Chapter 19

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I whispered to Subhadra, "I have to leave right now. Please take care of my absence." And before she could reply, I inched towards the door and as soon as I was out of the view, I ran.

Reaching western side of the castle itself would require 15 minutes and then the top floor, I would obviously be late. What was he thinking? Why call me in the middle of a ceremony? Well, if I am going to be late, why hurry? Thinking that I slowed my pace down.

I reached about 20 minutes later. I had never been to this part of the castle. It was greener than most other parts. In the end of the hallway, there was a balcony. The edges were decorated with vine and beautiful flowers. Even the swing was decorated with flowers. The view was glorious with the clear blue lake at one side and a garden on the other.

I sat on the swing and slowly started swaying. No one's here. Am I at the right place? I hope so, because I am not leaving this peace for a while. But at that exact moment, my peace was disturbed by footsteps. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. He knows how to draw attention. I placed my toes on the floor in order to stop swinging.

His eyes were stern as he entered. But they softened when he saw me. How did we reach this stage of knowing each other. It feels like it was just yesterday when he saw me. Just yesterday when I went to him. He stepped towards me as I sat there waiting for him. I looked up as he stood before me.

I took in a sharp breath as he went on his knee. In India, going on your knee is an act of respect. We usually do it in front of our elders or in front of a high ranking official. Why would he do that in for me? I knew the answer in a second as he showed me the anklet in his hand. It was very delicate. I don't know a lot about jewelry, but I don't think he would bring me an imitation.

He lightly held my heel and placed it on his thigh. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. Is this really happening? And the anklet it so pretty. A thin chain with delicate flower at an inches' distance from each other, a design which could only be made by the best jeweler. He placed it lightly on my ankle. The anklet was warm against my skin and he was concentrating so hard to get the hook in the eye.

When he was done, I scooted a little and he sat beside me. I thought of saying something, but what could I say? Should I ask him about the battle he lost? No, I can't do that. Should I thank him for his gift? I should right. I turned to look at him. He was looking at our toes as we slowly pushed it back to take swings. He wasn't acting like his usual self. In some sense, he just looked sad.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at me. "Hey, it's alright if you didn't win this."

He looked forward as if he couldn't look me in the eye. "No, it isn't. This defeat has cost me my entire kingdom. I won't be the crown prince now."

I knew that. I knew Yudhisthir would be the crown prince now. "You don't need to be that and if you wish that you can ask him for a land. I don't think he would mind."

He spoke again agitated, "You don't know it. You don't know him. He would not even give me a land, the size of the tip of a needle."

My heart stopped at his words. These were the words which would later kill him. I stood up from my seat and kneeled in front of him. Taking his hands I looked up in his eyes. "You are not your crown. You are not just a prince. You are a lot more than that. I hope you always remember that."

At that moment, I heard another footstep. I stood up and stepped back just in time a maid entered. Duryodhan was the first one to shout, "What are you doing here? Didn't I ask for privacy while we were here?"

"There is no need to be rude." I spoke up. But even I was surprised. Why was a direct order not followed?

The maid bowed and said, "I deeply apologize for my intrusion. The queen has asked for your audience-"

At that Duryodhan got up.

"-Princess of Dwarka."

I was surprised to say the least. Why has she called me? I never even met her. Other than that encounter, in the beginning where we didn't even speak to each other. Even then I followed the maid. How can I say no to the queen?

But before going, I went close to him. His eyes were focused on me, when I spoke, "Let's have a dinner tonight, in the garden. I'll arrange it. Dress up well because I will." I winked before turning and leaving.

The queen lived near this part of the palace, I guess, because we reached her parlor in five minutes. The same maid announced my arrival before I entered the parlor.

I bowed a little for respect and then remembered she couldn't see me bowing. The queen had a blindfold on, which she wore at all times to show respect to her blind husband. Embarrassed I said, "Good morning."

"Good morning, Princess of Dwarka, Have a seat in front of me." She said looking forward pointing to the sofa in front of her. I sat there. Close up, she looked really pretty. She was decked up in gold wearing twice of what Subhadra wears. Only a few strands of gray hair showed her age which were also quite less than the women in kalyug at her age.

I think she heard me sitting there because she continued, "Where were you?"

I didn't think much of the question, "I was in the balcony just a few floors above."

"And who were you there with?" she asked. Now I get it, it's about Duryodhan. But why?

"With Duryodhan," I answered. There was no need to lie she already knew about it.

"And what were you doing with my son?" She asked a hint of anger seeping into her voice.

"We were just talking." I answered.

"What were you talking about?" she continued.

"It's private." There was no way I'll be a good dog and let her investigate me. This is too much.

"Why were you alone with a man, you are not related to?"

This is too much. Queen or not she can't speak to me in this manner. I stood up and said, "Is this the way in which guests are treated here in Hastinapur?"

"No, but whore's who try to steal the crown prince are." She spoke still sipping her tea. I want to snatch that tea and throw it in her face.

"You cannot speak to me in that manner. I am- "

"What Princess of Dwarka? But are you that? I've heard a lot about your beauty." She said standing up. "Skin as white as milk, are you sure you are the twin sister of Krishna."

"Have you ever read about fraternal twins? Oh sorry, heard about it." I asked sarcastically.

"Watch your tone when you talk to me girl. I am a queen."

"But are you? I've heard your husband was just a temporary replacement."

"Do you want to start a war?" she whispered in anger.

"Over such petty things?" I laughed. "I am not going to let even one life die over your ego."

She smiled, "Then it's decided. You will leave the kingdom and my son by tomorrow morning."

"Of course I will leave this kingdom by tomorrow morning. But your son will he be able to leave me?" I said those words while leaving the room.    

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