Chapter 6

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Ruby Pov.

I feel so nervous cause (Y/N) is staying in our dorm roof for at least a little while until Ozina gets them their own room for them to stay in, we started to walk towards the dorm and when I open the door (Y/N) open it and he let us all in first.

Weiss:(smile) What a gentleman.

Yang:( smile) thank you cutie~

I see (Y/N) blush, I couldn't help but smile at him for being cute, and as a bonus he's my size so I can see him eye to eye. We all started to walk in as I see team FORS started to unpack half of their stuff from their bags/suitcases like clothes, dust and their weapons, I have stars in my eyes as I see their weapons so as the nerd I am I quickly run towards each of them and looked at them from top to bottom but Dawn doesn't have one which got me confuse.

Serena:(confuse) You like weapons

Ruby:(smile) yeah, I love looking at them, can you tell me what can they do.

Team FORS look at each other and nods their heads as they took out their own weapons but Dawn still didn't take her weapon out.

Serena:(holds weapon) This is my weapon, it's a fire sword that I name Incinerate. It doesn't transform into any gun but I'm more for a close combat person but I use my semblances for long range attacks.

Weiss:(confused) Wait semblances, plural with a S

Dawn: Yeah we got more than one.

Ruby: Cool, can you tell us.

Mallow: No it's better to watch us use it during our initiation tomorrow.

Ruby:(sad) aww, ok Dawn what's your weapon.

Dawn: I don't have one.


Dawn: Yeah, I'm not into weapons.

(Y/N): No your not, you're just too lazy to buy or make one

Dawn blushes in embarrassment as Mallow and Serena giggled at their teammate.

Dawn: But I can make weapons on my own using my semblances.

Weiss: Interesting

Mallow: well here's my weapon(shows her weapon) this is my grass sword, I name with Vine Blade, it's the same thing as Serena's but instead of Fire it's grass.

(Y/N): And finally these weapons are my(unsheathed swords from back) these swords are mine, (lifts left hand) this is I called crystal blade and this one (lifts right hand) I called cold steel. These are the weapons I use mostly in close combat , they can cut anything with ease and if I focus one of my semblance in them then the blades shields it self and make it more easier to cut anything with one quick swipe.

Ruby:(in awe) That's so cool.

(Y/N): These swords aren't my only weapons rosey (Ruby blushes) I also have this(holds out left hand)

RWBY:(confuse) uum,

(Y/N):(smile) It doesn't look much but this high tech glove is more special than it seems, this glove allows me to use and copy any weapon I touch with it and it automatically collects its codes for me to use but I can only use it one at a time but for example is I already have a code for a sword in the glove and I touch another sword it lets me choose to keep the code I already have or replace it with a new code. Like this Ruby let me see your weapon.

Ruby: Ok

I grab my scythe and hand it to (Y/N), he touch it and he took a step back and hold his left hand.

(Y/N): Codename: Scythe.

The glove glows blue and it started to form my scythe, the exact same design, the same looks, but it's a different color. It's the same color as the (F/C) tips in his hear.

(Y/N): It's also voice command to my voice and it can change into any color I want when I touch this button on the glove , so if I say a color it ether automatically change it or it adds as a default, watch(pushes button near thumb) Color skin: Pink, Red, Green, white

I saw the scythe change from (F/C) to Pink, Red, Green, white, finally back to (F/C), I started to have stars in my eyes.

(Y/N): I told you, but I prefer to leave it (F/C) as a default.

Me and my team were speechless until Mallow snap her fingers getting us out of our trance.

Ruby:You are now my super best friend in the entire world

(Y/N):(smiles) Thanks Ruby, that means a lot to me.

I blush at what he said to me but I quickly shook my head and regain my senses as I startled to walk towards my wardrobe to get my sleepwear but I quickly realized our sleeping situation as I turn back to them.

Ruby: So how will we deal with the sleeping situation.

Dawn: Oh we got our own sleeping bags so we could sleep on the floor.

Mallow: Not me, remember I lost mine when we sleep in the woods.

(Y/N)/Dawn/Serena: Oh yeah.

3rd person Pov *Flashback* Couple months ago*

Team FORS was sleeping in the woods until they hear a loud growl that woke them up except for Serena, only the three members look around their surroundings but their visions are a little blurry since they just woke up in the middle of the night until they spot where the growl is located. (Y/N) throw a fire ball, Dawn throw a ice ball while Mallow throw her sleeping bag, as their eyes clear they look at what it was and it was a raccoon digging through their food.

