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-Third persons POV-

"So guess who I saw at McDonald's this evening."

Everybody was munching on their last bits of food when Bokuto spoke up.

"Who!? Was it a celebrity??"

Lev guessed.


"An influencer?"

Kagayama suddenly looked up from his phone and spoke up.


"Then who Bokuto? I'm tired and i don't want to play games right now."

Iwaizumi sternly said.

"Okay yeez, it was a barista from Osamu's brothers work!"

Bokuto excitedly said. Lev shot up.

"The blonde one?"

He eagerly asked, then Semi piped in:

"Wait which blonde one, the short one or the average height one?"

"No, no, not either of those! The one with black hair and greenish eyes. I didnt quite catch his name yet."

Bokuto explained quickly, to cause no further confusion.

"Oh, wait when did you speak to him?"

Daichi asked confused, because he didnt see or notice Bokuto speaking to anyone.

"When you were speedwalking to the car and i couldnt keep up. I wasnt looking where i was going and i accidentally bumped into him"

Bokuto said and gave an innocent smile. Daichi just sighed.

"I'm going to bed now."

Ushijima randomly said and simply got up and left to his room.

"Alrighty then, i think i'm clocking in for the night as well. Goodnight."

Kuroo said and most people followed. Soon enough everybody was in their own bedroom and ready to sleep.

-Timeskip + change of POV🕺-


-Atsumu's POV-

I sighed as I sat up in my bed. Its way to early to even consider being awake. Yet i'm awake at this time every morning for work. Okay, maybe i'm being overdramatic, because there are people that have to wake up even earlier than 8:30, which is the time right now. Ugh, i feel like i'm just more of a night person, but oh well.

I stood up and walked to suna's bed. For some reason it has become my job to wake him up. Like he can't set an alarm or something. I roughly shook him until i heard an annoyed groan.

"G'morning, we have to go downstairs to eat."

I said as i pull his bedsheets off of him, earning another groan.

Let's just say, it takes a while for us to come downstairs. When we finally do only a few other people are already seated at the table. Some people, i won't name names (Kenma👀), take even longer to start up in the mornings.


"So Atsu, have you texted your brother yet?"

Suna asked when we got back to our room to get dressed.

"Uh no? Was i supposed to?"

I asked facing suna, i don't remember saying i was going to text my brother.

"Well, i thought you would because you wanted to know what he did for a living, in fact, i think we're all curious too."

He explained, and i remembered our conversation after my brother and his friends left. I, infact, did really want to know what my brother does for a living.

"I will do that today somewhere, maybe i can schedule a get together or something."

I said as i tied up my shoes. Suna simply hummed at my answer.


We were almost ready to leave, but Yaku was taking too long putting on his shoes.

"Yaku! Hurry up or Suga said we'll leave without you!!"

Hinata screamed at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming, i'm coming. I was just.. texting someone."

Yaku said as he hurried downstairs, where we all stood, waiting for him.

"Oh la la, who? Was it that gray hai-"

Oikawa started, Yaku quickly cut him off.


He screeched. I was just confused because i had no idea what they were talking about. Anyway, another long day ahead of us.


Ah break, my favorite time of the day. My brother and his friends haven't come in yet today, and i doubt they will. They're probably at their Jobs right now. By the way, that does remind me to text Osamu to plan a get together. Or maybe i should just call him. I scroll down to find his number and click on the call button.

After a few seconds i hear Osamu's voice at the other end of the line. Or so i thought.

"This is Osamu Miya's assistant speaking, how can I help you?"

I hear a female voice say. Assistent? Huh? What kind of job would require an assistent?

"Uhm hi, my name is Atsumu Miya, can i please speak to Osamu?"

I said with confusion hinted in my voice. Why does he have an assistent and why is she answering his personal phone number?

"Ofcourse Mr. Miya, i will check if.. uhm.. the other Mr. Miya is available at the moment. Please wait on the phone."

The assistent said. She then put me on hold. Its quite funny how she struggled with our last names. But i am once again confused, because what does she mean by asking if he's 'available at the moment'? How busy can he possibly be?

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, i finally hear Osamu's voice at the other end of the line.

"Hey Tsumu, what's up? I'm kinda busy at the moment."

He said. Busy with what???

"Oh i won't be long, i just wanted to ask if you'd want to have dinner at my place t'night. I want you to get to know my friends better."

I said and i was met with silence for a moment.

"I.. think i can tonight, but only if my friends are welcome too. I want you to get to know my friends better as well. How late were you thinking?"

"Uhm, we close the café at 6 pm, soo... how about 7? We can order some takeout or something, nothing to chique."

"Sounds wonderful, see you then, bye"

We said our goodbyes and hung up. Shit. Now i have to tell everyone that there will be a party of Alpha's in our dining room at 7 pm. I slowly walked to Suga, already preparing what i was going to say.



I heard Yaku scream. Alright, i think everybody knows now.

"Atsumu did WHAT?"

Okay, now actually everybody knows, i thought as i saw Shirabu fly through the the door that separates the café part and the kitchen part.

"Okay, maybe we just need to see things from the bright side!"

Hinata tried, but Shirabu wasn't having it.

"Nothing about this is bright, because in an hour there will be Alphas sitting at our dining table and on our couch."

He snarkily said. Everybody was now in the lockerroom, mad at me.

"I'm sorry guys, but it was Suna's idea!"

I tried to defend myself.

"Don't blame this on me! All i said is that you should text or call him."

Suna said.

"Okay guys lets just go home and tidy up a bit before the guests arrive"

Suga luckily had the situation in control and we all complied and went home to speed-clean.


Heya, i honestly don't have anything interesting to say, so i will just tell you a random fact:

Did you know that honey never spoils? Like archeologist's have founds pots of honey from ancient times in the tombes of Egyptians, and the honey was still perfectly edible. (That is honestly really cool if you ask me🤷‍♀️)

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