Getting green gemstones from Green Giant.

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Annie: I promise.

Annie: ♪Beast has red, the Gnome has yellow, and Giant has the green gemstones that's what we need to start my gemstone collection.♪♪

Annie: We got the red and the yellow gemstones.

Annie: What's the last color we need for my gemstone collection?

Annie: Green gemstones, yes.

Annie: And who has the green gemstones?

Annie: the Green Giant.

Hunter: The Green Giant lives in the beanstalk.

Leo: Yeah.

Leo: Head for the beanstalk, Rocket.

Annie: Look, look, look!

Annie: There's the Green Giant.

Quincy and Hunter: Hiya, Green Giant.

Annie: Green Giant, can we have some of your green gemstones for my gemstone collection?

Green Giant: [Shouts "Of course you can!"]

Leo: Uh-oh.

Leo: Green Giant can't find his green gemstones.

Leo: Where are Green Giant's green gemstones?

Leo: Yes, there they are, on that big plant.

Hunter: Oh, no! They're jumping away.

Jade: They're jumping into the sky.

Brayden: They're jumping into outer space.

Annie: They're jumping all the way to....

All: The planet Jupiter!

June: Oh, no! But we need those green gemstones.

Annie: We can't start my gemstone collection without them.

[Colorful meter beeping]

Quincy: And Rocket's changing his color again!

Leo: Look, Green Giant is going to try to get the green gemstones back.

Stanley: He's climbing to Jupiter!

Rose: Go, Green Giant!

Hunter: You can do it!

Annie: Ooh, be careful, Green Giant.

Annie: There are big icy comets in space!

Jade: Big ice comets?!

June: Yikes!

Brayden: We've got to help Green Giant get to the green gemstones without running into a comet.

Leo: Don't worry. I know how to help him.

[Everyone gets inside Rocket as they get ready to go into space].

[And when Leo has a plan, Rocket bounces the clouds of going to Outer Space and enter the Asteroid field]

Leo: We can conduct Green Giant to jump on the asteroids, all the way to Jupiter. Like this.

Leo: But when you see a big icy comet, we need to stop conducting so Green Giant will stop jumping.

Leo: That's it! Now get your baton ready!

(Baton tapping)

Leo: [inhales] Conduct with me!

Leo: Jump, jump, jump, jump.

Leo: Uh-oh!

Leo: Here comes a big icy comet.

Leo: Stop conducting.

Leo: All right!

Leo: We stopped conducting just in time.

Leo: Jump, jump, jump, jump.

Leo: Oh, no.

Leo: Here comes another icy comet.

Leo: Stop conducting!

Leo: All right.

Leo: Now conduct.

Leo: An icy comet.

Leo: Stop.

Leo: Green Giant is almost to Jupiter.

Leo: Conduct.

Leo: Jump, jump, jump, jump.

Leo: He made it!

Jade: You were spectacular!

Annie: Yay!

June: You helped Green Giant jump all the way to Jupiter.

Quincy: And you helped keep him safe from all those big icy comet.

Leo: Thanks for conducting with me.

Hunter: Green Giant got the green gemstones.

Leo: Thanks for your help, Green Giant. You were very brave.

Annie: Now do we have all the colors we need to start my gemstone collection? Yes! We've got the red gemstones, the yellow gemstones, and the green gemstones!

[Rocket's color changing]

Leo: Uh-oh! What was that sound? Rocket's color. Right!

Annie: Let's look at his colorful body.

[Everyone gets inside Rocket as heads to their seats]

[Colorful body beeping]

Jade: Oh, no! Rocket's about to have a colorful emergency!!

Hunter: If he gets too colorful, he'll run out of his normal red color!

Annie: We need to hurry and get to the gem museum so we can start my gemstone collection.

[Rocket jingles "Go super fast, Leo!" of an idea by using his new super speed power]

Leo: Right, Rocket. There's only one way to get to the gem museum in time. We're going to have to fly Rocket as fast as he can go. Super fast! Will you help us fly Rocket super fast? Great! Super fast!

All except Leo: Super fast!

[Backup booster deploying]

Leo: To get to super fast, we have to start at adagio.


Leo: Pat the beat on your lap slowly.


Leo: Moderato. Now pat the beat on your tummy a little faster.


Leo: Allegro! Now pat the beat on your shoulder even faster.


Leo: Presto! Now reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body! We did it! We're flying super fast!!

Jade: Hooray! We made it to the gem museum!

Leo: We've got to hurry and start Annie's gemstone collection!

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