Mallow:(shout) Hey, shoo, shoo get away from our food, go on get.

The raccoon ran away with some berries they collected, when they turn around Mallow notice her sleeping bag is not there.

Mallow: Wait ( looks around) where's my sleeping bag.

Dawn:(points) Right there.

They all soon turn left and they saw Mallow's sleeping bag being drag away from the current of the river their next to as they watch it being drag away to a waterfall and fall down, Mallow looked down while (Y/N) pats her back to try and make her feel better.

Mallow:(sad) That's the last time I use my stuff as a weapon.

*Flashback End* Present time*

Mallow:(angry)It was all because of that stupid raccoon, if it didn't show up I would still have my sleeping bag.

(Y/N): It's ok Mallow you can use my sleeping bag, I don't mind

Mallow:(blushes) t-thanks (Y/N)

(Y/N):(smile) No problem.

This made everyone except Mallow looked at her in jealousy but then a little light bulb lighten above their heads except for Ruby who burn out, until a chibi Ruby walk across the screen, climb on top of her head and replace the light bulb, claps her hands until it lights up while chibi Ruby walks away with the broken one. This made everyone happy to get (Y/N) to sleep with one of them in their beds/sleeping bags. Then the girls started to change into their sleepwear, Mallow and Yang both have the same sleepwear with a tank top and shorts but Mallow has a green tank top instead of Yellow, Same thing with Dawn and Weiss but Dawn is blue instead of white like Weiss, and Serena wears a simple pink shirt and long pants like how a normal person would wear. Ruby finally notice that (Y/N) didn't change in the bathroom but stand there while reading a book.

Ruby: Hey (Y/N), why didn't you change.

(Y/N): Oh it's because I can turn myself into a small tornado to change clothes, it's mostly cause I'm too fast for anyone to see me run or get change, watch.

(Y/N) grab his white long sleeve shirt, long black pants and spin around so fast that the girls can't see him but a small draft blows in the room and only a (F/C) small tornado slowly moving towards the middle of the room and as it stopped they see (Y/N) holding his outfit in his arms as he is wearing his sleepwear.

(Just pretend (Y/N) is Jay and he didn't twirl his nunchucks)

RWBY:(surprise) Wow.

(Y/N): See, I'm just too fast for anyone to see

Blake: Gotta admit that's impressive but where will you sleep (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Don't know, I'll probably sleep on the floor.

Girls:NO, you won't sleep on the floor.

(Y/N):(confuse) Ok, so where will I sleep.

Ruby: You can sleep in mine( pats her bed hanging with ropes)

(Y/N): Is it stable.

Ruby:(smile) Yep, if it wasn't than I shouldn't be sleeping on it.

Weiss: Absolutely not, you should sleep with me.

Yang: You could get him frostbite ice queen, why not sleep with me and my "pillows" will keep him warm and comfortable.

Weiss looked down at her chest and looked at everyone's breast since they all have bigger breast than her by a long shot in order from biggest to smallest.
1.Yang, Mallow
2.Blake, Serena
5. And finally Weiss

Weiss looked down in defeat and she feels like crying while eating a bathtub full of ice cream since she have the flattest chest and the smallest butt in the group as Blake have the biggest bellabooty in the booty department even Ruby has a bigger chest than her and she's the youngest in the group.
(In this story Ruby and Koneko will be 16, so trust me it's better to wait until later in the story)

As Weiss looked down in sadness as Ruby try to make her feel better, Serena and (Y/N) looked outside at the window and both of their eyes widened since it's night and they both try to slow down their were-forms until morning but Dawn and Mallow didn't notice their teammates slowly starting to change since their they joined in the conservation.

Mallow:(annoyed)Why can't he sleep in my bed.

Weiss: It's because one it's not a bed and 2 it's too small for two people to sleep in. Well I for one...

She couldn't finish her sentence as (Y/N) speeds his way towards Blake's bed and quickly fall asleep on their as did Serena in her sleeping bag while covering her head with the hood in the bag. This got everyone confused at their action until Dawn and Mallow look outside and their eyes widened as they forgot that their teammates secrets that they refused to share to anyone but only to people they trust.

Mallow:(sweat dropped)Oh would you look at the time(fake yawn) oh we all should get some sleep, our team has a initiation tomorrow goodnight.

Mallow quickly got into the sleeping bag next to Serena and quickly fall asleep as Dawn follow her lead which got team RWBY confused at their actions.

Yang:(confused) Well that was weird.

