Hey everyone, Author~Sama here. I know a good few of you lovely readers have been waiting for an update and I'm sorry to say I will no longer be writing for this story. I've been receiving some hateful messages from some people on this app. Now I'm not listing names because it honestly not worth it, I just blocked them and moved on but it did push me further away from this story and the MHA Fandom as a whole. I may or may not come back and write what I had planned for future chapters. But I'm not heartless enough to leave you all hanging so here's basically a brief run down on what happens.
● Y/n and Tokoyami have a deep conversation about Y/n's relationship with Hawks.
● Tokoyami has a conversation with Hawks and gives him his blessing to marry his mom if Hawks ever does ask.
● Hawks the proceeds to fly off and propose to Y/n
● Tokoyami's dad comes back to start some shit only to get his ass beat by Y/n who is just done with this man's bullshit and he finally backs tf down.
● Hawks and Y/n get married, lovely wedding that Dabi and Shigaraki attempt to ruin only to get their asses beat in a double teamed fight by a very pissed off teenage edge lord and his mother.
● Happy ever after.
Thank you all for reading this messy story, even if it was a half-assed attempt at some points. It truly means a lot to me that you all enjoyed this book.
Peace out,
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