Chapter Eleven

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I glance behind me and then back at Nikki in confusion. "Are you talking to me?" I begin unlocking my locker.

"There's no one behind you so..." Nikki smiles with teeth, her body leaning against her locker.

"Do you need something?"

After the mall, my father was incoherent. I've never seen him like that. I didn't know what to say so I just held my head while he rambled on and on. I think he yelled for about an hour until my mom stepped in and told me to head to bed. The next morning, he was silent. I waited and waited for the beating but it didn't come. It's Monday now and I don't know how to tell him I got an extra week of detention because I was late to class.

I don't know if Mrs. Heathers told him either.

"Actually, I wanted to ask how it went with Victoria." A nervous laugh bubbles out her lips. "You disappeared after lunch and I didn't see you until it was time to go." Nikki's eyes are focused on me.

"What's it to you?" I cross my arms, staring her down.

Nikki's eyes begin to quiver. "What?" She takes a step back as if she just realized where she is. "No. No." She clears her throat. "Nothing. I'm just bored." Her hands seem to tighten around the straps of her backpack. "I - I have a meeting so... so I have to go to it."

"What?" I tilt my head in confusion. "You came to me." The hell is wrong with her? "Did you forget your coffee or something?"

"The meeting is there." Nikki points to the locker across from mine. "I'll see you later!" Nikki fast walks away from me.

Girls are crazy weird.

With a shake of my head, I focus on the task at hand. I grab my World History homework and begin searching for the answers online. The familiar scent of cologne fills my nostrils but I ignore it.


I remain calm as I continue scribbling the answers down. "What do you want, Carter?" My eyes remain on my phone, searching for the last answer.

"Dang, how'd you know it was me?"

I chuckle. "You smell like you sprayed yourself with orange juice." It's the most bizarre cologne smell ever.

"Hey!" A hand pushes my head against the locker door. "My grandma made me this cologne." Carter sounds defensive.

I shrug. "Maybe she should stick to baking cookies." Is that offensive? Because if it is, I meant it. Her cookies are delicious.


Finally! I internally cheer and stretch out my neck. I shove my pencil into my pocket and open my backpack. "Do you need anything?" I push the worksheet into the inside pocket. "I need to head to World History so I can do some reading before the Pop Quiz."

Carter makes a face. "Teachers are the... the worst." A bead of sweat rolls down his face.

"What is it?" My hands place the backpack over my shoulders. "If it's a homework question, I think Julian has British Literature." I pause. "Honors, I believe."

"It's not that." He scratches his neck, eyes now on the floor. "I need a favor."

"A favor?" I make a face. "I don't know. I already owe a favor to Julian." I eye him suspiciously.

"Look." He takes a step closer. "I need you to talk to Nikki for me." I open my mouth to protest but he shushes me by placing his finger on my lips. He leans his head close and whispers, "I want her to be my girlfriend."


"What is he doing?" A group of cheerleaders pass us by, giggling and whispering about the suggestive pose of Carter and me.

I shove him away with a glare. His face burns but his eyes remain on mine with a determination I've never seen before. Anyone with a crush on Nikki needs therapy but Carter... He easily falls for girls and always makes a fool of himself. But he's never asked for help. He does the chasing and romancing himself.

"Did you ask Julian?"

His shoulders slump in defeat. "He told me to confess or take her out for a movie." He checks around for listeners before whispering again. "But I don't think she likes me." He clears his throat. "I was hoping you would slip in how good of a guy I am once in a while."

"I don't know." It might come out wrong. "What if she thinks I like you or something?"

His face scrunches up into disbelief. "She's helping you with Victoria."

Right! "I know." I move my feet towards my classroom.

"So you'll do it?" Carter falls into step with me, eyes full of hope.


"Yes!" He cheers.


Once inside the classroom, I am greeted by the flirty smile of a cheerleader. Without missing a beat, I move to my seat at the back of the classroom and reach inside my bag for my textbook. I am somehow failing this subject so I need to pass this pop quiz. My hands scan the words on the page.

