Chapter 13

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I went behind him in the darkness. There were stairs, a lot of them. When they ended, I saw the sky. It was filled with stars and so many of them that I cursed the modern world for pollution. There was a calm glow of the night created by the moon. I looked around and saw Duryodhan standing in the middle of a big terrace. I went towards the edge. It was created like fort, with spaces for archers.

Balcony (what can I even call it?) had mesmerising architecture. The one you see in historical places. No, no, no even better than that and then I saw Hastinapur in all its glory. I saw what everyone was fighting for. The city was so big and it felt like the castle was in the middle of it creating a dispersion of light from middle to end.

I whispered, "I don't have words to describe how beautiful this place is."

He said, "Then don't say anything."

I said nothing for the next half hour and neither did he...


The next day I was late, obviously because I slept late the day before. Not even that late, just one hour. But still I was late so I went near Alexa first. (As I strongly believed in the idea, "If you are already late, then just take your time.") I found her near the carts. I felt sad looking at her alone among the lifeless carts and felt guilty that the only reason that I came here was because I needed to charge my laptop and phone. I was shocked that they lasted 2 days (a new record).

I went near her and said, "I am so sorry, I didn't meet you in the last two days."

"It's ok, Aarohi. I don't mind waiting for you." Hearing this I felt sadder.

"You don't have to wait for me. Go explore the city or do anything you want to."

"But what if you need me? I am here in your service."

"Oh come on, don't you think we are above that by now. Live your life girl!"

"Okay, but I will come back every evening till the morning. And there's a remote in the near first aid. If you ever need me just press the button and I'll be there whenever you want."

"Ok, And please no more accidents."

Saying that I went towards the field, in a very good mood.


"You are nearly an hour late." He said to me without turning to look at me. He was practicing with mace.

"I had a late night." I said even though he should know. He was the reason.

"You did, didn't you?" he said as if taunting me.

"Yes, I did out of all people you should know better than to ask."

"Oh yeah like I know what are you up to all the time."

I was really getting angry then, "Even though you don't deserve to know, out of curtesy I'll tell you. I couldn't sleep last night therefore I'm late."

"What did I ever do to get this courtesy from you." He said sarcastically.

"What happened?" I asked directly.

"Start with your warmup." He said ignoring my question.

But I didn't let go, I just couldn't. "What happened?" I asked again.

"If this all is a joke for you, just go away. Don't waste my time. I don't sit idle, unlike some people." He replied harshly looking straight into my eyes.

What is up with him today? I thought. But, if he wouldn't tell me then how would I know? So, I ignored his comment and started running for warm up, which seemed to anger him more. But, I can't let anyone come and lash out at me just because they are having a bad day. I am not a fucking teddy bear.

After the warmup, I went towards him with the wooden sword, me still being very angry and confused. The way he was acting was uncalled for.

He snatched one sword from me and indicted me to take my position. I stood there with sword in my left hand.

"Attack." He said. I went towards him straight and in the last moment spinned and attack on the other side. He predicted it and defended it with ease.

"Too simple and shabby. Think with that little brain of yours. Do something worthwhile." He pointed out my mistakes, very harshly.

I tried again, this time I think it was a little bit better than last. After that I waited for him to say something. But, I guess that was also a bad move.

"Who told you to stop? What do you think in war after one attack the enemy will stop and let you rest?" "Again."

The same thing happened for nearly ten minutes. Him insulting me for my techniques and telling me to do AGAIN.

Calm down I said to myself and picked up the sword. Before I could take stance he shouted, "Now, did you even forget how to hold your sword? I take back what I said, no enemy will attack. They will just look at you with pity and disgust. I don't know why I'm here!!"

"Well, you gave me your word." I shouted back. This was too much what did I even do to him? And please can someone tell me what the fuck happened?

"That is the only reason I'm doing this. Otherwise, who would even want to teach you. A little girl trying to act like a big bad man. Why are you even doing this! Just let me live in peace."

