So I was in that old creepy house from Wonka, but it was more like a tavern than a house, with all sorts of secret doors and nooks.
In the basement, there was this really big like, cave or smth where they had all kinds of African animals stored in wooden boxes and shit.
The penguins of Madagascar parcoured over the boxes until Rico got brutally eaten by a zebra. The funeral was the next morning. It was terrifying.
Me and my family kinda stayed there overnight and in order to get to our room, we had to pull at a chandelier and then use a trap door/elevator to get to the room.
Then suddenly, I was stuck alone in a room with all kinds of cob webs and old mirrors, and from outside I heard the music from that one Harry Potter scene where he's wearing the invisability cloak to look for Nicholas Flamell in the restricted library.
Harsh cut.
I was back at home. The neighbours girl who keeps stalking us was there too and talked about a VR game day at my parents' firm.
Suddenly I was teleported into the game and it was about Spiderman and the whole multiverse, but in the style of Fortnite. And you could design your own powers and characters and stuff.
Then I was just kinda swinging around and somehow crash-landed in front of Miles, breaking my face in the proccess.
Then there was an Ultron-Optimus-Prime-Spider-hybrid, which suddenly became super huge and had several heads that all looked like one of the Avengers ( I could only remember Ironman and Hulk)
And then it all fused into a tornado-thinggy like the Wither from Minecraft.
Not my feed constantly showing me edits of the Sturniolo triplets-
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