Burning Buildings and Singed Wings

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I loved flying. It made me feel so unbelievably free, especially since I keep my wings tucked into myself so tightly. I flipped over onto my back to take a photo of the night sky and full moon to send to my baby boy. I flipped back over, slowing down to land as I neared the recording label. The second my feet touched the ground, I had an unsettling feeling. Every instinct I had was screaming at me to leave the label. I carefully made my way inside, ignoring my instincts to run.

Pressing my hand against the glass of one of the recording booth doors, I stopped after hearing yelling. I pushed the door open and poked my head inside, glancing into the empty room. I shook it off and continued down the hall to the recording room that I usually used. Well I would have if some scar covered male didn't step in front of me. I stopped, watching him. He smirked, which made me wince at the gleam of the staples in his skin. "So you're the great Nightingale?" Jesus, did you smoke enough cigarettes? "I may be, what's it to you?" I asked. The male smirked. "I've been tasked to bring you in, sweetheart." "Bring me in? What for?" The male made his way towards me.

"My boss is a damn nuisance, but I can agree with him on his choice of women. And a woman like you, I'm sure your husband is a very demanding man." He said, reaching out for my face. I jerked my head back. "I'm afraid you have the wrong idea, I'm not married nor do I plan on being married anytime soon." I said, taking a few steps back from him. "Good, then we won't have to stress tracking down anyone else." The male bolted towards me, tackling me to the ground. I fought against him, screaming as I felt a burning pain through my arm that he held tightly onto. He pinned my arms down, smirking at me. "Aw, what's the matter little bird? Not used to a little burn?" He mocked me. "Get the hell off me!" I slammed him off with one of my wings and bolted down the hallway.

I could hear him right behind me. I needed to get outside or to a more open space at least. Fire blocked my way, making me skid to a stop. I turned to see the male smirking, the blue flames spilling from his hands. "You're making this more work than it has to be, birdbrain." He said, walking towards me. I'm gonna have to get past him to even try to escape. "You know, I was really trying not to damage those pretty little wings of yours." He said boredly. The flames crawled up my wings, distracting me from him. He tackled me to the ground again, my wings smoldering the flames around us, and burning me in the process. "You know, Handjob's gonna kill me for damaging these wings of yours." He said, pressing my arms against my barely opened wings, pinning them in place.

I can't die like this, not before I see my son again.

I took advantage of his body being on top of mine, using my wings to flip us over. I bolted, ripping out a handful of feathers to distract him as I rushed to the nearest window and threw my body out of it. Forcing my beaten wings to fly, I pulled myself onto the roof, hissing in pain as I landed on my back. Definitely broke something. I jolted hearing the rooftop door being flung open. "You damn bird. Stop being difficult." The male growled as he stomped towards me. Well as close as he could before bright crimson feathers sent him flying. Red wings blocked my view as the owner landed. "You villains are seriously getting annoying. I was about to get my dinner." The person sighed. They turned to me, shooting me a small smile.


"You alright miss?" He asked. "Barely." I sighed. Hawks nodded. "Think you can fly away while I handle him?" I shook my head. "I think he might have broken some of the bones in my wings." The male sighed. "You know, I took you for a lot of things, Dabi, but attacking a woman? I seriously didn't take you for the type." Hawks said. "And Nightingale of all people? You villains seriously are pathetic." He knew who I was? The scarred male opened his hands, palms facing us. My instincts kicked in as I forced myself on to my feet. Before I even registered the flames against my wings and Hawks' back against me, I had already wrapped my wings around the both of us. The thick plumage helped keep the flames from getting to us, but definitely fried my wings. Hawks dove out from the shelter of my wings and went to attack the male he called Dabi. Fluttering my wings, I sighed before staggering into the building to try and get away from the fight. I didn't go too far as I was yanked back onto the roof.

The once beautiful onyx plumage was now burned away. My wings drooped as my back was pressed against someone's chest. "Hey! Stay awake!" Hawks' voice demanded me. God, I was so tired. I felt a pair of arms go under me, one nestled under my ruined wings and the other under my knees. I could faintly hear yelling as my world turned dark.


A/n: Thank you for reading my story! Stay safe! Drink water & stay hydrated! Feel free to comment, vote, & share!

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