Chapter 27

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Velvet Pov.

It has been a wonderful for me, (Y/N) and the other girls since more of our kids start showing up. Luckily for me I had twins named Peter and Jack thankfully (Y/N)'s aunt was half joking about having more then 1 baby instead of me having 14. Jack has my features but he had hedgehog ears instead of bunny ears while Peter is the same but he had white tips, a red left eye and bunny ears. I was sitting on a bench enjoying the cool breeze of the air while humming a song to them as they smiled, I heard footsteps coming towards me, I look up and saw someone I don't want to be near mine or the others kids, Cardin and his lackeys.

Cardin:Well, well what do we have here. A freak with two smaller freaks.

Velvet:You better watch your mouth about talking to my kids Cardin.

Cardin:Ha ha, you think I'm scared, no one scares me not even a stupid bunny like you or your rodent of a boyfriend can do about it. I think it's time for one of them *points at sons* to feel the first pain in their lives.

Cardin walk towards me as I look around to run but his team blocked every direction, I move my sons away from them and close my eyes in fear.


I heard something loud coming as I open my eyes and I saw (Y/N) in front of me protectively and grabbing Cardin's arm and he look like he was in pain.

Cardin:(in pain)Where did you come from.

(Y/N):Not important, so you threatening to not only hurt my bunny but my kids Winchester.

Cardin:(scared)Oh so they're your kids.

(Y/N) punched Cardin with a right hook breaking through his aura that broke his nose, he staggers back for a moment and he fall down on the floor.

Cardin:You son of a bit-

(Y/N):(throws shield)Language.

I heard more footsteps coming and I saw Mallow, Dawn and Serena who already gave birth to their kids so I'm guessing their in RWBY's dorm room while they look after them.

Serena:So you trying to hurt kids now Winchester.

(Y/N):You realize that one of us can take you four at once in less then a minute, but normally a person can't do things on their own unless its personal.

Dawn:My big question is why are you becoming huntsmen if you all bully, show no respect and treat our people along with yours like freaks in cages.

Mallow:She's right, you four are poor examples of true huntsmen, they're suppose to protect others not force them away or use them like shields.

(Y/N):Unhuntsman like material, your lucky my kids are here or else I'll break every bone and organ in all of your bodies.

Cardin:So what you got no rights to judge me for my actions.

(Y/N):Well your "actions" have consequences, it's about time I teach you a lesson along with every other students and my brothers in arms here you bullied in this school.

???:I would agree with your option.

We all look over to see Olivia and Glynda holding their kids.

Glynda:I agreed as well, your behavior in bullying students is unacceptable. So if you lose to team FORS you'll be expelled.

Cardin:Fine with me, and if they lose they'll be expelled.

Mallow:Pff as if we could lose to you mindless apes, we took down a hoard of Grimm without getting a single hit and breaking a sweat.

They walk off ignoring what Mallow said and I see (Y/N) walking towards me with a worried look.

(Y/N):You ok, did they hurt you or them.

Velvet:I'm ok, they didn't hurt them until you show up.

(Y/N):Good, I will never let him or anyone hurt you,*looks at twins* and these little guys.

He rubs their heads causing them to giggled, Glynda and Olivia walk beside me showing their kids to mine.

Olivia:Opal meet your older brothers Jack and Jake.

Glynda:Same with you Barry.

My kids look at their little brother and sister in curiously. Opal is literally a mini version of Olivia but with dark blue tips and Barry had dark blue hair with a yellow streak and green eyes. They look at each other and held hands making me smiled at them being cute, I look at (Y/N) and I could tell he's having trouble keeping himself from falling down from the cuteness overload, I can't blame him I mean I would had done the same.

*Timeskip* Next day 3rd Pov.

The next day in Goodwitch's class team FORS waited to be called and kicking CRDL's ass for what they do to everyone, everyone was talking about the fight but they knew team FORS would win in a snap, they saw Rossweisse holding her son Ares who looks like a gender bent version of her walk up.

Rossweisse:Now team FORS and team CRDL enter the Arena.