"Hey, Lucas." The cheerleader slaps her hands on my desk.

With a sigh, I follow the hands to a surprising amount of flesh on my face. Two big mountains of flesh in front of me. Me. I gulp. Why did I ignore her again?


I am only a man.

"Lucas." Victoria pulls out the seat beside me. "Can you show me what chapter we are on?"

I am struck by how pretty she looks. Her blonde hair is up on a dirty bun (messy? I forgot what Julian called it) like she woke up and decided to slap a bow on it. She's wearing a white shirt with buttons. It goes all the way down to her shorts, past her long legs, and some inches above her black boots. Her face looks makeup free but her eyelids are sparkling in glitter.

"Excuse me." A hand snaps her fingers in between our gazes. "Who is she?" The cheerleader sounds obnoxious.

My gaze goes back to the flesh in front of me. Flesh or beauty? Beauty or flesh? It's hard to answer when it feels like they are being served to me on a silver platter.

"Victoria." Victoria holds out her hand, gaze at the cheerleader. She looks nice enough but am I noticing a tightness to her smile? Is she jealous?

My blood pumping organ resonates.

The cheerleader looks away with an annoyed smile. "I don't care for your name." The cheerleader raises her voice. Loud enough for our classmates to quiet down and pay attention to us. "Are you a cheerleader? A popular? Because you don't look like either of those, bixch."

A surge of negative feelings move across my body. My hands make a fist as my body rises to face off the pest. "You better take off before my fist visits your face." My tone of voice causes whispers to go around the room.

The cheerleader flinches in shock. "Lucas - " She tries to grab my hand but I move it back. "She's a nobody." She looks like she wants to laugh.

"What did you say?!" I growl in anger. My hands grab her collar until we are face to face and she is on her toes. I can feel the shake of her body in my hands but I can't back away now, I have an audience and I have to deliver.

Tip twelve: Don't forget to finish a fight, it's essential to domination.

"If you EVER speak about her like that, I'll make sure you never see the outside of a hospital room EVER again. Understood?"

Her eyes are wide in shock.

"I can't hear you."

"Y - yes."

I drop my hands from her collar as she scrambles to on her feet. "Anyone caught bullying Victoria Wagner will face consequences. Understood?" This announcement is for my peers.

Enough to hopefully move Victoria into my arms.

Would I hit a girl? No, my mom would kill me. However, it's always a great idea to act like you would. Especially if they don't understand what "no" means.

A number of "yes" echo in the classroom. Satisfied, I dust off my chest and take a seat. Now is the perfect time to appear cool in front of her. My hands go back to scanning the page of the textbook, acting like what I did isn't a big deal. Her eyes are on me, studying me like a piece of artwork.

"I can feel you staring."

She seems to snap out of it but it's too late because I caught her. "You didn't have to do that." She clears her throat and goes through her backpack. "I can handle myself."

"I wanted too." Give me an Oscar because I'm nailing this. I pretend to study a word by pointing to it. "Have you always been in this class? I haven't seen you here."

She blinks as if she did something wrong. "I changed courses. My - my counselor said I needed this class to graduate." Her hands fidget with the strap of her backpack.

My hand pauses for added effect. I place my head on my hand and turn it towards her. "That is true." My smile is teasing.

Our eyes are connected for a couple seconds before she looks at the front board. "You never told me what chapter we were on." She takes out her textbook.

I smile as an attempt to hide the happiness I feel in my chest. "Five. We also have a pop quiz today." I tap her textbook.

She nods stiffly, arms moving slowly towards her book.

It feels like the beating of my heart is getting louder.

It feels like she's as affected as I am... right? I need confirmation on this.

"So - " I move my head close to hers. "Are you sitting with me because you finally forgave me or were you jealous a hot girl was flirting with me?" My grin can't get any bigger.

Her demeanor changes as if I hit a nerve. Her hand slaps the textbook close. "I will never forgive you." She doesn't sound angry. Her head moves from side to side in disbelief. "You can't treat girls like that."

