Chapter 2.1: Academy

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Getting out of the carriage. My jaw dropped as I looked at the massive castle structure, rival Alkeria's castle and surpassing Amateria's castle in terms of size. As I began to do a 360, I ended up seeing a very lively city, the buildings were quite tall and around 2 to 3 stories sometimes. Wanting to get a good look, I ended up jumping to the top of the building, wall jumping off a building before reaching the top.

"Lumiya! Come back here!" Circe yelled. "You shouldn't do such physical feats just yet."

"Is she really injured in the first place? Even I couldn't do that without some sort of magical enhancement." Tim said.

"I'll be right down! Just want to get a better look of the place." I began to do a 360 look of the area. It was far more expansive than I thought, as I looked outward a bit, I ended up seeing another building, not the same size as the one we are at, but rivaling it. "What's that building over there" I pointed.

"That's the Mancer Academy."

I whisted at the sight. For a fantasy world building, if gave a style that was quite different than other building; perhaps this world's moderness. Before returning my gaze to the other building that I was closer to. It was the larger of the two and looked quite elegant, as it stood stoically; that looked around 8 stories tall. Maybe a bit more. But it still was one of the larger buildings I've seen in this world outside of the castles. "So that means this building is-"

"Indeed. It's the Mancer College of Mancerion City."

There were many european styled houses and buildings taking root inside of the city. There seemed to be a large wall surrounding the Mancer college, as well as another wall surrounding Mancer academy. The wall's gates that it had had long and wide roads, that went through the city. The main one stretched outward into the horizon, through, through splitting up into many routes, it began to act as a branched out tree interwoven into the city. One of the larger roads made its way from the College to the Academy, showing the probable closeness of the two. However, as we were inside the College, I was half expecting there to be more energy. Much like the city, which was bustling with life, what was inside the walls of the Mancer territory was relaxed.

"So, I'm guessing all of the students are in class right now?" I asked, before jumping down to meet them.

"No, right now, all students are off. The next semester should start up in 2 weeks." Dyren answered.

"Oh. Then why am I coming in now?"

"You should be grateful the Dean managed to fit you into his schedule. He's quite a busy man. Not even I get to see him. " Tim muttered the last part, but I heard.

"Anyways, you two, please lead Miss Lumiya to the Dean's office."

"Of course." Tim accepted.

"Right away."

And like that we walked through the large doors of the Mancer college entrance. As we did, we began to see an elegant brown marble tiled floor that extended outward towards a grand staircase that continued up the center adjacent side of the entrance door, with golden statue in the center of the foyer.

"In Honor of the Founder: Morgan the Fey" was inscribed on a plaque at the stone base."

"Whose Morgan L. Fey?" I asked. "I mean, I now know he was the founder, but who was he?" Morgan Le Fey, Morgan the Fey. Breaking it down, Morgan Le Fey is a sorceress of Arthurian Myths, back in my previous world. As for what's going on now, well, on first account, this Morgan was a guy.

"Yes, Morgan L. Fey is a legendary mage and creator of magic theory. After siding with the legendary hero Aurem Alkerius to fight the Evil Demon Queen Bael, many aspiring mages, wizards, and sorcerers ended up joining alongside him, before creating the Mancer College. Morgan L. Fey was the founder as well as first Dean, and his time here was the dawn of the golden age of magic." A man described.

Turning to the left, I ended up seeing a man to the left of me, looking at the very same statue. He wore traditional wizard robes and hat, with a long gray-ish white beard that draped down to his chest. He looked somewhat old, yet his voice was deep and strong, and it definitely sounded like he knew what he was taking about.

"Oh, are you the current Dean?" It would make sense that someone quite knowledge could be the current Dean.

"Oh, I'm not the Dean. My name is Ruburt Burrows, but students call me Professor Burrows."

"Right, Professor Burrow teaches Mancer College history. I attended his class last year. "

"I can't forget about you, Circe, you were last college year's class's pride and joy. Especially that essay you wrote on the dichotomy between the Alkerian Government and the Mancer College. Although Mancerion City is considered a City-state by most, Alkeria's alliance to the college is quite strong."

"Well, being of noble heritage, it was easier than expected to pull it off, through it did give me a big picture focus on how the two people, Aurem and Morgan deviented to spend the rest of their lives in pursuit of their dreams. Funny how history sounds more like fantasy."

Funny how fantasy call's itself fantasy. Though I can't but in to talk about it to them.

"Why are you wandering the halls at this hour?" Tim asked

"Well, as you may now, I am an Archivist during off-hours. However, because I finished all of my work between semesters, that caused me to be a bit idle."

"Aren't you going to take a break like the other professors? You have only 2-weeks until classes start back up.

"Oh no. Once you taken a lot of breaks in yours youth, you can't just help but needing to do something. I decided to walk the college, hoping to guild any wandering people who were going to sign up for this years classes and guide them to the right area. As well as looking at some of our relics, like statues and paintings." He explained. " So, who is this girl whose with you?"

"I'm Lumiya." I answered.

"Oh, she's the one you guys were sent to escort to the Dean. The non-traditional magus." He put his hand out to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

I shook his hand. "The pleasure is all mine."

I was about to converse, hoping to know more about this world's history, however, someone put a stop to it. "Lumiya, the Dean is waiting." Tim quietly murmured. He didn't have is regular annoyance of me in his voice.

"Oh, right." I stopped shaking. "Guess I'll hurry on up to where the Dean is at. Circe.."

"I'll take you to his office. That was my goal from the start. Now come along now." She waved her hand as she continued walking.

