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The last time I've seen you was in the beginning of summer,
You were surrounded by friends and I felt like a newcomer,
Even though I've been there for years,
You extroverts brought me to tears.

Several months pass by in a dazed blur and I encounter you
On the exact same place, with the same sweet, beaming smile too
-it is like your trademark, isn't it?
The reason for an annoyed fit.

You speak to a group of people, a tale you found online,

Yet the aura that you have makes it sound purely divine
-the careful pronunciation, as if talking to a friend,
Looking as if you cannot pretend.

A short-term fascination turned into jealousy, and more
-in between my consciousness and dreams, you're on the shore,
Admired, envied, and ideal,
Your role has infinite appeal.

I came to the conclusion that you are like honey
-sweet, kin, and melting, making the day sunny.
Your laugh turns grey into rainbow,
If we were one, I couldn't feel low.

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