Chapter 16

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(Y/N) Pov.

Everything around me was dark, I started to open my eyes but my left couldn't open. I slowly open the right and I saw a bright light, I cover my eye and my eyes slowly started to adjust to the light as I look around at my surrounding and I notice that I'm in the infirmary. I felt something move underneath the blanket I'm cover in, I lift it up and I started to blush, my girlfriends Blake and Mallow was purring in their sleep on my right side while on the left was Koneko and another girl with black hair and cat ears, she almost looked like Blake. I try to remember what happen until I started to remember with Rias and Akeno being my new girlfriends, dealing with Blake and Weiss' ex and the fight with Adam that damage the Academy. I felt movement until I saw Blake open her eyes and stretched her body like how a cat would act, I move my hand and started to scratch her ears making her purr, she looked at me with widen eyes and she kissed me.

Blake:I'm glad you're awake.

(Y/N):Me too, how long was I out.

Blake:around 3 months.


Blake:(laughs)Got you, you actually though you were out for 3 months.

Blake kept in laughing, when she stop she saw me pout with a annoyed look and she kiss me again.

Blake:(smile)I'm kidding, you were only out for a day

(Y/N):Not funny

Blake:Yeah but I was getting you back.

(Y/N):For what

She said nothing but she hug me and place her head on my shoulder.

Blake:For making me worried, at first I though Adam would...

(Y/N):kill me, well he caught me off guard once before but he won't do it again. And besides I want to face him for what he did to us in the past and help you fight your demon.

Blake:I know but...

(Y/N):But nothing, you know I'll do anything for you and the other girls.

Me and Blake look at each other again and we started to have a make out session, he kept it for a while until we heard a cough, we stopped and look to see Mallow and Koneko having a pout face while the other girl look in jealous.

(Y/N):(chuckles) Morning kitties, if it's morning.

Mallow:Well close enough, it's close to noon.

(Y/N):Ok but who are you(points at Kuroka) you looked like you could be Blake's sister considered you both looked adorable like Mallow and Koneko.

Kuroka:Thanks for the complement, I'm Kuroka, Shirone's older sister.

(Y/N):You mean Blake.

Blake:She's not my sister, I'm a only child but just because she almost looks like me doesn't mean she's my family.

(Y/N):Sorry Blake, I sometimes get confused during situations like this.

Blake:It's alright(rubs on him) I forgive you.

Kuroka:Putting the confusion aside, I'm actually(points at Koneko) her sister.

(Y/N):I didn't know you have a sister.

Koneko:Theirs a lot of things you don't know about me.

(Y/N):(confuse)Like what

Koneko:(deep breath) My real name is actually Shirone, (pops ears and tail) I'm actually a Nekomata and one of the last of my race.

(Y/N):I figure your sent was familiar. Now where is everyone.

Mallow:Everyone but mostly Prof. Goodwitch is fixing everything that you and Taurus cause, luckily it wasn't too much damage around the school except for the cafeteria. So everyone have to eat outside for least a week.

(Y/N):(scratch head) Sorry.

Kuroka:Oh I almost forgot, when you woke up we're suppose to escort you to Ozina's office.

(Y/N):Well let's go.

We all started to get up from the bed, I put on my coat and pants that was next to the bed and it had some sports tape on it, it look a bit cooler but I couldn't find my shoes.

(Y/N):Umm, where are my shoes.

Koneko:When the nurse was putting bandages on you, your shoes were not wore out and so we throw it away but Ozina's said that Serena have a gift for you and she'll give it to you when we get there.


So we all walked to Ozina's office with me walking on the cold floor barefoot.

*timeskip* 3rd Pov.

The Kitties and (Y/N) arrive in Ozina's office with (Y/N) standing on a skateboard he created and using a staff he summon to push himself towards her desk getting everyone confuse.

Pyrrha:Why are you using a skateboard.

(Y/N):I got no shoes since my was wore out.

Ozina:Weird but anyway, I'm glad your ok.

(Y/N): If by ok you mean wearing bandages over my eye and forehead than yeah, I've been better. So is everyone ok after my battle with Adam.

Irina:You could say that.

Rossweisse:A few students are a bit shaking but they will recover and around half of the cafeteria is already fixed up thanks to Goodwitch.

Ozina:Now, theirs something I want to tell you (Y/N).

(Y/N):(sits on chair)What's that Ozina.

Salem:It's about you mother.

(Y/N)'s eye widen at surprise.

(Y/N):My mother, you know my mother miss...

Salem:I'm Salem but not only do I know her, I'm friends with her, (pulls out picture) see.

(Y/N) looked at the picture and it show both Salem and his mom in the picture smiling.

Cinder:So that's why you look so familiar, you have your mother's looks

Salem:Yes he does, you look exactly like her but I could tell why your father didn't want you to know until your older.

(Y/N):But why didn't he tell me.

Irina:I'm kinda curious about his mom, I never meet her before.

Ozina:(sigh) I know, you all may want to listen from what I'm about to tell you. About how (Y/N) and Serena became the first of their species, and what really happen to (Y/N)'s mother.

Everyone got curious and they all started to listen but (Y/N) was the most curious one for wanting the truth about his mom, outside of Ozina's office a chameleon Faunus is not only listen to (Y/N)'s mother but him and Serena being a werewolf and a werehog Faunus.

