up on a lamp post, I crouched down to meet her eyes. 

"You have every right to be angry. I absolutely support that. But trust me, he is so not worth going to jail for", I gestured at the guy who was struggling against the wristband of webs, "Do you really want to risk your job and everything you've worked for because of a man?!" 

Below us, a small crowd of pedestrians who hadn't instantly fled the scene were now reappearing from behind cars and flipped benches, some already with their phones out. 

One of the metal arms creaked ominously and I tried my best to keep her attention on me. 

"Look, I know you're hurt and you feel betrayed. Trust me, I really do. But you've got so much more to live for and invest your energy in. Have you tried painting?", I slowly raised my hands, trying to keep up the smalltalk that would distract her anger onto something else. 

"I...I know a good graffiti spot. We could spray his face on there and then...throw bricks at it or something", I shrugged my shoulders. 

Clearly, I didn't know how to talk to adults, but my words seemed to have worked their magic. 

After what felt like an eternity, Olivia Octavius straightened her back, letting her metal arms retrace into the contraption on her back, now hovering in front of me with only two arms to support her. 

"You are quite the amusing young lady", she tilted her head in mild interest. 

I saw that as a good sign. 

Now I just hoped that the police wouldn't come and ruin things for me again. 

As if she had heart my thoughts, the doctor turned her head towards the noise of approaching police cars. 

Looking back at me once again, she lowered her head in a small bow, the robotic arms sprawling out to climb up the nearest wall and letting bricks rain onto the street beneath them. 

As glad as I was that she'd found back to sanity, I still wished that she'd get rid of these destruction-happy tentacles. 

She'd disappeared just in time, because just before I could start swinging down to shoo away the noisy crowd, the first vehicles rounded the corner and came to a sudden halt with screeching tires. 

And -of course- only several seconds later, I had multiple guns pointed at my chest

"Alright, Arachnia, you're surrounded. Put your hands up!", the voice of Captain Stacy sounded even worse when he spoke through his beloved megaphone. 

"Captain! How nice of you to finally join us! What brings me the honour this time, if I may ask?", I got up, still balancing on the street lamp, obviously ignoring the guns and his orders. My voice was muffled through the mask, but they'd be able to hear me just fine. 

"You let a criminal get away!"

"Well, that's not true. He's right there!", offended, I gestured to Marcus, who looked like a mix of shock and outrage, besides still hanging helplessly from the store's glowing sign that talked about pickles being 50% off. 

"You know damn right who I was talking about! Olivia Octavius is now a wanted criminal and you let her escape just like that!" 

"Of course I did! She's not dangerous!"

"She was openly attempting murder-!"

"Only attempting it. She was hurt! Never heard of female rage?!"

"Enough with those games! By letting her off, you're now in on the crime and therefore, I must arrest you!"

Oh, that old story again. 

"I diffused a bomb! If you would've caught her, she'd have that anger bottled up and eventually escaped. Now she got the chance to let go and handle her feelings differently! If anything I did y'all a favor. Again", rocking back and forth on my toes, I pointedly put my hands on my hips. 

"I will not tolerate this disrespect! Arachnia, you're under arrest!", the Captain's voice cracked through the megaphone. 

"Aaand that's my cue-", jumping from the lamp, I heart several guns going off at once. 

Using my self-made webs, I swung myself away from the scene, but not before slapping a sticky note with middlefinger drawn all over it onto Marcus' forehead. 

"Thank you for your cooperation, Captain!", I saluted him when I soared past him, the tips of my Converse almost scratching the concrete floor. 

Flying through the dirty New York air, I used my body's momentum to swing from building to building. Balconies and store roofs were the perfect checkpoints to bounce off, even if it might've given some of the older New Yorkers a small heart attack. 

You might've been wondering who I thought I was to bully the police and make friends with supervillains. 

Well, alright then. Let's do this one more time. 

My name is Leah Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for four months now, I've been the one and only Spider-woman. 

Actually, it's Arachnia, but most people can't pronouce that, so it's fine. 

Anyways, during these four months, I managed to get on great terms with the police, finish my biology project, defeat some bad guys, eat dinner from time to time, practice my totally amazing guitar skills, and even make time for bonding time with my little sister.

I desinged my suit, even stitched some stuff onto it. My teacher got pregnant, now we have this old crackie who can't do basic math. 

I can't neither, so I won't judge. 

Then I saved my best friend, Gray Stacy, from throwing himself off a building. He doesn't know it was me, of course, but I still try to look after him when we're in school. 

I started listenting to Arctic Monkeys, almost got myself outed as Bi by some French-croissant dudes, and pierced my ear for my birthday. 

Being Spider-woman is...quite something, yeah. 

You get to do all of that cool shit like swinging through New York and suddenly getting good grades in PE... but you can't tell anyone about all of that. 

And that's probably the worst part. Because I'm terrible at keeping things to myself. 

But, oh well, guess I gotta learn that the hard way. 

Spelling and grammar is nonexistent with this one, boys. 

But I just wanted to show y'all, because I got so excited for finally writing something again. 

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