Chapter 9.4: One-sided

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It seems that it traumatized part of my ego, whereas my other ego, although wishing to tear her asunder, reluctantly went back. With the sound of three thunders and three flashes, I returned.

"Oh good, I was worried you didn't actually care for these slaves. Well good for you, proving me wrong." Helena sneered, her face looked fairly happy, after everything that has happened. It seems that all of the defeated people, including Albert and the mages ended up sitting by. Yusalf stood there, sharing the same smile as his aunt. "Now then, I won't kill any of them. As long as you come back into our custody, then I won't hurt anybody."

"No, let all of them free. In exchange, you can have me."

Helena snapped her fingers, and immediately, some of the unconscious slaves were stabbed.

"Noo!" I screamed. Gritted my teeth, I was close to going into full assault.

"Ah, ah, ah." Helena waggled her finger, as one of her men was already beside Skadi, with her sword at her neck by a soldier. "You like this one, don't you? I saw how you were talking to her. If I'm not mistaken, she's your roommate. So, I bet she helped orchestrate all of this. So her death will be nothing more than penance."

I ended up looking at her and the soldier, with his blade right besides her neck. There were only a few inches. And out of my range of Domain Dervish to completely reach them. But perhaps if I went all out, I could make it there. And if not, I could use healing magic to at least heal her. Though it would be risky. Even still, I doubt she would want to have her life any more in the palms of their hands as it already was.

"Slaves are an expendable resource for nobles. However, letting them go, that just won't do. That would be like saying we don't deserve to be nobles. That is absolutely unacceptable." Helena began to monologue, comfortable to, but also wishing to exert her ideology in any way, shape or form. Even still, she retained a battle-ready sharpness even then, noticing even the littlest details. She ended up pausing, before looking at the soldier whose sword was hovering over Skadi. "What's your name, soldier?"

"Lieutenant Miller, ma'am."

"Lieutenant Miller, next time that elf moves from her spot, even if it's just a little, kill that wolf girl."

'But of course, ma'am." He said, now keenly looking at me. He looked like a robot, his eyes connected to his arms connected to his sword connected to the very life of Skadi.

"No matter how fast you are, not even you can reach her in time."

She must have realized I was going to book it towards Skadi. So she decided to make the Lieutenant more alert of me.

I could feel my legs grow stiff, feeling akin to lead as I began to stand frozen in place. Even the dagger that I pulled out using "Quick draw" and slight-of-hand ended up dropping to the ground.

"Good girl. Dallen." She commended someone else.

Dallen, who seemed to be one of her assistants, was one of the people who got absolutely floored by that claymore cannon attack I pulled on them before making my leave. Combat medic soldiers, versed in healing magic, finally ended up helping him recover, allowing him to stand once again. But even after that, Helena once again began to order him around. I would have pitied him if it wasn't for the damage he pulled on a few of my people.

Rushing over to his lady, he awaited his orders.

"Dallen, please bring back some of my suppression shackles and collars I have been working on."

"Right away."

As he did that, there was once again silence, but this only allowed everyone to recover. The slaves were tied up in a group before being encircled by the men who were at spearpoint as well, if it wasn't already enough to threaten Skadi's life.

"So, what are your plans with me?" I asked. "I should at least get that before being enslaved again."

"You will be merely a toy for the Alkermans. For any and all of our desires from you. You'll be sucked dry and anything and everything you can do for us. And then rather than discard you, will keep you for the shell that you are. Nothing more than a trophy to collect dust. You'll be the Alkermans for generations and generations to come."

A life like that would be torture, no doubt. I don't know how I would handle it. After everything that happened, although this was nothing more than a quest for me, these lives mean quite a lot to me. It was a feeling I had with the previous Lumiya and how I saw her before I even incarnated as the next iteration of her. I would have replaced my life for hers if it meant saving her. I guess I did that by incarnation, but still.

Dallen ended up coming back with a small chest. Opening it, it looked akin to mythril levels of bangles, upon touching it, it seemed to shimmer with even more enchantments than before.