Following after her, Professor Burrows waved before walking away. "What a decent girl she is. I hope the Dean doesn't give her any far-fetched tasks.

Rather than walking the flight of stairs, we ended up taking a left down the hall before reaching something akin to a sliding door. Tim pressed a button on the door and like that, the doors slid open, revealing a comfy small closet-like space.

"Wait!? Wait a minute!! This world has elevator?"

"This world?" Circe was confused that bit.

It slipped. "Oh, I, errr, mean, I never seen one in person. I thought these were myths."

"Ahh, so that's what you meant." Circe nodded her head in understandment. "It's true that elevator's haven't been implemented into houses and castles. This is mainly because of the high amounts magic required to fuel these. Well, higher than what most people have access to. But, nobles should have that option, at least, their money gives them that option."

As we took the elevator, that questioned continued.

"So, I'm guessing nobles fund the research around here."

"If they did, that would restrict our limits of research. Think about the N'chrm school and how they would feel." Circe spoke to Tim.

"They would probably form a cult if that was the case." Tim responded.

They exchanged a quite laugh before Circe continued explaining. "There are other means of funding besides donations. Admissions into the college often costs money, granting of some form of income through the classes. Also, with the help of the resources of the college, through creating and selling magic items, spellbooks, as well as our services, that acts as a form of income for the professors, as well as other staff of the college and academy. "

"Wow, so its much like the Adventurer guild's system."

"If anything the Guild system is a reflection of how the Colleges operate, as the College has been here longer."

"Tim, you forgot to take into consideration of the different types of guilds throughout history. Although the current Guild is younger, there have been multiple instances of a guild many years ago. If anything the paleo-guilds ended splitting off to become the Hero's guild, as well as the neo-adventurer guild. However, only using the parallel between the current guild and the college is the reason why you got a B in Professor Burrows." Circe smirked.

The began a brief argument. Circe's sorrow in her soul was replaced with a aggression, through, the liveiness it brought to her was nice. I couldn't help but chuckle at the two.

The elevator had a smooth ride. I could barely feel that we were moving in the first place. As it stopped, the door opened, and the 3 of us ended up walking out. The 8th floor seemed a bit more isolated than the rest, mainly looking like it has administrational offices. Besides a large door, there was a desk, with a lady at it. Her brown hair was in a high bun and she wore classes and formal wear. She looked early 30ies, but her style with pearl earrings, and make-up and she wore a blouse with a business suit attire, as well as her strict aura and focus she looked early 40ies. Her attire was too in the style of both Tim's, Circe's, and Dyren, probably the official color for the College–a blend of a royal purple, gold, and accents of emerald, all held by the main base being a warm taupe (A/N: light brownish) for cost effectiveness. Her's business suit was a royal purple, much like Dyren; possibly a sign of being a staff member.

Aftering signing a few documents, she put the pen down before clasping her taupe gloved hands.

"How may I be of assistance?" She asked.

"We have brought Lumiya here to see Dean Oquillis." Circe put her hand out towards me, showing me to her. Though, it felt more as if she was offering me.

"You guys are a few minutes late." She stared at each of us without blinking, causing a sense of unnerve to wash over everyone. Worried, I even guarded myself with my aura, hoping not to feel that feeling.

"My apologizes, Secretary Iris. Our person in charge, Dryden is not with us to take responsibility for this mistake."

"That man.." I swear I could see a vein. If the make-up didn't do its job and I didn't have base level insight-arts, then I probably couldn't tell she was annoyed. But that wasn't the case. She ended up signing before standing up, and walking out, now revealing her dark royal purple skirt and heels. "Follow me, Lumiya. I'll take you to him."

I turned to Tim and Circe. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"No problem. I just hope things work out, whatever reason he brought you here."

"Same." I replied.

And like that, we split up. Though, I'm sure I'll see them after this. The Secretary ended up opening the doors, showing me in, before closing them. The creak of them showed their age.

"Note to self: call the maintenance team to fix doors. And possibly have them enchanted..." She murmured before briskly walking. I wasn't one to usually speed walk, but I decided to keep up. It seems that she was in a rush.

As she ended up through the short hallway to the other door, there were a few painting on each side. Many of them seemed to be professors of the past, similar to employee photo. As for the current year...

"Where's Dean Oquillis? His photo isn't here."

"We haven't worked that into his schedule. Though, for the most part, he has been calling it off for some time. Around 4 years to be precise. He's too focused on his work."

"And that is?"


Ahhh, I see. The "studious" type. I respect that. I mean, I like studying too, through probably not as much. So we can't be kindred spirits. In terms of training in magic and body, of course. Aura took a while before I could assimilate that into training, but I have my regime, and I'll be returning to it upon my full recovery. I was hoping to do it today. But apothocaries orders.

Opening the next door, it revealed a large office space, with a meeting room to the left, and many other places on the right, each of them empty. It seemed that all of this place was his.

"Oquillis, your 12:00 is here."

"She's late." A voice said, walking in from another room with a book in town, he ended up pacing in before sitting down at his large desk, putting down the book and looking at it, as well as cross-referencing other books that were also layed down. He wore a white labcoat, and had side-swept light blue hair with a few blue highlights in there. He was human. Possibly around late 20s early 30s. He had bags under his dark blue eyes. He said down, not even giving a moments glance at the two of us.

"Do you want me to reschedule."

"No need. I'll handle her. You're excused."

She bowed before making her leave.

And like that, it was just the two of us. For some reason, I had a feeling things won't work out the way I planned them. 

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