Location change *White Fang base*

In Menagerie a female Tiger Faunus was sitting in her throne waiting on a update to locate Adam Taurus for his execution and betrayal, she waited patiently until the doors open revealing a chameleon Faunus holding her scroll and walking towards the tiger Faunus.

???:Did you locate Adam, Ilia.

The chameleon Faunus is confirmed to be Ilia Amitola, a trusted ally to the white fang

Ilia:Yes I did but theirs more, Sienna.

The tiger Faunus is confirmed Sienna Khan, the leader of the white fang

Sienna:What did you find.

Ilia:You remember Sonic.

Sienna:(sad)How could I not, what about him

Ilia:He actually have a son(Sienna's eyes widen) his name is (Y/N) the hedgehog but he change it to (L/N)

Sienna:Why did he change his name that was given to him by his father.

Ilia:He change it because he was one of the missing child from the murder mystery.

Sienna:But that doesn't explain...

Ilia:He didn't want any of the criminals knowing both him and his team were alive or else they would finish the job.

Sienna:Fair enough, but the information about Adam.

Ilia:Oh yes my apologies, he was killed by (Y/N) during his battle in his were form.

Sienna:(confuse) A were form

Ilia:He's the first ever Werehog Faunus.

Sienna:A werehog, do you have a picture of him.

Ilia:Yes, two pictures of him in his normal and werehog form.

Ilia showed Sienna the pictures of (Y/N) and she blushed at his appearance.

Sienna:You never said he was cute, I would like to meet him

Ilia:As do I but for now let me start at the beginning from what Kuroka send me.

Ilia started to explain everything from how very thing started through Adam's death.

Location change *team RWBY's dorm*

(Y/N) was sitting on the big bed hugging his knees and his hood covering his head after finding out what happen to his mom but when he heard about it let's just say he didn't take it too well, Yang is hugging him from behind trying to make him feel better, Mallow and Blake started to rub on him like a cat would to make the owner get their attention or need something, Serena and Ruby started to bake cookies to make him feel better, Dawn and Weiss were sitting on Blake's bed thinking of a next target to go after.

Serena:(Y/N) you can't stay brooding like Batman all day.

Yang:She's right, you can't stay depressed all day.

Mallow:I can't blame him, his mother is the daughter of Dark Gaia, Eggman not only broke the planet in pieces but planed and killed our parents, fight a murderer to the death and being betrayed by someone who he saw as a brother who want him dead all for a harem. I would act like than in his place.

Ruby:(sigh) Look your not the only one who lost a family member, My mother died when I was young.

Yang:My mom abandoned me when I was young

Weiss:My mother wasn't there for most of my life.

(Y/N):It's not that.

(Y/N) let go of his legs and they all see his eyes had a mix of electricity and flames coming out of his eyes as his eyes were red with anger.

(Y/N):It's more like my father's archenemy has reach number one on my list, and going to rip his stupid mustache off his out of shape body.

Dawn:I called dips on getting his goggles as a trophy.

(Y/N) But finding out that your mother being the daughter of a powerful creature who can destroyed the world and your own dad can defeat someone who's power is like a god, it's a lot to take in.

Ruby:The cookies are done.

Ruby brought the cookies that she and Serena baked for him and hold the plate in front of him, (Y/N) looked at the cookies and pull down his hood. His eyes turned back to normal and he had a small smiled, he took one cookie and he took a bite out of it and he had a big smile.

(Y/N):Your baking skills is a talent that no one can match.

Ruby/Serena:Thank you.

(Y/N):But their is something I need.

Weiss:What's that.

(Y/N):I would like to cuddle with my girlfriends, get good night kisses and sleep.


Serena:But their is something I wanted you to have.

Serena walked towards the wardrobe and she pull out a present and she hand it over to (Y/N) who look at it in confuse.

Serena:I was saving it for ether your birthday or Christmas but it's better to give it to you now, but you don't have to rip it open it's just a box that was made to look like I tried to wrap it.

(Y/N):Thank you Serena.

He give her a kiss on the lips and he open the presents and he saw new shoes that resembles his father.

(Y/N) put the new shoes on and he stand up, he started to run in place and did a small dance.

(Y/N):These shoes are a perfect fit. I love these shoes

Serena:Thanks, they're a custom made. I had to made them with special fabric from our journey around the world it was made to be elemental proof so it won't be burn, frozen, or stab, you're able to run at your top speed without them being torn up, fallen out or getting slip on from any slippery surface like ice so you could run all you want without getting worried and they can make any feet base attacks like aerial Ace or fire kick double the damage. So you can kick the ever living crap out of anyone you want.

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Weiss:The shoes are cool but it's starting to get dark, we don't want to miss class

Serena:(looks out window)your right

They all soon started to change to their sleepwear and cuddle to (Y/N), outside of the room Ilia looked down and she felt sad about him learning about his mother being a descendent of a powerful enemy but at the same time she's not since (Y/N) has tons of people caring about him, including herself and she quickly disappear to leave a note for Salem and Ozina about Sienna wanting to make a peace treaty with the white fang and take out ether Jacques Schnee or James Ironwood to track down Dr. Eggman and make a better place for everyone to live.

As the story continues...

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