Chapter 10

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Firstly, I want to apologize for the late update. I am so sorry for not posting soon. I actually started going to college just 2 months ago and the schedule is quite hectic. Therefore, it became difficult to find time for writing, but I promise you that I will try my best to give you regular updates.

Hope you like this chapter and if you like it I hope you vote. 😊 It cheers me up to find that you guys like it.


My alarm clocks ring woke me up. I pressed stop button and looked at the sky. Sun hadn't risen yet, the sky was dressed in dark shade of blue, but not as dark as the night. Faint shadows of light blue could be seen towards the east and it was all shimmering due to stars. It all looked mesmerizing.

I did not want to get up. I snuggled in my blanket. After a lot of time I had found peace. Even if it was a world of war with horrific deaths there was beauty in it. War, I reminded myself. I had to be ready for it. Ready to stop it at any cost.

So reluctantly, I left the warm embrace of my dear blanket. Wait blanket?


The sun hadn't risen yet but it was about to. I could see it's faint shadow when I entered the ground. Duryodhan was already present there and there was literally no one else here not even a single guard.

I went towards him. They say devil has a handsome face. He had perfect face, arms, legs. Everything was perfect. What did it make him?

He was doing pushups then. I could see all his muscles flexing and I wanted to touch it. Touch every part of his body, because yesterday I couldn't do it properly. The thought made me blush and then I was ashamed that I was blushing. I had to stop thinking about him that way. Maybe he will make me hate him.

I went towards him and as soon as I was within his hearing range, he said, "You are late."

Come on yar, never in my life I had woken this early. Maybe sometimes, but only when it was absolutely necessary and I wasn't even late today.

"Hey look at the sun, it's not up yet. I am before time I would say."

He got up from his pushups and looked in my eyes and said, "Do you have any manners? Don't you know that you should come before your teacher comes?"

"No, I didn't know that and if that's what manners are I really don't have them either. If I did, I wouldn't be here, right." I could have no manners, but I couldn't wake up earlier than this. Wasn't Duryodhan supposed to be the bad guy. How come he wakes so early?

He shook his head and sighed. It's like he couldn't believe that there was a person alive who could be like me, but then he smiled. He had dimples. It looked so fricking cute. But why did he smile?

He looked at me then, still smiling. I shivered. It was from cold, I told myself. "So, which weapon do you want to learn?"

"I don't know. I am open to all options. You tell." It really was that way. I just wanted to learn something.

Then he looked down at my body. I was wearing yoga pants and a oversize pink t-shirt that said, "You go GURLL." His eyes darkened as he looked down. I started blushing. I have to stop doing that, but then the way he looks at me sometimes...

Something snapped in him. Like a switch flipped. He said in stoic expression, "You would never be able to do a mace fight."


"Look at yourself. You won't be able to even lift it above ground."

"You don't know that that."

"Oh I do know that. Its minimum weight is 30 kg. Can you lift that?"

It was a direct attack on my ego. I couldn't even lift 20 kg, but he didn't need to say that. But I am glad that he did, at least it is better than whatever was going on before. I won't go down in the word fight tho.

"If you don't want to teach, say that. You think that you are the future of Hastinapur, but what a future you would make a king that goes back on his word."

That angered him a lot. He looked like a little kid trying to show that he was grown up. Laughter was trying to burst out of me. He looked at me and smirked. The laughter slowly died.

"I won't go back on my word, but when the time comes I hope you don't go back on yours."

Oh my God, What have I gotten myself into? He looked so smug. Now I am not sure what he is going to ask of me. Calm down, calm down. Nothing has happened.

I just said, "Fine."

"So this is what we are gonna do. You are small in size as well as weight." He did not mean it offensively. He said it like it was a fact.

"Larger weapons will be harder for you to use, I would say even shields would be difficult to handle, but we will come to that later. I think the best choice would be archery and swords, maybe even whip swords if you master your swords good enough. Even dagger would be a great choice. We will start with swords, but before that 2 rounds of the field."

Uggh not again.


2 rounds were not that difficult, comparing it to the 25 did yesterday. I completed it soon enough. After that I went towards him.

"Grab that wooden sword near the armory and bring me one too." Duryodhan shouted. At other times I would have not listened to him, but this time I was desperate and actually excited to learn something new.

The swords were quite heavy and very blunt too. I gave it to him and stood 5 feet apart from him.

"Why wooden swords?" I asked inspecting the sword. I had expected the steel ones.

"We wouldn't want your pretty little face to get hurt." He said and it was not flattering. He was just teasing me. If he were in America he would have been cancelled.

"Oh really! At least I have a pretty face." I muttered.

"What did you say?" He asked as if challenging me to repeat it.

"Nothing. Let's start." I replied smiling. I was no fool. I did not take his bate.

"Ok, Now hold up the sword." I held the sword using my both hands. It was like 7 kgs in weight.

"Don't use both hands. Just hold it in your right hand." He said. I held it in my left hand.

"Not left, right." he showed his hand, like I wouldn't know the difference between them.

"I am leftie." I told him.

He was like what? Then I explained it to him that left is my dominant hand. Don't these people know such things? After looking at his face I knew it was something that he didn't know. One more difference between us. I sighed and dropped the sword.

"Why did you drop the sword? Hold it up."

"It's too heavy."

"If it's too heavy for you just leave it and go in the castle you were not ment here anyways."

"I am not leaving." I said that and held the sword up.

"Hold it properly.. Aare not that way... Curl your fingers around it.... that's right... Now spread your legs."

"What?" Was I imagining it or was he really giving sexual innuendos?

"Can't you hear. I said spread your legs." I was imagining it. He doesn't even knows what he was speaking about.

I shifted my legs and then he stood in the same position and said, "Now attack me with all your might."

I was confused. Wont he teach me? Like how could I just attack him?

"Don't tell me that you are too lighthearted for that." he mocked.

That was it. I went towards him with all my might.

Word count: 1390

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