Team work makes the Dream work

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(I'm going to use the japanese names of jutsu's now but custom jutsu are exceptions.)

You woke up at 4:00 A.M. as you wanted to get in some light training before kakashi test the kids, You went to the bathroom and freshen up after that you put on some clothes, your swords and pack food for rin and obito.

You arrived at the Memorial stone as you placed a plate of fried chicken with a small bowl of gravy and a Bottle of obito's favorite drink.

Y/n: Hey obito, sorry if i haven't been here for a while. I had a mission i had to go to so i get if your angry at me, I have some fried chicken for you and i got a bottle of your favorite drink... I wish you were here right now. Every night i go to sleep, I can still hear your voice.

You closed your eyes as you placed a hand on the memorial stone as you listen to the peaceful sound of crickets and cicadas. Obito was in one of the nearby bushes as she had sad look on her face as she felt bad for letting you suffer thinking she's dead.

Obito: I'm sorry, i wish... i wish i was with you.

you open your eyes as you look around trying to see if anyone's there but no one was and you look back at the memorial stone with a apologetic look.

Y/n: Sorry about that... i thought i just heard you just now. must be my paranoia.

you close your eyes again as you reminisce of the good time you and obito used to have before she got crushed, but what you didn't know was that obito had a shit eating grin as she came up with a mischievous and horrible idea.

Obito: Don't worry, I forgive you.

You suddenly open your eyes as you took your swords out as you turned around and prepare to defend yourself as you did a stance, You waited for a moment but lower your guard as you rubbed your temple.

Y/n: I must be hallucinating, I thought i heard her for a moment? I should really get something to eat?

Obito: Yes, Yes you should! Baka.

You looked around again as you were starting to freak out, what you didn't noticed was that Obito was trying her best to not laugh or else she'll blow her cover.

Y/n: Okay time to get to Ichiraku and get myself a bowl or two because i'm starting to loose it. See you later Obito.

Obito: See you next time, Y/n.

You were starting to loose it as you were starting to sweat bolts, you quickly made you way to rins grave as you place a plate of onigiri and Rins favorite drink before leaving the cemetery as you were afraid that rin will start talking to you as well. Once gone obito burst out laughing as she removed her masked as she had to wipe a tear away from her eye.

Obito: I should feel bad about messing with him but his reactions are priceless.

After she wipe her tears she goes towards the Chicken, the gravy and her favorite drink, She lick her lips as her stomach rumbled.

Obito: Now that smells good! I should get out of here before someone spots me.

Obito use her technique and leaved the cemetery as she pops back into the Akatsuki hide out.

: Tobi, why do you have a plate of chicken and a bowl of gravy? also can i have some?

She looks to her side and saw one of her allies kisame and soon switch her personality.

Tobi: Sure thing big guy! By the way where are the others?

Kisame: Out finding the Jinchurikis!

Tobi: Okay, Now let's dig in!

: Why do i smell chicken?

Tobi looks at the entrance as she saw a Certain uchiha come into view.

Kisame: We're just having some chicken, You want some? Eyyy, Itachi?

Itachi: I was jus-

Kisame: Eyyy, itachi? Eyyyy, Itachi? Eyyyyy, Ita-

Itachi: Shut up and let's just enjoy the chicken.

( Author: Did you guys get the reference?)

( Back with you)

You arrived at the training ground as you saw naruto, sakura and sasuke arrived.

Y/n: Mourning kiddos!

Team 7: Mourning Mr. Chojo.

Y/n: Wait, where's Kakashi?

Naruto: Don't know?

Sakura: Maybe we should wait i mean Mr. chojo is here so that means Kakashi sensei is about to arrive. 

Naruto: Okay.

Sasuke: I don't care.

You and the others waited for a while but kakashi didn't arrived yet. You got bored as you made a shadow clone which surprised the kids as you both took your swords out.

Y/n: Don't mind us kids, we're just killing time until kakashi arrives.

Clone: You can watch if you want but anyways.