Just before they enter they look at their kids in their arms, they look at team JNPR for a second.

Mallow:Can you look after Fall and Mia.

Serena:Same thing with Ace and Grace.

Dawn:Don't forget Aqua and Nita.

Jaune:No problem, it's a uncles job to look after his nephew and nieces.

Pyrrha:At least he's embracing it.

Mallow handed Fall and Mia to Jaune, Fall and Mia both had green hair and blue tips with a mix of blue green eyes but Mia was a neko while Fall was a hedgehog. Dawn handed Nita and Aqua to Ren, Aqua was a miniature Dawn while Nita was a miniature (Y/N) but a genderbent and Serena handed her twins to Pyrrha and Nora who haven't gave birth to their child yet.

(Y/N):(looks at babies)Now be good to your uncles and other mothers, your mommies and daddy will take care of the mean man

They giggled at their father making him smile as team FORS enter the arena and everyone saw (Y/N)'s new combat outfit after his old one was gone from the fight with Issei they liked his new one after the things he been through, the shirt representing the lightning power coming off his speed while the back of the coat represents him for being the first during the day and night.

(The shirt you wear)

(Symbol on back)

Team FORS look at CRDL with a deadpan look and they didn't took out their weapons making everyone confuse while CRDL had a cocky look, (Y/N) look at Serena and she nodded. Serena focus her aura then her hair change color and wolf parts appear while (Y/N) did the same but instead of turning into his Werehog form his body was charge and covered with blue electricity as his eyes turn blue making everyone shocked.

Cardin:What the hell?

Male student 1:What did they just do.

Male student 2:Is that their semblance.

Female Student 1:But why didn't (Y/N) turn like Serena did.

Female Student 2:And what's with all the blue lightning?

Cardin:What the hell are you?

(Y/N):I thought someone would notice, the reason Serena change and I didn't is because we're both a new kind of Faunus species, will I gain the power that belongs to my father.

Dove:So the ears and tail growing, so she's what the news said is true, she's a-

Serena:That's right I'm the first Werewolf Faunus.

Sky:And for him?

(Y/N):I didn't change like Serena was because I can change turning the night or when I get angry enough, I am the first ever of my species that can transform from day and night, I'm the first and official Werehog Faunus.

Everyone cheered at them as they got into a fighting stance, when the countdown hit zero(for babies safety) they rushed at team CRDL. (Y/N) spindash Cardin, Mallow kick Russel, Dawn tackle Sky with Aqua Jet and Serena look at Dove with fire in her eyes making him scared.

Dove:(scared) Let's talk about this.

Serena:Talking is overrated when someone's try to bully a child.

She charge at Dove and slash him causing Dove to be push back, he regain footing until Serena appeared behind him while her hand was set on fire.

Serena:Fire Punch.

She punch Dove causing him to be launch in the air, Serena jumped in the air and her sword lit on fire.


She breathe out fire at Dove causing him to not only get pushed to the ground but depleting his aura. The view change when Dawn use ice beam at Sky causing his leg to be frozen, she walked up to him making him laugh nervously. Dawn create a ice hammer and she swung it at Sky causing him to break out of the ice and launched towards the wall knocking him out. Mallow launched a energy ball at Russel as it explode on contact pushing him back and her hands glow green.

Mallow:Razor leaf

She fired glowing leaves at Russel multiple times and with one final leaf he was push back a bit and Mallow ran towards him and kicked Russel with a roundhouse in the face knocking him out. (Y/N) launch multiple punches at Cardin in the stomach leaving dents in his armor, Cardin held his stomach in pain and swung his mace at him and (Y/N) move his head a bit making Cardin miss him and he grab it with ease. (Y/N) took Cardin's mace away and he broke it with his hands making Cardin look scared as he slowly walk towards him with his eyes glowing blue as he crack his knuckles making Cardin scared even more as (Y/N) grab him and lift him up in the air.

