Anger Tears Families Apart

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"Are you going back to Mandalor?" Ezra asked Evelyn. They were back onboard the Ghost. Evelyn was packing up her things. They were few.

"I have to," Evelyn said. "My mom is dead. I had no brothers and sisters. My aunt never married. That means I'm the last remaining person eligible to be the Duchess."

"But what about us? What about the crew?" Ezra asked.

"You guys were fine without me before. You'll be fine without me now," Evelyn told him, glancing around the room one final time.

"Can't we at least come with you?" Ezra pleaded. "We could be extra protection."

"The politics of Mandalor are too dangerous for you guys," Evelyn said. "Besides, you all stick out too much. Mandalor is known for mainly only housing Mandalorians. You, Kanan and Sabine could blend. The others would draw too much attention."

"If anything happens, we'll be there as soon as we can," Ezra promised. Evelyn laughed and shook her head.

"I'll keep that in mind, but I doubt you could be there in time," she said.

"Just stay out of trouble, alright?" Ezra said.

"Sure, I will as soon as you guys stop resisting the Empire," Evelyn replied while rolling her eyes. She walked past Ezra. The Ghost already felt oddly empty without her.

--- three weeks later ---

Ezra walked down the streets of the small settlement. Evelyn had already been gone three weeks. He wished he knew what was happening, but the rebels had been unable to gain any access to the holonet. Hopefully she wasn't getting into too much trouble.

"We should probably get back to the Ghost soon," Sabine commented from beside him. He nodded. After the recent bounty hunter missions, the rebels had plenty of credits. They had started visiting the settlements of Lothal more, particularly the town they were in at the moment. The Empire's attention seemed to be on more important matters.

"Come on," a mother said to her son, a little boy who was playing in the dirt nearby, as she helped her husband close up their stall. "After we close up shop, we're leaving."

"Where are we going mommy?" the boy asked, looking up.

"To Mandalor, and to your Auntie Mabel's. Remember Auntie Mabel?" the mom asked.

"Ok," the little boy said, crouching back down and poking at the dirt. Ezra smiled, although the exchange made him miss his own parents more than ever.

"Watch out!" Sabine shouted, grabbing Ezra and dragging him to the side. He heard the sound of TIE Fighters above. They fired, blasting away at the buildings. Fire, rubble and smoke exploded in all directions. Ezra covered his head with his arms. He could hear screaming and crying.

When Ezra looked up, his eyes found the little boy. He was in tears, looking at the ruins of the stall where his parents had been moments before without really understanding. Ezra felt a pang in his heart. The stall was buried in fire and stone.

"Come on kid," Ezra said, standing and taking the little boy's hand. "It's going to be ok. I'm going to take you somewhere safer."

The kid turned to look up at Ezra. Ezra almost released the boy's arm in shock. It couldn't be. Ezra had thought he would never see that face again.

"Conner?" Ezra asked. The little boy squinted. Ezra mentally shook himself. Conner had died. It was true that this little boy and Conner shared an uncanny resemblance. But he couldn't be Conner. Both boys had black hair and green eyes. But this was a little boy, not Conner. Conner had been much older, almost older than Ezra himself.

"Come on," Ezra repeated. He picked the little kid up and followed Sabine through the wreckage. They reached the Ghost and rushed onboard. Moments later the bay doors closed and the ship flew into space.

"We made it," Zeb said, entering the Bay Area with Kanan and Hera. "That was a close call if I ever saw one."

"Ezra, who is the little boy?" Kanan asked.

"He looks almost exactly like Conner," Hera said in surprise.

"We can't keep him," Zeb said while folding his arms.

"His parents died in the attack," Sabine told the others quietly. The little boy had stopped crying, but he still hadn't said a word.

"Both of them?" Kanan asked thoughtfully. Ezra nodded.

"How sad," Hera said, holding her hands over her heart.

"We can't keep him here with us," Zeb protested.

"But we can't just leave him on the street! That's no life for a little kid!" Ezra said.

"Zeb does have a point," Kanan told Ezra.

"Kanan, that is an adorable little boy," Hera said sternly, poking Kanan in the chest. "His parents just died. He has no family that we know of. We are not leaving him in the streets or at some orphanage." Kanan held his hands up in surrender.

"What I meant to say was that Zeb had a point, but Ezra did too," Kanan told them all. "He can stay, at least until we find his family."

"That's what I thought," Hera told him.

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