Now, I'm confused. I threatened a girl in front of her and she's bothered that I said I'd "see her in hell"? Or the other way around?

My face moves into her personal space. "Than what can I do to make you forgive me?" I speak in a gentle voice.

Her eyes are on mine. They look shocked at my words but also hopeful? It's like she doesn't expect me to be interested in her but at the same time, she does.

"Well - " She moves her body back as if I burned her. " - for now, you can help me with the pop quiz we are about to have."

I tsk as my back hits the back of the chair. "Can't do that. I didn't study for it." I place a hand on my chin. "But I can get a nerd to help us."

Her eyes turn into a darker blue. "Like cheating?" I have a feeling she knows what I mean.

"Yes." My grin turns to a smirk.

"Cool." Her face turns back to the front board. "Do it."

My face moves in astonishment. "I will." My heart beat slows down.

I don't like to cheat. And with a mother who grounds me and a father who beats, I don't make a practice of it. But for Victoria, I'll do it.

"Nerd." I hiss at the guy beside Victoria. He jumps. Victoria giggles. "Don't cover your quiz sheet." I make an X with my arms.

The nerd beside her looks scared. "I - I don't think I can - "

"I'm not asking."

He nods rapidly, glasses falling down his nose.

I lean my body back until two legs of the chair are in the air. "Oh and make sure your sheet is dangling off your desk." My fingers point to my eyes. "I can't see very well." My voice is low now.

He nods again.

I glance at Victoria with a smirk. She's smiling. And I know I made the right decision.

After World History and PE, I head towards the library for detention. The hall is noisier than before. Full of whispers and looks from people. I hear the faint words "Victoria" and "scary" which bring a smile to my face. I see it as a win.

"Lucas." Julian is waiting outside the library for me. He looks uncomfortable.

"What's up, man?" We do a man hug. "I haven't seen you at all today." I slap his shoulder.

"I was studying for a retest." He waves his hand. "I'm tired." A yawn escapes his lips.

I nod. "That sucks. You could have sent a man a text though." I push the doors of the library open.

A hand grabs my shoulder. "I have a question for you."

I check my watch. "You have to hurry because Mrs. Heathers said Ms. Adler is mad about my "lateness"." I make finger quotations. "Can you believe it?" I chuckle. "I even got a week extra so - "

"Lucas." Julian runs a hand through his hair. I stop smiling, noting the serious tone behind his voice. "Did you threaten a cheerleader? A girl?" He raises an eyebrow.

My hands shove themselves in my pockets. "Yeah. Is - is something wrong?" Did I do something to piss him off? I don't think so.

He looks angry. "Why would you do that?!" He begins pacing in a line. "Victoria will never like you if you treat women like that!"

What? "Victoria was there." I tilt my head in confusion. "She seemed okay with it. She was smiling."

"She was?" He's shocked now.

"I don't know what you heard but I didn't lay a hand on her." I wave him off. "I'm not crazy."

He scratches his neck. "Are you sure?" I nod in response. He pauses before speaking again, "I don't believe it."

"It's not like a committed murder."

"I know, I know." He breathes out. "But you shouldn't have done it. It's not right."

"Is it because you have sisters?" I begin to feel guilty.

"No - no." He shakes his head. "Never mind. I'm tired."

Should I ask him to tell me? Insist? This hasn't happened before. Usually we let it go.

"I gotta go."

"Wait - " You started this, Lucas. Now finish it. " - Do you want... wanna talk about it or..." I trail off.

Why does my mouth taste sour?

His face scrunches up. "Go to detention, stupid." He looks disgusted.

My mouth sucks in my lips but I nod and head inside.

Last time I ever do that.


I stop in my tracks.

Nikki is in front of me with her hands crossed over her chest and face twisted in anger.

I point to myself. "Me?" I ponder.

Her nostrils flare in anger as her hand makes a slicing motion against her neck.

And than she points at me.

Is everyone mad at me?!

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