(Y/N) Pov.
I was shot through the air as the wind was blowing in my face as I enjoy the cool breeze as I looked back, I couldn't see my team, probably already landed or they might still be ahead of me. After a few seconds I notice I was losing speed so I use Cold Steel and Crystal Blade to stab the nearby trees around me to slow down for a bit as I got both of my legs on one tree and use enough force to push myself and regain the speed I needed to land with a badass superhero landing with my swords stab in the ground as the lighting from my semblance as both of my eyes glow Red and (E/C) as I slowly stood up with fire from my left eye and lighting from my right.
(Imagine fire from the left eye)
I looked around my surroundings as I heard nothing but the wind and the sound of leaves being push against each other making a rustling noise as I started to get my headphones out of my coat and plugged it in my scroll to play music from it.
(Y/N):(thoughts)Ozina said to give them a show, so might as well give them one.
As I looked through the list of songs I have I found one to set the mood as I looked up and saw 5 Beowolves in front of me.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
I started to get in a running position as I blasted at them with a sonic boom behind me as dirt and grass was blown away as a small crater was created when I pushed myself away towards the Grimm, one of the Beowolves ran towards me as I slide underneath it as a stab Crystal Blade from its neck all the way through the legs as the second one try to attack me with its claws but I sidestep it before it hit me as it try again but I dodge it matrix style and made it decapitate its own friend in the head as I slash across it from its rib cage, cutting it in two parts. The last two pounce at me from behind as if I didn't notice to as time slows down I quickly sidestep them as I cut both of their heads at the same time with Cold steel, making the bodies fall down motionless while I watch them slowly dissolve to ashes.
(Y/N): 🎵And one by one they fall
I notice more Grimm surrounding me with anger and growling at me as I stand there with a calm expression as I smirk at them.
(Y/N): Why don't we turn up the heat.
I put my swords back on the strap as I hold out my left hand.
(Y/N): Codename: Chain
The glove glow blue as a chain appear out of thin air as I waited for them to get close as I set the chain of fire and spin around to burn all the Grimm around me.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(2:02-2:06, I couldn't find a gif for it, sorry)
I started to look around me watching the Grimm burn as it put a smile to my face as I watched them fade away.
(Y/N):Am I too hot to handle.
I looked at the path as I quickly run towards it hoping to find my teammates or the temple to find the artifact Ozina wants us to find.
(End song, for now)
3rd Pov.
Back at beacon everyone was looking at (Y/N) and they were surprised at how he took out the Grimm with ease without using a lot of stamina, as team RWBY along with the ORC and team JNPR look at him in awe. They all were surprise that a small boy can take out a hoard of Grimm with that much firepower literally, as some students started to look at Dawn as she is walking down the path she find as the camera zooms in on Dawn.
Dawn Pov.
I walk and look around at my surroundings hoping to find Grimm to fight or find one of my teammates to look for it together, I saw a Ursa in front of me as I turn my ice shield to have spikes as I throw it at the Ursa as it slice through it, killing the Grimm as the shield return to me and I catch it before I turn it back to normal as I heard another auras behind me but just before I got into a battle stance Serena ran in front and stab her sword on the ground creating a fire wall to not only protecting us but killing the Grimm too.
Dawn: Nice save Serena
Serena:(smiles) Thanks but it would be better if...
Mallow: I wouldn't finish that sentence.
We both turn and look around for Mallow until we look up and notice that she's hanging on a tree branch using vines to keep her stable as she jump off and land on her feet.
Mallow: Remember, everyone is watching so I wouldn't use your second semblance, at least for now.
Serena: Alright, so where's (Y/N)
As Serena said that we heard a loud sonic boom coming from the right. We notice a (F/C) blur coming to us, I figure it's (Y/N) but he had the face that reads "I made a huge mistake".
We all looked at him in confused as we looked behind him we notice a huge and I mean a huge hoard of Grimm right behind him.
Dawn/Mallow/Serena: WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!
He couldn't respond back but he ran towards us as he put me on his back while Mallow and Serena were on his arms as he ran away from the Grimm Hoard with us being carried by him. We all look at him with a "what did you do" look.
(Y/N): I may have burn a group of Grimm when I landed and because my Fire gets stronger when I get angrier, they all show up because Grimm gets more attracted to negative emotions.
We let out a sigh of annoyance as were use to him doing stupid stuff.
*Timeskip* 3rd Pov.
As team FORS made it to the temple thanks to (Y/N)'s sonic boom they found the artifact was a small treasure chest as Dawn went to pick it up (Y/N) slap her hand.
Dawn: Oww(rubs hand) what was that for.
(Y/N): Do you not seen adventure movies, every time someone gets or steals a treasure a trap goes off.
Dawn: That only happens in movies.
(Y/N) You never know.
As they both are taking about the treasure being a trap Mallow walk towards the treasure, grabs it and took it off from the stand. (Y/N) prepare for a trap, but after a few seconds noting happen.
Mallow: I thought a trap would be set off.
Serena: Yeah me too, guess not.
Dawn: See nothing happen
As Dawn finish that sentence the hoard of Grimm they ran from earlier arrive surrounding team FORS Dawn quickly give the chest to (Y/N) as he put it inside of his coat, everyone at beacon are both scared and worry for them mostly team RWBY, JNPR and ORC. Team FORS have their weapons out as they were in a stand off between them and the Grimm, waiting for one of them to make a move.