"There we go. Now she'll never cross us again."

"I'm guessing that's worse than the previous suppression stuff?"

"For you they be worse,  I'm sure. As for the Alkerman family, these bangles, after being thoroughly made, are meant to allow absolute devotion from the wielder who wears it, alongside being able to control their very powers. Just like a familiar or summoning. And for someone such as yourself, this will be perfect." She chuckles. "We might even let you back into the Mancer academy as a professor. That is who is actually a sleeper agent, should we need someone to take the fall for us or back us up. That way, you may even retain the life that you deeply sought."

After fixing it up, preparing it, linking it to a smaller tablet that seemed more personal, less of a universal remote and more of a "me remote". Her smile grew with anticipation, the same could be said for the awakened Albert and the eager Yusalf. However, before she did anything, she calmed down. With victory at her grasp, there's no way she would let it slip between her finger tips.

"First thing first-" She began to pull out a spell book before casting a spell before launching it at me. It didn't affect me. However, it caused me to glow. "Please dispel that clone you have out there. If you don't, once again, your friends will die."

I smiled wryly. I didn't expect they would pull out a spell like that. Neither did my clone, as I didn't really think of a way to counter that.

"You heard her. Go ahead."

And like that, I could no longer sense her presence. It was just me now. Not seeing or sensing any threat. She ended up having Dallen come towards me with the small chest filled with the mythril bangles and collars. Before he ended up clamping the first one on, I decided to make sure one last time she would adhere to her promise.

"Stop, Dallen." I said, my eyes glowed. Even with Helena's intimidating presence lingering behind her, he must have known instinctively that if did anything else, he would have died. I turned towards Helena. "Do you promise to not hurt any of the other slaves?"

She nodded her head. "Of course I won't hurt any humans under us after this. We aren't monsters."

The way she was cryptic was annoying. "It's a yes or no question."

"Yes." she answered, annoyed at my insistence. "Happy now?"

I nodded my head. Things were out of my hands. The contract has been sealed. After I stop exerting a threatening aura, I ended up allowing Dallen to do his job.

*click* The first one went on my wrist. Immediately I began to feel my strength slip away. I doubt I could even beat the average soldiers. *click* There it was again, the insight to see other people's auras was gone, as if turning off thermal vision. *click* Another, this time on my legs. I felt my explosive speed leave me. *click* I doubt I could run away after this. It was the point of no return.

*click*. All of my magic began to slip away from me. The connection to my domain began to be strained tighter than before. So much so, I felt as if my connection to my domain would be served. All of the reserves of mana I managed to gather, currently at 35%, began to be depleted. I immediately felt the sickness I did back from not feeling any mana.

I wanted to drop to the ground unconscious from this newfound strain on my body, however, I didn't. I couldn't even move my body. The only thing I had were my thoughts. And even then, my feelings were nowhere to be found.

Helena chuckled before bursting in laughter, ecstatic I was finally captured.


Yusalf and Albert began to laugh as well. Albert ended up approaching his aunt.

"Finally, now I can pay her back." Albert looked up and down at me, his eyes were a blend of a sickening obsession that was the antithesis of love. As he walked towards me, readying to do what he wanted.

However, Helena put her hand out, stopping him.

"You'll get your turn, Albert." She affirmed. "We have won. However, right now, I want to crush her spirit completely."

She ended up thinking, looking at everything that happened. Before continuing her plot. "I don't know about you guys, but I think it's too risky keeping all these slaves, given that they betrayed us before. I think we need to whip the plate clean."

"Wait a minute." He pointed to the group A building, still fairly undamaged from the battle, contrary to group B's and group C's building. "What about all of my girls?"

"Those who were obedient girls who knew their place and stayed in their rooms during curfew will be spared. As for the girls who didn't." She glanced at the tied up Sunset Swans. "I'm sure we can find more."

"I guess Lumiya here will have to compensate for that." He glanced at me once again, once again, it seems my feelings were shut off. Whatever the case could be, I couldn't feel the disgust I would have felt. If I got the chance to feel again, then the disgust would be sure to be more.

