In Denial

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“So, you've been talking to Eddie?” Robin asked.

“A bit. Sometimes in class or when Eddie passes me in the hallway,” Violet leaned against the counter across from Robin. She liked to stop by the video store to chat with Robin and Steve. And occasionally rent a movie.

“Ooh, someone likes you,” Robin said in a teasing tone. Violet rolled her eyes. “Eddie doesn't like me. He's just being friendly,” she scoffed.

Robin gave Violet a knowing smirk as she picked up some videotapes to put away. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Violet asked. Robin stayed silent as she passed Violet.

“Robin?” Violet heard Robin stifle a laugh.

“What's funny, Buckley?” Steve stepped out of the backroom and closed the door behind him.

“Violet doesn't think Eddie likes her,” Robin announced as she placed the tapes on the shelf. “Because he doesn't, Robin!” Violet crossed her arms.

“Okay… so, what's been going on between you two?” Steve leaned over the counter and looked toward Violet.

“Nothing special. We talk a little in class, in the hallway, and he sometimes calls to talk about the book he borrowed from me,” Violet shrugged. Robin walked up to the counter next to Violet.

“He also compliments her on her outfits, invites her to DnD meetings, and look,” she grabbed Violet's arm to hold it up, “He gave her a bracelet!” A black and white beaded bracelet adorned Violet's wrist.
Steve's eyebrows shot up in shock.

“When did he give you that?” Steve asked, now very invested in the current gossip. “Two weeks ago,” Robin answered before Violet could open her mouth.
“Oh yeah, he likes you,” Steve confirmed with a nod.

Violet pulled her wrist free from Robin's grip. “It's not that serious, guys. He probably sees me as a friend,” she said.

“Steve and I are friends, and he never gave me a bracelet. He wouldn't even give me a piece of gum,” Robin said. Steve nodded.

Violet looked between Robin and Steve before she rolled her eyes.

“You guys are ridiculous,” Violet shook her head. “And you are delusional,” Robin said. “Why are you so against this?” Robin approached Violet and held her arms, “What are you so afraid of?”

Violet gazed back into Robin's eyes before she turned away. “Guys like Eddie don't like girls like me,” Violet slipped out of Robin's hands and stepped toward the store's front door.

“Eddie's not like everybody else, Vi. That's one of the things you two have in common,” Robin said as Violet grabbed the door handle.

Violet pushed the door open, a soft ding rang as she walked out of the store without another word.

Later that day…

Violet sat on the concrete steps at the rear of the school, focusing on the picture she had sketched in her notebook.

“Hey, V.”

Violet jumped, she clutched the notebook to her chest as she whipped around. A sigh of relief left her lips when she saw Eddie standing behind her.

“Hey, Eddie,” Violet sighed again. “Okay, V, honestly, you're jumpy as fuck,” Eddie chuckled as he sat next to her on the steps. Violet shook her head with a soft smile.

Violet's body began to relax. Eddie's familiar scent of leather and cigarettes wafted her nose. But there was a new scent around him this time. A warm, woody smell. It’s so subtle that Violet almost missed it.

“Whatcha got there, V?” Eddie gestured to the book in Violet's hands. “Oh, it's nothing. Just a drawing I'm working on,” Violet shrugged. Eddie nodded. “Can I see?” he asked. Violet hesitated before she slowly handed her notebook to Eddie.

He carefully studied the sketch of a cluster of daisies swaying in the gentle currents of a river, expertly drawn in the pages of the notebook. “Wow,” Eddie whispered. “You're really good, V,” he smiled and returned the notebook to her. “Thanks,” Violet softly smiled and accepted the book.

“You like Daisies?” Eddie asked. Violet looked at Eddie. “What gave it away?” she chuckled. “Well, you have a drawing of Daisies in your book, the ring on your finger has a Daisy on it, and there were paintings of Daisies in your room,” Eddie pointed out. “You're very observant, Eds,” Violet teased. Eddie chuckled.

“Um, V,” Eddie muttered. “Yeah?” Violet closed her notebook and looked at Eddie. “Uh, I- no. Would- um,” Eddie stammered. Violet raised a brow in confusion as Eddie stumbled over his words.

“Do you wanna… Um? Fuck! Why can't I talk to you now?” Eddie groaned as he pressed his face into his hands.

Violet had an idea. “Hey, do you wanna try something?” she asked. “Uh, sure?” Eddie shrugged. “Oz and I do this when we want to say something but are too nervous to get it out,” Violet turned her back toward Eddie. “You put your back against mine,” she instructed.

“Okay,” Eddie turned away from her. His back gently pressed against Violet's. Her body heated from the gentle contact.

“Now you can say what you need to say,” Violet said. “Right, right. Okay, um. Violet,” Eddie began, “My band and I are playing at The Rift this Saturday and… I was wondering if you'd come and watch us perform.”

Violet perked up. “Oh, that's it?” she giggled. Eddie laughed, and Violet felt his back shake against hers. “Yeah, that's it,” Eddie threw his hands up. Violet felt the temptation to turn and face him, but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

“What's your band called again? Corroded Coffin, right?” she asked. “Yep. That's it,” Eddie nodded. “Sure, I'll go,” Violet agreed.


Violet jumped at Eddie's sudden outburst. He turned around, “V.” Violet shifted around toward Eddie. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, “Thanks.” Violet's heart pounded in her chest. She hesitantly rested her hand on Eddie's back.

“No problem, Eds,” Violet whispered. Eddie let out a sigh before releasing Violet. He gazed into her eyes, and a soft smile spread across his face. Violet bit her lower lip and looked at her hands in her lap. Eddie clenched his fist and took a deep breath. Violet peeked up at Eddie and saw a look in his eyes she'd never seen before. Desire.

The school bell rang—startling Eddie and Violet.

“Uh, what time is your show on Saturday?” Violet asked. Eddie cleared his throat before speaking, “Nine fifteen.” Violet nodded and packed her notebook into her bag.

Eddie and Violet stood up and walked to the door. Like a gentleman, Eddie opened the door for Violet. “Milady,” he said with a bow. Violet giggled as she walked into the building.

“Thanks,” she said. Eddie nodded in acknowledgment. “So, I'll see you in class,” Violet smiled. “Yeah, see you in class. Behave yourself, V,” Eddie joked. He took a few steps back before turning away and walking down the hallway.

Violet smiled as she turned and headed to her next class with a skip in her step.

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