Blake:(confused) Yeah but their right they got a initiation tomorrow.

Ruby: Yeah(yells) I can't wait...

_WBY quickly shush her so she won't interrupt team FORS' sleeping as they got in their own beds. When Blake got into her bed she hug (Y/N) as he sleeps, RW_Y looked at her in jealousy while she had a victory smirk and slept with (Y/N) as she hears him quietly snore.

Weiss turn off the lights as they all started to fall asleep but Blake didn't notice (Y/N) started to change darkness of the sky and the moon shines on him as he slowly changes as his (H/C) hair with (F/C) tips to dark blue with white tips as his hands turn to claws, his teeth turn into razor sharp fangs and his right arm hangs on the edge of the bed as it stretched down to the floor, it did the same to Serena as her hair change from blond to grey as wolf ears and a wolf tail appeared. But what team FORS didn't know their was someone more smarter than anyone who build a machine that's strong enough to beat Salem herself waiting for them to finally reveal themselves when they made the wrong move but someone from Atlas underneath the Schnee Company building someone is waiting there patiently waiting for a opportunity to finish what he had started, the one man who finally killed (Y/N)'s father after all these years that no one would ever expect, the one human who actually ended life of the one and only.

Sonic the Hedgehog.

Unknown location

In a dark place where the only lighting is on a computer screen a man is rewatching the accident from ten years ago about the loss of team Unleashed and the missing children as he slowly smiles

???: Rewatching this made me so happy at what I finally accomplished after all these years, but I have a feeling the children must have survive. Oh well( stands up from chair) if they did I'll be ready to end the son of Sonic the Hedgehog and use his power to take over Remnant and all would bow to my feet. Not Salem,Ozina,Grimm, not even any human or Faunus can defeat me with my successful weapon.

The figure looked at his invention,the one that finally end the blue hedgehog's life and the one machine that can keep up with.

(Ignore Eggman and the buildings for now, just the machine)

As the figure turn his chair around it was reveal to be Dr Ivo Robotnic or as everyone knows him as Dr Eggman, number one enemy of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Eggman: Cause I Dr. Eggman will rule the world, if the boy is still alive then I'll use his endless power to make all my machines stronger. And I can't wait to see everyone my Eggman empire rule everywhere to build Eggman land, oh ho ho ho ho,oh how I hope you enjoy this old friend (holds the head of metal sonic) after all those battles with that blue rat you still can't beat him.

As Eggman drop the head of one of his creation a figure walk in through the doors.

???:Dr Eggman

Eggman: Yes

???: Why do you still wait, you can finally build your amusement park and take out Salem and Ozina one and for all but instead you just wait here and watch that stupid news, you do realize that we kill them so their as good as dead, right

Eggman: Yes, but their was no proof of them being dead so they might still be alive.

???:That's what Ironwood said but I know they're dead since me and my dad saw them fall down in the river.

Eggman: The one with the falls

???:Yes, you said Sonic is afraid of water and can't swim right.

Eggman: Why yes but...

???: So that means his son is the same, how can that prove that he's still alive.

Eggman: Fair enough but you might be surprised, that blue rat always get out of trouble and yet he still beat me after a long time.

???:Yeah, yeah, so(looks at machine) what's this use for.

Eggman: Did you forget (??? Nods head) I thought so since that was 10 years ago, it was when I battle Sonic but I still kept it a reminder of my success, but just in case it was also use to help me battle the son of Sonic if and I mean "if" he's still alive but I know I'll use it against Salem or Ozina since I use it to power with this.

(Ignore the words on the screen)

???:Where did you get that

Eggman: It was from Sonic, I found it during our first battle and I've been using it for the past few years, it's how I power my machines and lab but I manage to collect as much energy as I can since theirs a small problem, it started to power down my machines so after his deaf his power dies with him, then I started to transfer the power from my machines to this quill so now I only have a limited amount of whatever power I had left in this quill of his. So I only have been saving this for a special occasion like battling Salem and Ozina with this energy source to power my powerful machine. So I started to wait patiently, waiting for a window of opportunity to rise again but enough of that for now, shouldn't you get back to your friends.

???: Yeah, I don't want them to know about our partnership along with the others but I got time, they probably know I'm in a place(perverted) looking at women's big bust.

Eggman: Goodbye


The person finally reveals to be Issei Hyoudou

Issei: Later Eggman

As Issei left to go back to Hedgehog Villages dr Eggman turn back to the screen and did some final touches to his machine as the screen turn black.

As the story continues...

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