Cardin:(scared) Please, please, please man I promise to be a well behaved huntsman, I won't bully anyone anymore for the rest of my life. I'll treat everyone including your kind with respect, you want me to huntsman material I'll do it. I'll do anything you want just don't hurt me anymore.

(Y/N):Then do me a favor and leave.

His hand glows blue and he delivered a powerful punch at Cardin in the face launching him thought the wall causing it to break and knocking him out in defeat. Everyone cheered as both (Y/N) and Serena turn back to normal and they all walked out of the room with their kids as Glynda escort CRDL to Olivia's office to expelled them, Mallow yawn in boredom making her kids laugh at how she act.

Mallow:Man that fight was boring, they didn't put up a good warm up.

Dawn:More like bad warm up.

Serena:Well just be glad everyone would not only get their work done but at least our kids would be safe.

(Y/N):I agree, I don't want them to be around with people who bullies or threatens our people.

They heard footsteps behind as they look to see Rias running towards them.

Rias:(Y/N) you got to get to the hospital now, Xenovia and Coco are giving birth right now to their child.

(Y/N):Ok I'll be right back.

He ran fast towards the hospital then Olivia and Salem look at him from a distance as they smile at him.

Salem:He has the power doesn't he.

Olivia:He does, I know he'll not only stop Eggman but he can bring peace among the world.

Salem:I agree, right little one.

She tickled her baby boy named Elliot as he giggled, Elliot was a genderbent Salem but he doesn't have dark veins like his mother and nether did Salem herself. She was acting more human then Grimm to where she was pale like Weiss and her black veins disappear and her control over the Grimm was more friendlier then they were before helping people everywhere.

Olivia:I see you and Elliot are more human by the day.

Salem:We are, thanks to (Y/N) I'm more human then I was before during our war ended.

Olivia:I would say the same but it's not over until Eggman is defeated.

Salem:Then lets make sure he stays in prison.

Location change: Hospital

In a hospital room Xenovia was holding her baby boy and Coco who was next to her on another bed in the room was sleeping with a girl in her arms sleeping with her as Akeno was talking with Xenovia with her baby girl and the Toujou sisters draw on Coco's face making each of their twins giggled at them. The door was open revealing (Y/N) as he look at Xenovia and in her arms is his son, he walk beside her and she bounce the baby boy as he reach his hands towards (Y/N). He pick him up and he rub his head making him giggled, he had Xenovia's hair color with her green streak and his eyes were blue.

(Y/N):He's more blue than me and you

Xenovia:(giggled) He does, I named him Sonic.

(Y/N):Cool name.

Akeno:Xenovia was going to call him Azul like the color blue but she already named him after your dad, just like you name our girl after my mother, (looks at Shuri) right Shuri.

Baby Shuri: (giggled)

After (Y/N) heard about Akeno's mom he though it was nice to name her after her mother, he look over at the Toujou sisters drawing on Coco's face as he roll his eyes. He kiss Kuroka and look at Selina and Felicia who look like Kuroka but Selina was a hedgehog and her eyes were (E/C), he look over to Koneko and he kiss her cat ears and tickled Violet and Nick. Nick was a neko with (H/C) hair and hazel eyes while Violet had white hair and (E/C) eyes.

Koneko:At first I though we were going to have more then two.

Kuroka:Same, but Rogue was a huge lier, I wanted more kitties

(Y/N):Did coco named our daughter.

Kuroka:She did, remember during the month we figure out we only had a month or couple weeks for our kids to be born


Koneko:That was the day Coco named her baby before we figure out the gender, so basically she's named Chocola

(Y/N):Cute name.

Coco:(yawn) Oh hey babe, so you like the name

(Y/N):I do but had you notice your face.

Coco:(confuse) What do you mean?

(Y/N):(grabs mirror) You may want to look.

Coco grab the mirror and she saw her face having cat faces, mustache, a black eye and a smily face drawn all over her face.

Coco:(angrily) Who did this.

Kuroka/Koneko:It was Fox.

(Y/N):(deadpan) Really.😑


We see team RWBY adoring their kids while (Y/N) was with Aika at the park with Val who has (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes and Aika's hair color, as Weiss holds Sapphire who looks more like Weiss with dark blue tips she notice Blake looked a bit terrified when she saw her scroll.