You and your clone did a stance and soon you two dash at each other as you two we're now trying to get the upper hand at the other. You clone used a fire ball jutsu while you used a water style to counter and create a large cloud of smoke, the audible noise of swords clashing and grunting were heard but you and clone got out of the smokescreen and soon rushed towards each other as you two were clashing sword, Naruto and the others were watching you fight your clone as you both didn't hold back. 

Naruto: Man Choji's uncle is so cool!

Sakura: I can't keep up with their movements, their moving to fast!

Sasuke: As expected from a Jonin.

You did some hand signs as you use a Water style to attack your clone but he made a Mud wall just in time before the water hits him. The kids watched in awe as you two fight it out like it was a battle to the death. You were about to use wood style but you and the others heard kakashi greeting them.

Naruto and Sakura: YOUR LATE!!

You and your clone had a deadpan expression while sasuke was standing besides your clone.

Y/n and Clone: What excuse do you have this time?

Kakashi: Well a black cat crossed my path you see.

You and your clone gave kakashi a disappointed look as your clone dispel itself.

Kakashi: Ahem, oh well...

Kakashi took out a timer as she set it and placed it on the memorial stone. 

Kakashi: Okay, it's set for 12:00!

Kakashi took out two bells as you remembered that Kakashi, Obito and Rin used to have the same exact training they got from minato sensei.

Kakashi: Today's assignment is to take the bells away from me by noon. Those who can't do it won't get lunch. they'll be tied to that.

She pointed at the three logs that appeared behind you as they looked at it surprised, You grin as you used wood style to make the logs appeared while kakashi had a closed eyed smile.

Sakura: Wait a minute, Those weren't there when we arrived?!

Naruto: How did you make those appear?!

Kakashi: I didn't make those appeared. Anyways, I'll eat my lunch in front of you.

You heard their stomachs growl as you chuckle at their faces.

Sakura: But, hold on, why are there only two bells?

Kakashi: There are only two, So at the very least, one will have to be tied to a log. That person will be disqualified for failing the mission, and will return to the academy. It might be one preson at the very least, or it could be all four of you. You can use your shuriken. You won't be able to take the bells unless you come with the intent to kill me.

Sakura: But, that's dangerous Ma'am!

Naruto: Y-Yeah, That's right! You couldn't even dodge a Whiteboard eraser.

Y/n: She said it was fine and plus she's a Jonin, what could Genin do to her?

Kakashi: In this world, those who aren't skilled enough tend to complain more. Well, just ignore the loser.

You had a horrible memory of obito and kakashi's fight on Wither or not they should save rin, You frown as you know that if kakashi didn't focus more on the mission back then maybe they obito wouldn't have died but it's all in the pass now and you rather not want to relive it again. You look back up as you saw naruto who had his hand caught by kakashi as she brings naruto's arm around pointing the kunai at the back of his neck.

Kakashi: Don't be so hasty, i didn't say start, yet.

She releases naruto after a second and you got away from the logs as you made another clone appeared.

Kakashi: But that's fine. At least you came at me with the intent to kill me. I feel like i'm finally starting to like you guys. We're going to start. Ready... Start!

Then the kids scatter as they hid in trees and bushes, You know naruto wouldn't hide considering he's a bit cocky. you and your clone sighs as you two got your katana's out.

Y/n: I'm going to train okay, See you guys after the timer rings.

Kakashi: Sure just make sure you don't leave me like last time.

Y/n: Really Miss "i leave my friends without telling them", Your really going to lecture me about leaving you when you always leave us without telling?

Kakashi: I know, i know. Just make sure to be back here when the timer rings.

You and your clone nod as you both got away from kakashi and the kids. once there you both got into a stance and soon clash swords. You jumped away as you did a bunch of hand signs.

Y/n: Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!!

You shot out a giant ball of fire as your clone quickly made hands signs.

Clone: Suiton: Suiryudon no jutsu!!