"I have my own reasons, which I don't want to tell you."

"Oh yeah I nearly forgot, you and your secrets. Who knows which foolish man is behind you. I bet he doesn't have any brains."

"If you think saying this would get you rid of me, you're mistaken. I am not going anywhere."

"Oh that's a big surprise cause I thought you were all over the palace, fooling everyone."

"What are you even saying?" because right now I was getting very confused as well as angry and hurt.

"Leave that, you want to learn right get ready in your defence stance. I am attacking now." He said.

"How to do that?" I genuinely asked.

"Oh, What do you think your so called enemy with help you with that before he attacks? Get ready."

I wanted to say, you are not my enemy. But, before I could say that. He bought the sword towards me.

At least it was a direct attack. I bought the sword in front of me the same way I saw him do and I defended that attack but it pushed me back a little bit, then he swinged the sword again and it came to me on my left lower arm.

His attack was so swift that I didn't even get time to think. As it hit my arm from side, I was knocked down. I fell on my right-side, right elbow and knee taking the worst hit.

When I looked down at my elbow, due blood was coming out of it, as was the case with my knee. But what hurt the most was my left arm. It already started to swell. And yeah that hurt badly.

I looked up at Duryodhan, he was staring at me with a blank face. His face which always showed some emotion was completely blank and then he turned and left towards the training room, muttering something to soldiers on the way.

I did not expect to be treated like a baby because I got hurt. But, asking if I was ok, and saying a few words of kindness wouldn't kill him.

I think that was my cue to go away. Anyways, I wont be able to practice today. I tried to get up but my leg hurt like hell. So, I just sat down taking a few minutes for myself.

I thought about everything that happened today and last night, I thought if I had offended him at any time yesterday for him to be so aggressive towards me. I don't know why I am thinking this, but I seriously came up with no reason.

Was he taking out someone else's anger on me. That could be a probability but I seriously doubt that. His anger was clearly directed towards me. He could just talk to me haven't he heard about communication.

Then I thought about my injury. He did not seem to have any emotion on his face when I fell. Did he purposefully made me fall? But why wasn't by brain accepting it?

I saw him coming towards me with something in his hand. He wasn't affected by anything I did, or was he cause? I don't know why but I'm getting affected by everything he does?

He sat down next to me and he had a paste of haldi (turmeric) in his hands. I cant like him. How many things in Mahabharat will change if I do that? But, what will it matter its not like he'll ever like me back. He is destined to have a loving wife, isn't he?

"Get up, we have to wash your wounds before I put medicine on them." He said. Still just giving orders. Well, it wouldn't be him if he didn't.

But, I am not listening to him. I too have my own pride. If I take help right now, he'll just bully about it to me later. Like I'll let that happen. I am no damsel in distress.

"I don't need your help, I was just going back to my room myself." Saying that I got up.

"Still you are being stubborn, cant you see that you got hurt? Come in the armoury, right now." He said standing up.

I looked straight in his eyes and said, "I'm not going to be a burden on you? Well, not if I can help it?" saying that I turned, to walk away.

He held my wrist from behind which made me turn. "I said go in the armoury right now?" he said again getting angry.

He always gets what he wants right. Too bad I'm not going to complete his every whim.

Snatching my hand out of his (which hurt very badly), I said, "You said I'm stubborn right. So, right now what I'll do is go back to my room. I'll meet you tomorrow. Don't miss me too much."

Saying that I went away from him, limping on one leg, aggh, so much for a good exit.

Thank God, Vidhi told me about the secret passage, or I'd be a big news in palace right now. I was going back through a dark tunnel which led me directly two corridors away from my suite. Going back never felt so hard. My leg and hands were hurting like hell now. At least, I could go back in silence.

"Don't move if you wish to live."

I heard a voice from behind. Why does it happen to me only??


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Word count: 1800

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