"Aunt, didn't we give our word we wouldn't hurt them?" Yusalf looked at his aunt. "Isn't it our duties as nobles to have our word?"

"Nobles should only give their word out to fellow Nobles. As for Commoners, and especially slaves, our word is null and void. If anything, Lumiya should be happy she had the brief moment of peace before we punish her."

Yusalf said nothing more. The Head knight ended up walking towards Helena.

"Are you sure?" He looks at me. "Is it true she's contained?"

"But of course." She whipped her hair. "It was I who created them. They are far stronger than anything a slave seller could make, much less afford. Even if she found a way to disobey me, there's no way she can break free."

Relaxed after that, he ended up raising his hands up. "Men, get ready to exert Lady Helena's will."

"Hold on, let's start off with the wolf girl one." She pointed towards her.

"Very well then."

Helena ended up pulling out the table, for doing something, enabling me to feel feelings and even speak.

My feelings roared as I felt a sense of dread. "Helena, please stop!!" I begged. "I'll do anything."

"I already can make you do anything. You have nothing else to give me. Besides your absolute suffering. Kill the wolf girl."

"Right away." The Lieutenant said, plunging his sword downard.

It began to descend downward fast, before becoming slower and slower and slower. My eyes darted around, it seemed that everything slowed down. Looking within myself, I realized what was happening.

My body managed to use Domain cognition to increase my thinking speed, beyond what it usually did.

I wasn't relieved. Less than a millisecond, Skadi would die. The restlessness began to cause my soul, tamed by the suppressions, to rage. I could feel the sense of energy trying to break free from within my very heart. My domain began to resonate with this feeling of unadulterated dread and anger as to what would happen next.

"Break...break....break." The geyser of energy began to try to push through my affinity- my very connection to my domain.


As my thinking speed returned to normal, an electrified explosive force, as fast as it was powerful, ended up knocking everyone back, including the person about to kill Skadi.

Gazing at me everyone stood absolutely mortified, as they just unleashed a beast. As flickers of energy began to burst out. I ended up exhaling, before inhaling. In that moment, the collar and the bangles fell to the ground, being cut off. And in that instance, there was nothing else holding me back. The Domain energy, displaced for so long, began to fill back into my system before 'overflowing' out on the outside, intensifying my electrified magic aura to the extreme.

As I began to erupt with Lighting magic, turning into a bright star that began to blind the eyes of everyone. I began to channel all of the excess energy into a focal point, using domain shape to shape it into a giant sword, many times as large as me. I grabbed it before putting my arm into the air with the blade. Making it seem like a billboard. Rather than yellow, it seems the lightning magic was stained with a bloody red-violet as if my blood burned up into the lightning magic as well. Then again, I was pissed. I'm sure my aura reacted from this.

"This is the penance I will make fall upon you." I ended up jumping into the air, the large sword of lightning began to tear through the barrier protecting me from the picked up winds and thunderstorms outside. I ended up swinging the large blade upon the main building on the estate, the mansion. Although I could feel the resistance of barriers in the house, it wasn't fully magical, far weaker than the defenses of even the dorm buildings of mancer academy. The powerful amount of energy cut through, resulting in a large chunk of the entrance of the main building to face in as it was cut through. As the energy from the lightning began to disperse, causing a secondary explosive damage to the building, getting even more of the radius, managing to destroy at least a quarter of the building.

"You know what... that's far too little damage" Regathering all of the domain energy I used from that attack, I ended up spinning it around before slashing through the building horizontally, causing at least 50% of the completely destroyed.

I hope that got my point across.

As I levitated back to where I was in the beginning, allowing everyone to regain their bearings.

Most of the soldiers ended up getting up, not even understanding what happened, looking at me, and the mansion in horror. The same was said for the Alkermans.

"Just what the hell are you?" Helena asked, her eyes darting as if they were vibrating, looking at anything, any reason to claw on for what just happened.