Your clone spat out a water dragon as it collided with the Fire ball. A huge cloud of steam formed and your clone did a bunch of hand signs.

Clone: Suiton:  Baberu Bi-mu!!

Your clone shot out a large stream of bubbles at you as you flinched and felt a sting from the bubbles as they pop when they got in to contact to your skin. You did a bunch of hand signs before slamming your palm onto the ground.

Y/n: Mokuton: kikaiheki!! 

You made a wall of wood appear as it block the bubble beam but what you didn't know was that your clone was right behind you as he finished his hand sign.

Clone: Doton: Domu!!

It's fist darkens as it uses Partial Extension and Expansion to make it's fist big and reels it back.

Clone: Earth Spear Style: Elephant gun Jutsu!!

And soon the fist came in fast as it hits you as you were sent flying through your wood wall and soon into the forest. You did some hand signs as you shot out a barrage of fire balls.

Y/n: Katon: Housenka no jutsu!!

Your clone dodge them as you land on the ground hard but you did a new set of hand signs.

Y/n: Mokuton: Mokuryu no jutsu!!

Suddenly a giant wooden dragon appeared and restrained your clone as it tries it's best to get free but fails as the dragon bite it and soon disappears. You had a slight headache but nonetheless smiled as you were getting better at wood style but you were completely drained. you use the seal you placed on the memorial stone as You appeared at the Memorial stone and you saw naruto was about to eat the pack lunches.

Y/n: And what are you doing exactly? 

He stops in his tracks as he slowly turned his head towards you and he gave you a sheepish smile.


You were sitting next to the memorial stone while naruto was tied up on the wooden log, soon the alarm rings as you saw kakashi was brining Sasuke and Sakura.

Y/n: Let me guess, They failed?

Kakashi Just hums as sasuke and sakura went towards the logs where naruto was still struggling to get free.

Kakashi: Oh-oh, your stomachs are growling... By the way, About this exercise... Well, There's no need for you guys to go back to the academy.

You looked at them as they have their hopes up but you have a deadpan expression as you know what she was going to say next but you then heard a crow calling and you saw it was your pet crow, you raise your hand out and let the crow perch on your arm and saw that it had a letter on it. 

you took it out and it has details to an S rank mission that was an urgent request from an unknown person.

Kakashi: Mission?

Y/n: Apparently so but the information is pretty vague, it says that the mission will be located at these coordinates.

Naruto: A Mission? I want to go on a Mission!!

Y/n: Sorry bud but this mission was assign to me and me alone so i can't bring anyone with me.

Naruto: Aw why not?!

Sakura: Naruto it's a Mission, you can't join in even if you wanted to.

Y/n: Sorry kakashi but i have to go.

Kakashi: It's alright just get going before the client gets impatient.

Y/n: Okay. but i have something to give before i go.

Your pet crow hop on your shoulder as you approach kakashi.

Kakashi: Sure, what is it?

Y/n: This.

you pulled kakashi's mask down a bit as you kiss her on her lips as she was blushing like an apple, while this was going on you felt a deadly aura coming from the forest but choose to ignore it. what you didn't know was obito was there as she was furious on what she was seeing.

Obito: First you take Rin, Now you take my Y/n...  When i get my hands on you i'll make you pay for stealing him and everything from me, BAKASHI!!

Obito was internally screaming as the ground around her began to wither as the birds and creatures there ran away from the murderous aura she's emitting meanwhile the kids couldn't see kakashi's face due to your crow blocking their view. You pulled away as you put her mask back on and you can see the still flustered kakashi trying to get her bearings.

Y/n: See you soon, love. 

You disappeared from the training grounds as the kids were looking at their flustered sensie as she still hasn't move from her spot. Kakashi snap back into her sense as try to regain her composure although she was still blushing.

Kakashi: A-All right, L-Let's just ignore that and get back on topic!

Author: Sorry guys but my schedule is hard to get any stories up due to college and their never ending wave of reports, projects, and assignments but i'll try my best to post some more but until then. Stay safe!!

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