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Clay's POV

Clay's bow groaned slightly as he pulled it back farther, aiming at the guard who was holding the Prince. His arm quivered with the tension of the bow. Clay's head spun as he swayed in the tree.

"What? Why would you want to do that?!" George shouted.

His frantic voice made Clay think of when Sapnap died. He squeezed his eyes closed. I can't lose George too. Clay returned his gaze to the guard holding George, watching for any movement. I should shoot now, before it's too late. Sweat slid down Clay's back as he ransacked his brain for more options.

"Emberfall has remained at peace for too long. L'manberg has had enough," Princess Nihachu said coldly.

"You're going to kill me and my father because we're at peace?!" George hysterically. "That's insane!"

"Well.. and your brothers, but do they really count?"

"They're fifteen!"

The Princess shrugged. "We want Emberfall's land and soldiers. Your father just has them sitting there for nothing. L'manberg will use your resources to expand our lands and take over more regions."

George looked at the Princess as if she was crazy, and she was. She said everything so simply with no emotion. George leaned forward to speak. The guard holding him dug his blade into the Prince's neck slightly. Red liquid dripped down George's throat and he gasped. Clay pulled his bow string tighter.

"Stop this madness!" George shouted to the Princess.

"No... your father is probably dead by now and hopefully your brothers are too. Soon you will be."

"No," George's voice cracked, "don't hurt them."

"It's not up to me, that's my father's job. However, I wanted to be the one to kill you."

Clay couldn't see the Princess's face, but he assumed she was smiling in victory.

"The plan was simple, really," she continued, "The only thing that slowed us down was your guard, Dream..." she paused. "We sent a spy in days before our visit and you'll never guess what he reported back to us."

George paled. "What?" He asked in defeat, but Clay knew he already knew the answer.

The Princess's face came into Clay's vision. She was smirking.

"Apparently you two have gotten close... closer than what should be allowed between a prince and his guard." she chuckled lowly. "Naughty naughty little prince. I almost didn't believe our informant when he told us of what happened in the market.

"However, I fully believed him when I saw how you treated me when we first met. I saw you lean closer to your strong guard and glare at me." The Princess clicked her tongue. "That posed a larger problem for us. You see, if you and Dream were... close... then he would be more inclined to protect you than risk his life.

"We had a plan to take him out, but you dismissed him from being your guard! How stupid was that! Do you regret your decision at all, little prince?" she asked, taunting George.

George swallowed, the sword still pressed to his throat. He didn't respond.

Princess Nihachu huffed in annoyance. "Anyways, we were going to poison your guard through his food," she grinned wickedly at George's fearful expression, "He ate it, although we didn't need him too. Dream's probably dead in his bed right now."

"No." George's voice cracked. A tear fell down his cheek, mixing with his guard's dried blood.

The Princess laughed. "Now you cry?! For your old guard?" She tsked. "What a shame you didn't get to see him for one last time..." she looked at the dead guard on the ground. "How stupid of your father to assign you a lesser guard! He didn't even stand a chance!" She frowned. "I suppose it would've been more exciting if he was the one to die in front of you, but it's too late now."

George closed his eyes in defeat, more tears falling down his face. "Just kill me already." He said quietly.

Princess Nihachu's eyes widened in surprise, "Giving up already? How disappointing... alright then."

She turned to look at her guard, Clay sat straighter. His fingers yearned to let the arrow loose. He tilted his head and felt sweat drip down his neck. He shuddered at the feeling. Clay knew he should not be holding a bow right now, but he kept his aim on the guard.

Clay watched the guard straighten. He inhaled deeply and held his breath for a moment. Clay exhaled and let the arrow fly.

It hit its mark.

Clay jumped from the tree as the arrow flew through the guard's neck. George shouted in surprise. Clay stumbled to George's side. He stood in front of the Prince defensively.

"Cl-Clay?" George asked in disbelief, his voice laced with hope and concern.

Clay nodded and turned to the Princess, who was fuming in anger and confusion. Clay unsheathed his sword and held it up weakly.

"How are you alive?" she asked in astonishment.

Clay didn't respond. A chill went down his spine and he shivered. He could feel a fever starting.

Princess Nihachu noticed this and smirked, "Not feeling so good are you, Dream?"

"I'm just fine." Clay bit out.

She took a step forward and grinned confidently. "I don't think you are."

Clay blinked once to clear his head. He felt a hand on his arm.

"Clay, we need to get out of here," George whispered to him. "You aren't fine."

Clay looked at George. He looked more worried than scared. Clay could tell George felt safe with him. The Prince was covered in blood that wasn't his. It made Clay queasy- it reminded him of Sapnap. I can't lose George too. I need to protect him. No matter the cost.

"Get behind me," Clay growled, trying to intimidate George so he would stay safe.

George stubbornly didn't move. Clay glared at him and stepped in front of him.

The Princess sighed. "That's enough gentlemen. I'll be killing you now."

Her two guards stepped forward at her command. Clay swallowed thickly and held his defensive stance.

"We need to run now," George whispered frantically. "Clay, you can't beat them like this."

Clay considered this and glanced at the Prince, "On my command."

The two guards advanced.

"Three," Clay whispered. He lifted his sword. "Two."

"One." Clay drew a dagger from his left boot and threw it at one of the guards. It missed his neck and hit the guard's shoulder. The man cried out in pain.

"Now!" Clay shouted to George.

He turned around and grabbed the Prince's arm. He pulled George into a run. They ran through the woods towards the castle, slowed down by Clay. He was struggling to catch his breath. Clay's muscles screamed in exhaustion at him and he nearly vomited.

Princess Nihachu was yelling at her guards behind them. Clay could hear the anger and frustration in her voice.

"Fire!" she yelled.

"Get down!" he shouted to George.

George startled and was slow to react. Clay shoved him behind a tree. He pushed his body against George, pressing him tight against the tree. George gasped in surprise. Clay covered his mouth and glared at him, trying to get him to be quiet.

They needed to be as unseen and quiet as possible. Arrows whizzed past the tree. Clay pushed against George tighter, panicking. He didn't care about how close they were... or what regions were touching. He just needed to keep the Prince safe. He needed to keep George safe.

"Oh Dreeaam. Where'd you hide the little prince? I'll spare your life if you hand him over to me." the Princess called into the forest, her voice seemingly twenty-ish feet away.

Clay felt George's heart pound against his chest. He uncovered George's mouth. Clay tried to clear his head. He needed to think of a plan. It was hard to think with his foggy brain... and with George so close. Clay took a deep breath and figured out a plan.

"You're gonna run and I'll distract her," Clay whispered into George's ear.

George shivered instinctively at Clay's breath on his neck. "I'm not leaving you," he muttered.

Clay glared at him. The Prince shrank under the glare.

"Run. Now."

Clay stepped back from George and pointed towards the castle. George looked torn.

"Go get help," Clay urged him.

George nodded reluctantly. He started running. A twig snapped under his foot and Clay straightened.

"Over there!" The Princess shouted.

The unhurt guard came into Clay's view. He had a clear shot of George, but he couldn't see Clay behind the trees. The guard pulled his bow back. Clay stumbled towards George. George hadn't run very far and Clay started gaining on him.

"Fire! I don't care if you shoot the guard! Just fire!" she shouted.

Clay jumped on George and shoved him to the ground. George shouted in pain as Clay collided into him. Clay's vision blurred as the arrow shot through his shoulder.


No hate to Niki! I love her so much and I really enjoy her content. Her character in my story is NOTHING like who she is irl. She is a really sweet person and I wish her no hate!

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