A/n: Part of this chapter is kinda dark af, so I have put a trigger warning for it, however I did not go into full detail for it, because ily guys and personally, I couldn't force myself to write it. If you want to skip this chapter because of it, I don't mind at all!
I sighed as I brushed my hands through my hair. This new album was seriously stressing me out. I got up from my desk and walked towards the window that overlooked the large backyard of the new house. Keigo wasn't gonna be home until tomorrow morning because of a villain attack in the city. "Fuck." I groaned. Was it always this hard to write music before? I can't even remember. Glancing around the garden, I swore I saw something move. I leaned into the glass, studying the garden. Was it an animal? My hunting gaze soon landed on something... or rather someone. The person put their hand up and waved at me. I stepped back, panic starting to rush my veins. Was it a villain? A creepy stalker fan? I rushed out of my office to the bedroom where my phone was. I heard banging on the back door, the one leading to the garden. I locked the bedroom door behind me and snatched my phone off the charger before going to the balcony and taking flight. I shakily typed the number for the police. I pressed the phone to my ear as I searched from the air for the person.
"Japan Police, what's your emergency?" I heard the operator's voice say calmly. "I think someone's trying to break into my house. I saw them in my garden and they started banging on the backdoor." I said quietly, still looking for the person. "Ma'am, can I have your name please?" "Y/n Tokoyami." "Tokoyami~Sama, I need you to stay on the call, I have someone on the way. Could you give me your address please?" I gave the operator my address, still flying around. "Tokoyami~Sama, where are you at? Are you still in the house?" "No. I think they might have gotten in though." I said, taking the chance and landing. "Please stay on the line, I have officers almost there. Did you see the person who broke in? Any features that could be recognisable?" I opened my mouth to respond, only to end up screaming in agony as I felt a heat sear up my back. Someone tackled me to the ground, cackling in the process. I glanced up into bright red eyes that looked far off. "Hello, little songbird~" My heart leaped to my throat at the sight of the male. "How long I've been waiting to get to you~" The male cackled. I howled in pain as I felt someone step on a bone in my wing. "Dabi! Get the hell off her wings!" The male on top of me snarled. I glanced over and saw the male who had attacked me before. No, not again. I can't let them take me away. I stretched my other wing out to push off the ground, only for a hand to fly to my throat. I glanced up to the male who had me pinned under his weight, he had four fingers pressed to my neck, a rough guess told me he had his pinky sticking up. "Ah ah, none of that. It would be a shame for you to be a pile of dust, wouldn't it?" I looked at the male, terror clearly showing on my face. "You look so cute with that look of terror~" Whoever this guy was, he definitely wasn't right in the head. Something told me he was a fan who had taken the love songs I had written and sang a bit too personally, after all it wouldn't have been the first time. "The portal's here, am I dragging her?" The ravenette, Dabi, huffed, clearly annoyed. The red eyed male chuckled. "Of course not, she'll be a good little song bird and do as she's told." He cackled as he got up. "Get up, we're leaving." I shook in fear as I got up. The male's hand wrapped around the back of my neck, pretty much shoving me forward. Where were the cops? The Heroes? My boyfriend? I walked into some mist like portal thing.
The second I stepped through, my eyes were greeted by multiple villains who were watching my every movement. "Everyone, meet our newest recruit, my lovely little songbird." The male who had his hand wrapped around my throat stated. A blonde teen girl squealed and ran to hug me. "Shiggy! She's so pretty in person!" The teen said excitedly. "So why are we kidnapping a singer?" Some lizard male asked. I never got to hear an answer as I was marched down a hall and into a messy, dark room. "Sit on the bed and don't move." The male that the teen had called Shiggy, stated. I did as he said, watching him move around the room. He pulled some kind of necklace out, only for me to realize it was some kind of collar. The fuck? He grinned wickedly as he approached me. "Be a good girl and stay still." I flinched as the cold leather was wrapped around my neck. "Look at you, my pretty little bird." The male petted my hair, cooing at me. Was this how I died? What is Keigo gonna do when he finds out what happened to me? What about my baby boy? "You will call me master in this room, outside of it you'll call me either Shigaraki or darling. Got it?" I nodded meekly, too scared to move. Keigo had told me about him, he turns people into dust when all five fingers touch them. I had to keep calm, knowing that if I didn't I could die. I knew my boyfriend would do anything to get me back, no matter what. The hell I knew that was in store for these villains would be a slightly entertaining one to watch.
But I wasn't ready for the hell they put me through, being beaten and used.
I wish I could say that I was able to keep my head up through all of it, but slowly I broke. And it terrified me. I was lucky that my boyfriend finally got to rescue me and boy was he pissed. Actually... that might be an understatement, since it took Endeavor, Rumi and some tree guy I knew as Kamui Woods to pull my winged lover off of the leader of the League of Villains. Keigo was quick to take his feathers and cut the collar off me, then taking me in his arms and cooing comforting words to me. "I'm so sorry, lovebird." His voice wavered, trying not to cry. The blonde kept whispering apologies, only for me to shut him up with a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, terrified that he would be taken away from me. He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. I was safe in his arms.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/n: This chapter got a bit darker than intended... Sorry! I wanna let everyone know, that if you have been abused or are being abused, it is NOT your fault! If you're being abuse, please, please tell someone! Same for the rape, it is never your fault, your clothes, body or hell even gender doesn't mean yes! I love each and everyone of you and hope that you all are safe! Thank you for reading my story! Stay safe! Drink water & stay hydrated! Feel free to comment, vote, & share!
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