" think you understand everything. You don't know even half the depths of magic, and the layers it entails. I'm a professor at heart. Let me teach you the power of Lightning magic. Electrostorm!!"

Electrostorm, breaking it down, was an intermediate-level spell. 3 basic spells of Lightning magic are Shock, Electrocute, and Fulminate. Using that principle, the same can be said for the storm family lightning magic. With the prefix of these 3 spells, alongside the suffix of the storm, you have the spells. Naturally, you also have Thunderstorm, a natural phenomenon, but in spells, the Thunder is the prefix for the more sonic-based non-elemental spells, with a blend of lightning magic since there isn't Thunder without lightning. But I digress. That isn't the lesson that will be taught today. 

It seems my domain has begun to leak outward not just in me, but in the very environment, stirring in the atmosphere, and causing there to be more of a displacement of positive and negative ions than ever. All it needed was a catalyst, a spell, to be channeled and used. So, it wasn't a normal Electrostorm spell. But the spell did help guild the storm to reign down retribution from my Domain.

The storm began to become intense, everyone able began to set up barriers. It was as if I was a raid boss. The main barrier of the state was cut with no sign of reforming from my first vertical slash with the giant lightning sword. This left a perfect entrance for the electrocution. THe lightning rained down more than the rain as it began to strike down on the barriers of the enemies, even the Mansion a few times again, as I still was unsatisfied by its damage.

While they were handling that issue, I decided to make sure everyone was safe. But I also have unfinished business inside the mansion. While the electrostorm continued, I ended up casting doppelganger, splitting into two of me again.

"Hey, Lumiya." The clone said, noting my aura. "Your aura's colors are different. It's red."

"I see. I was wondering what happened. Guess my alignment was 'evil'. Maybe 'chaotic'. given the shade being red-violet. Let me fix that." Using Domain Heart, an ability that allows me to prevent strong feelings from altering the aura's alignment and allows it easier to alter my alignment regardless of my feelings, I used the former ability to cut off the alignment to allow it to revert to the bright yellow it usually was. There were still some flickers of red every now and then, but it was stable.

As the color did, so did everyone's composure, as they weren't completely afraid, finding themselves more capable of enduring. The guards that were surrounding the grouped up slaves, if they didn't have a nearby mage with a barrier were immediately getting them struck, causing them, completely fried, to drop like flies. Lightning, especially for me, struck twice. And thrice. This was nature's way of pulling my Strikefold off.

While the enemy was surviving, I ended up unbinding everyone with my own Strikefold. As if the bindings broke out of their own faultiness. 

"Grab the injured and unconscious and bring them to the edge of the estate." Pulling out one of the Magic crystals I had, I ended up describing an enchantment into it.

"Use this to cast a barrier spell. Any person who knows a barrier spell will do" I handed it to someone. From what I recall, they talked about being a mage. One of the slaves who joined from group-B. They seemed capable enough.

I would have expected everyone to hesitate, given the storm, however, it seems they decided to take the chance. After all, the lightning from the Electrostorm spell didn't hit them at all. Still, they didn't test it, rushing to get everyone to safety. I quickly Delivered Skadi to the edge, marking it as the place where everyone would head to. Checking her vitals as I touched my hand on her neck, I could feel the pulse and the electrical charges still running through her brain. She was just tired.

Get some rest Skadi. When you wake up, everything will be over.

I ended up turning around, my eyes locked on the army. There seemed to be around 20 guards conscious, and 50 soldiers who traveled through. The gate was still open. It seems that many people were guarding it. As if there was a thin spatial membrane on the gate, it didn't allow me to use Domain Sense to look on the other side. Compared to here, it seemed to be a brighter place. Whatever's the case for no more troops coming through, it didn't matter now that I'm dead serious.

Helena finally recollected herself, casting a spell in her other hand as she held up the highly damaged barrier umbrella's a large group of men, including the Alkermans. Casting her next spell, it was a powerful orb of wind. As it was throw into the sky, it immediately ended up exploding, causing the Electrostorm to break, once again, showing a dead ring of storm clouds with the

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