Weiss:Hey what's wrong Blake?

Blake:My parents are coming over.

Yang:So what's wrong with that, they don't have a problem when they figured you were pregnant like mine and Ruby's dad.

Blake:But they don't know I had quadruplets like how you and Ruby or any other girls who had twins

Ruby:Trust us they're not going to do anything bad, they might be extremely happy when they see their grandkids.

Blake:Your right, guess I'm just a bit worried if Eggman finds out about them then it would be a huge problem for us and (Y/N).

Weiss:Me too but remember (Y/N)'s family and Atlas are finding him, once they find him he's going to prison for the rest of his life and we will have our wedding.

Ruby:Honestly I can't wait for our wedding, right my roses.

Ruby's kids giggled at their mother's childish attitude, just like her sister Ruby had twins named Summer and Thorn they were named after her mother. Just like Akeno's mom (Y/N) heard the same with Ruby and he thought it was nice to named her Summer, her dad and uncle like the named and thought the same. Summer and Thorn both had Silver eyes but Thorn was more like Ruby with red tips while Summer had dark blue tips.

Yang:Looks like the rose twins agreed.

Weiss:So when are they arriving.


Weiss:That gives you enough time to be prepare.

*timeskip next day*

Blake was waiting for her parents to arrive near the launchpad, she holds Luke in her arms while Luna, Shade and Melissa are on a stroller looking around in curiosity. She smiled at her kids then Sun appeared out of nowhere.

Sun:Hey Blake.

Blake:(annoyed)I know what your trying to do, it's not going to work. And because for my kids being here your lucky I can't curse you so it's going to be a big NO.

Sun:Why, I know he's the son of Sonic big deal but a Werehog Faunus is a complete joke. Why does that make him special?

Blake:Well unlike you he treats me right, loved and he understands me. He knows what I truly been through from the White fang, fighting off my demon and he's willing to fix it and go back to being peaceful.


They look at the voice and saw Blake's parents walking up to her, Kali hugs Blake and Ghira looks at the babies.

Kali:Its good to see you again, *looks at Luke* Aww is he-

Blake:Yes mom, this is one of them. You may want to look down.

Kali was confuse until she notice three more on a stroller making her squeal in excitement.

Kali:Oh my oum, you have four.

Blake:Yes I did.

Ghira:So you had quadruplets.

Blake:Yes, this one here is the only boy while these three are girls.

Kali holds Luke and he giggles at her as she hug him and Luke hugged back. Ghira bends down to see the girls and Luna hides her face out of shyness while Melissa and Shade giggled, Ghira grabs Luna and she coos as she hug him. He had a flashback when he remembers when Blake was a baby, he holds Shade in another arm while Kali holds Melissa in her other arm and Kali looked at Sun in confuse.

Kali:Umm Blake, who's that.

Blake:He's no one mom, just someone who wants attention.

Sun:Come on Blake theirs no way you can deny.

Blake:(growls angrily)*looks at Sun* Stop trying to get in mine and my kids lives, they don't even like you at all.

Just before Sun said anything a hand grab his neck and dragged him, they look and saw (Y/N) in his Werehog form as his eyes were glowing red.

Sun:Oh crap.

(Y/N):I thought I make myself clear for you to leave my Blake alone but you try to get into my kids life, now it's personal.

Sun:It's not like that I was just talking.

(Y/N):Your drummer then you look, I could hear everything even that lie you said to her family that you're the father, well you not but just a stupid joke. So.BACK.OFF.APE

Sun got angry and he punched (Y/N) but his hand broke on contact making him scream in pain and making the babies giggled, (Y/N) grab one of Sun's arms and he broke it making it bent and scream more, he look at him in the eyes as he look at him in the eyes.

(Y/N):Consider yourself lucky cause if me or Blake see you near us, my little girls and boy again I'll end your life. Now this message is not only for you but your pal Neptune with Weiss, now run before I

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