FORS:(thoughts):we'll never go down easily.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Play Music)
Then all the Grimm charge at them as team FORS charge at them in four directions, Mallow dodge all the Grimm from her side with her cat reflex as she quickly slice through each Grimm along with making them hit each other. Mallow quickly slice a large tree behind her as it falls on top of a Ursa decapitate its head as she was surrounded.
Mallow(yells) Frenzy Plant
As Mallow stabs her sword to the ground, giant vines pop out of the ground as it slams on the Grimm to the floor killing them instantly.
Mallow: Leaf storm
Mallow use her left hand to gather some leaves from the trees as it turned into a drill as she throws it, it started to drill through the chest killing or pushing back the Grimm.
Mallow: Leaf blade
Mallow's sword glow light green as she started to cut Grimm left and right without hesitation.As it change to Serena who is launching fire balls from her hand as a long range attack.
Serena:Blast Burn
Serena stabs her sword on the ground as fire started to burst out of the ground towards the Grimm when it came in content with them as it exploded. A nevermore came in and flew towards the ground and nose dive towards Serena, Serena notice the shadow below her as she looks up to see the nevermore diving towards her.
Serena:(yells) Flamethrower
Serena took a deep breath and blow fire at the nevermore,burning it as it crashes on the other Grimm while it burns them from the affects of the attack. Serena look behind her and see a Major Ursa stood on its legs as Serena slash it changing the view towards Dawn freezing one Beowolf and punch it with a gauntlet made out of ice.
Dawn:(yells) Aqua jet, liquidation
She surround herself in water and forming a water sword as she torpedoed towards the group while slicing and bashing Grimm as the water around her evaporates she throw her water sword and stab inside a Ursa's head.
Dawn: Icicle Crash
Dawn started to throw icicles towards the Grimm, causing it to go through the bodies and heads.
Dawn:Ice punch, mist
She started to punch the ground creating a mist around her as Dawn punch each Grimm in the head who are blinded by the mist. Then she started to punch the one in front of her as it changes to (Y/N) as his sword glows Fire slicing each Grimm came in contact with him.
(Y/N):Aerial Ace
(Y/N) put his sword back on the strap as his hands and feet glow white as he started to punch 2 Grimms with incredible speed
He finish both of them off with a roundhouse kick knocking their heads off.
(Y/N): Dragon Claw
His hands glow green as Dragon hands form around his as he slash through them and deliver a powerful attack to a Beowolf, pushing it back to a tree.
(Y/N): Flame charge
Fire started to form around him as he ran towards the Beowolf causing it to crash through the trees along with setting other Grimm close to him or in front of them on fire. As he stop running blue electricity started to form around him as he didn't notice the power he have from Sonic Speed but both of his eyes started to glow blue, everyone at beacon are surprise at him but for Ozina she was surprised the most as she started to smile for having the gift his father had when he was young.
(Y/N): Thunderbolt
Both blue and yellow electricity are shot out of his body, frying the Grimm around him as he turn back to normal and looked at his teammates who look at him
(Y/N): Alright, finishers lets go
They nodded in understanding as they know what he's talking, team FORS put their weapons away sand started to do poses which got everyone at beacon were confused at them doing some sort of dance
Mallow:( yells) Bloom Doom
A field of flowers surrounded Mallow, then it started to explode the Grimm around her as she was left without a scratch.
Dawn:(yells) Hydro Vortex
A huge whirlpool form around Dawn as Grimm started to get suck into it as they started to drown in the water and some flew off decapitate by the rocks, trees and ground.
Serena:(yells) Inferno Overdrive
Serena throw a large fire ball at the group, causing it to explode killing them
(Y/N):(yells) Gigavolt Havoc
(Y/N) form a ball of electricity and punch it towards the final group of Grimm, creating a explosion like Serena's but it was a mix of blue and yellow.
(End music)
Team FORS look at their surroundings as they see all the Grimm around them have dissolved, back at beacon everyone was speechless as one student claps their hands then everyone started to clap their heads loud while cheering for them. Team RWBY, the ORC along with Pyrrha and Nora had hearts on their eyes for (Y/N), they started to walk back to the cliff as (Y/N) carried his team and ran there as Ozina look at (Y/N) with a smile.
Ozina:(thoughts)Your father and mother would be proud of you.
As (Y/N) ran all the way towards the cliff, Irina head click as she started to remember about why team FORS look so familiar, she took out a old photo of her being 8 and a 6 year old boy but another old photo with her and the boy but with 3 other young girls who have green hair and cat features, one with blond hair and blue eyes and finally a girl with blue eyes and hair. She started to put the pieces together with team FORS as tears of joy fall off her face.
Irina:(thoughts)Your all are alive, I'm so happy. I though I never see you again, my love, my friends, my family. But why did you disappear, why did you change your name (Y/N) and why did Serena, Mallow and Dawn didn't say their last names. I have to tell them soon or later but for now I'll let them get comfortable at beacon before I ask what happen to them after the accident 10 years ago.
Irina wipe her tears away as she started to wait for them to tell the truth about what happen to them during the accident, but if she knows the real truth, she's not gonna like what they're going to say about Issei or his companions did to them. Let's just say Issei wishes he died at birth for the demise he created.
As the story continues...
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