Cuapter 3

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Sam and Steve (Sting) were driving to an autograph signing the next day. Steve was driving but could tell something was on Sam's mind.

"What's up?" Steve asked.

"Just have someone on my mind."


"Ellie Cruise."

"I know Ellie." "We weren't best friends or anything, but she was in TNA for awhile when I was there."

"I had a crush on her when I was younger." "I still do." "I know she likes me but she's keeping me at arm's length for some reason." "Every time I'm about to ask her out, she finds an excuse to leave."

"I'm sure it has nothing to do with you." "It's probably just past relationship trauma."

"I really want to go out with her."

Back at the hotel Ellie and Britt got into Britt's car to go to an autograph signing. When Britt started the car a song was just ending on the radio. Britt noticed the look on Ellie's face.

"What?" Britt asked.

"Remember my ex-boyfriend I was telling you about last night?"


"That was our song." "He used to sing it to me all the time." "He taught me how to play it on the guitar." "It took a long time to learn."

"Couldn't get it huh?"

"No, we kept having sex." "The sex with him was always fantastic."

"What made it so good?"

"He really knows how to move his pelvis." "He actually demonstrates it somewhat during his entrance."

"Seems like you loved him."

"I did." "He was my first love." "I had boyfriends before him but he was my first serious relationship,"

"What's his name?"

"Jeff Hardy."

"Really?" She said surprised.


"No wonder you have reservations about getting close to Sam." "I get it now."


The year was 2007. Ellie was nineteen and had been in WWE for a year. She was backstage in catering. Jeff Hardy came up to the table. Ellie's heart immediately started beating faster. She had a crush on Jeff.

"Hi Ellie." He said.

"Hi Jeff."

"How are you?"

"Good, you."

"I'd be a lot better if you agreed to go out for a drink with me after the show."

"I can't."


"I'm only nineteen."

"Oh, ok." "How about dinner?"


End Of Flashback

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