Chp 9:

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I walked my way to meet Naruto, Choji, Shikamaru and Kiba,you decided to walk together to class, today you had team assignments, so you decided to change your style, then maybe people will stop looking at you like you were the most fragile glass in the world, you were wearing what seem to be a black singlet, that hugged your boby showing all your curves, it made the three boys blush, Kiba had a gay panic when he first saw .

you didn't practice in there boring conversation, you didn't even remarke how people drowled when they saw, since you were thinking so hard about a way to become a girl again, even the ghost didn't stop cheecking you out.

(Your not wearing the jacket)

They never saw you body, you always something anything that hide all your body, they never knew how well build up you were, you had muscules everywhere, it show them again how little they know about you.

You entered the classromm, and everyone felt into a silence as they admired the body of yours, it was something that couldn't be done over night, you must have trained for years for it to de that way.

Sasuke was a little beyoug chocked, he who trained night and day couldn't have body like that, then how did you, he made a mental note to ask you later, but now that he had a good look at you he could saw how sexy you were, you were to diffrent from the baby (Y/N) he was so used to, he swore he never blushed that much in his whole life, you were breathtaking, he didn't dare to breath, he had to look away to calm his beating heart.

the boys took there sit there eyes never leaving you, but soon glared at the girl who circulated you, making it hard for them to see you, the ghosts growled hating how much attention you were getting.

-" Once I get me hands on you baby boy I will make sure to punish you for wearing something like that" Madara deep voice whispered in your ears, he thought that you will blush or something but he only got a frown.

The poor man thought you hated him, but in reality it was just a way to hide and stop you dirty mind and your beating hard from explosing, Tobirama laughed so hard at his failed attenpt, while the others just sigh, happy that his flirting way didn't get you.

You then heard the sound of rumbling comming closer and closer, making you groan sisnce you already whe was doing all those noises.

-"I'm first" they screamed at the same time, Sakura suddenly looked your direction and start blushing crazly, she mumbled a "Holy shit" before she ran over, pushing the poor Naruto away from you as you glared at her,helping him back to his feet, everyone was suprised they thought she will use this opportunete to sit next to you ut she choose you.

-"Apologise" You still had the same from when Madara flirted with, with just a dark around you, scaring the girl who start bowing to Naruto before running to Sasuke's side who just ignored her, feeling jealous, she was soon followed by Ino and the other fangirls, who argued on who will sit next to Emo duck.

Naruto didn't even look at her, he was focusing on how eye turned white and how your aura looked so much different from a moment, it wasn't the same as yesterday,it held so much power and authority, the pressure made him almost kneel, he expected you to smile and ask her to apologise, but you didn't, you didn't smile all day, except from the small you give him when he woke up.

' Just how much are you strong Ryu?' he thought to himself.

The the ghost looked at each other thinking the same think as Naruto, you were much stronger than you let people see, they will have to discusse with you about what happen but not now.

The Hokage and shinobi who were watching too felt that pressure even if it was for a second, and if they weren't watching from that ball what happened in the classroom, they would have thought that the village was under attack.

You felt like someone was looking at you, more like glared at you when you give him a headpat, you tried to find who was glaring at you and it was none other than Duckbutt.

You sigh before you waved at the Hokage and the group of Jonin , you you were done with hidding how much powerfull you were, it was time for people to know who you were.

They were all suprised to see how senced them, but it was not expected from the average boy that they knew, or maybe you were just hidding you true potential.

Naruto who saw how Sasuke was looking at you, growled jumping at the table in front of Duck hair, you just sighed, why can't he just sit for a moment, Naruto keeped glaring at Sasuke who returned the look.

You tried to breake the tension between the two, but as you opened you mouth someone pushed you, the next thing you knew, your lips were on Sasuke's, you both looked at each othern before you felt his tongue sneak in, you felt so much embaressement you put the back of you right hand on your lips, before smacking the boy across the face with left hand, everyone winced , but he didn't say anything he didn't scream he didn't even move, people thought he was under shock or you slap was so strong.

For Sasuke he didn't move because he never thought your lips were so soft even for a boy, they tasted like strawberries mixed with cherries you smelled even like them, and from yoour reaction he concluded that it was your first, oh how that thought made him feel so proud and happy with himself,even if it was an accident, but that didn't mean he will forgive you, but the punishment will have to wait for now.

You didn't know who pushed you so you just gor back to your sit with a small pout on your lips you hand trying to hide the red on tip of your ears, again not remarking the glares they give Sasuke who smirked at them, as he wipped the blood from his lips with his thumb, damn how strong you were.

Irukka-sensei walked with papers in his hands, and by the look he give you, you knew something was not right, the trouble some look on his face didn't put you at ease, it seems that somethhing happened in the last minutes.

You start thinking trying to guess what could of happen, you missed what he said until he called you name before sasuke, that moment he looked like he was in pain.

Everyone was oblivious to sensei's expression, some of them where smirking like Sasuke while some were screaming from happeness like Naruto and Sakura and others just grown disapointed for not having you in the team, exemple of Kiba and some other boys.

-"Iruka-sensei why does a guy like me have to be paired with Sasuke?" Naruto got up pointing at Sasuke.

-"Naruto you have the worse scort while Sasuke was placed first, so balance it we had to put the best with the worst" Iruka-sensei explained making Naruto clench his fist.

-"Such a troublsome kid.." Minato comment, he only spoke when it about his son, he must really care about him, and you respencted him for it.

-"Don't get in my way..loser"Sasuke tched, making Naruto growl at him, and before he could replay, you give him a side hug burrying his face in the crook of you neck.

Sasuke wasn't pleased, and intead of glaring at Naruto he throw draggers at you, he didn't like how you hugged by waist Naruto, he hated.

-"Don't worry about him much, I beleive in you" You whispered in his ears without anyone noticing, except for a certain ghosts.

-"You will be meeting your jounin sensei after lunch, until then class dismissed!"


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