Before I get into this chapter I want to thank Brianna_r13 and trekkitaylor and sharchamp123 along with janechism for helping me figure what direction to take the story And thank you. To everybody else for reading this I had no idea. This story would get as much traction as it has.
So thank you I love you all 💕
Ty came back with Lyndy's food and was surprised to see Amy sitting on the floor in the hallway in front of Lyndy's room sobbing.
Amy what's wrong what are doing out here Ty asked sitting down beside her and wrapping a arm around her .
She stopped breathing Amy said through tears .
What do you mean she stopped breathing Ty asked picking.
Lyndy has stopped breathing Amy repeated a little annoyed that Ty didn't seem to be grasping the gravity of the situation.
I understand that but what happened Ty asked.
I don't know they won't tell me anything Amy sobbed
Okay it's okay I'm going to call Jack Ty said .
Okay Amy said.
About half an hour later the whole family was sitting in the waiting room trying to calm both Amy and Ty.
After another hour a doctor came out of Lyndy's room.
Are you Lyndy Borden's family the doctor said.
Yes how is she Amy asked.
We managed to revive her due to lack of oxygen to the brain there's a possibility she could be blind the doctor said.
No no no Amy said through a Fresh batch of tears rolling down her face.
It's okay Amy Ty said wrapping his arms around her and kissing her head.
Do you know what happened why she stopped breathing Jack asked.
We think the anesthesiologist Might... have accidentally overdosed Lyndy when we did the surgery that could also explain why she was so loopy when she woke up the doctor said with apprehension in his voice.
What this is grounds for a lawsuit Ty said angrily..
Ty honey it's okay Lyndy's okay Amy said trying to calm him down.
No it's not okay Ty said
Well it's not okay but Lyndy needs us right now Amy said
Yeah your right Ty said.
Okay let's go be with our baby girl Amy said grabbing tys hand and guiding him into Lyndy's hospital room.
When they walked into the room neither Amy nor Ty were surprised to see Lyndy trying to pull out the breathing tube the doctors had inserted after Reviving her and the nurse trying desperately to get her to stop.
Amy walked ahead of Ty to calm Lyndy down.
Amy gently pulled Lyndy's hand away from the breathing tube.
You have to leave that in there baby it's helping you breathe Amy said.
Lyndy attempted once more to pull out the breathing tube.
Ty decided to take his shot.
Baby listen I know the breathing tube is scary and uncomfortable but you have to leave it alone Ty said.
Lyndy nodded.
Amy and Ty sat on each side Lyndy's bed and her hand.
After a while Amy noticed tears rolling down Lyndy's face.
It's okay Amy said wiping the tears off of Lyndy's face with her sleeve.
Because of the breathing tube Lyndy couldn't tell her parents what was wrong.
Amy and Ty looked at each other trying figure out what was going on.
Then Ty thought of something.
Amy do you remember what the doctor said when they revived her Ty asked.
Do you think she's blind Amy asked.
Yes Ty said.
Amy decided to just ask Lyndy.
Lyndy can you see anything Amy asked.
Lyndy shook her head.
At that moment Amy understood her daughter's panic.
She remembered how panicked had been when she woke up blind after her accident with Zeus.
It's okay Ty said trying to soothe Lyndy.
Amy calmly hit the nurse call button.
What can I do for you the nurse asked cheerfully.
I have a question Amy said.
Ask away the bubble nurse said smelling.
My daughter is blind is it permanent Amy asked
I'm sorry ma'am I don't know the answer to that but I can get the doctor if you would like the nurse asked.
Yes please Amy said.
Okay I'll be right back the nurse said.
The nurse came back with the doctor and Amy asked the question again.
The doctor ordered some tests.
Amy and Ty weren't allowed to be in the room with Lyndy during the tests.
They decided to go to cafeteria.
They both ordered food and did eat a little but mostly just hugged each other and tried to wrap their heads around the struoggle Lyndy would face if she was permanently blind.
An hour later Amy got a call from the doctor saying that the tests were done and that she and Ty come back to Lyndy's room.
A few hours later the results were in.
Is it permanent Amy asked for what felt the millionth time.
Unfortunately yes the doctor said.
Amy got up and left the room leaving Ty to talk to the doctor.
After talking to the doctor for a while Ty went to check on Amy.
Are you okay honey Ty asked walking over to her.
Not really no Amy said.
what are you worried about Ty asked.
I just don't want Lyndy to struggle Amy said.
I don't either but we're going be there when she does Ty said.
I know Amy said..
I honestly don't think she'll struggle as much as you think she will Ty said.
Why is that Amy asked feeling better just talking about it.
Because she's just the smaller version you ty said chuckling.
What is that supposed to mean Amy asked smiling.
It means she little miss stubborn Ty said with a smile.
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