A Dying Hero

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A Dying Hero


Zoey Thorne reached out and clasped Christie Bryant's hand, squeezing it reassuringly as the words Dr. Parks spoken sunk in. 

"I'm so sorry. All of Jack's symptom's...they don't indicate anything good. I'm afraid Jack has been diagnosed with hypertensive heart disease. It's basically where because of the high blood pressure, it increases the pressure in the blood vessels, making the heart work harder, and sometimes causing the muscles in heart to thicken. I'm so sorry, but with the uncommonly diagnosis at Jack's age, he probably won't live over the age of 21," 

Fresh tears rolled down Zoey's smooth cheeks, her gaze dropped to the floor, her free hand clenched in an angry, screwed-up fist. Her husband, Mark, gazed out the window, as still and lifeless as a statue. 

"Why?" Zoey choked out, a bulging sob caught in her throat, breaking the silence," Why our son?"

Jack Bryant was sitting on the wooden bench, swinging his feet above the ground, watching his best friend Hayden Thorne tapping his foot alongside a football as he sprinted through the grass. Lindsay Thorne slid beside him, holding a white flower between her thumb and index finger. He twisted his head to her and smiled, which she returned, but a small sigh escaped her lips when she turned away. 

"What's wrong, Lindsay?" he asked, leaning forward. 

Lindsay threw her eyes up to the sky and tilted her back against the back of the bench," Jack, if we ever got married, would you still have to keep coming the hospital all the time?" 

Jack blinked and chuckled lightly, throwing his head back. Lindsay puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms over her chest as annoyance flickered inside her. 

"Jack!" she wailed angrily, extending the syllables of his name," I'm being serious!" she threw her arms open as Jack continued to wheeze with laughter, her flower discarded into the long-bladed grass. 

Jack turned back to her, wiping his damp eyes, but he caught his parents and Lindsay's parents walking towards them in a line, almost like a formed barrier. 

Jack felt something plummet in his stomach as his mother looked up and locked gazes with him.

Shame luck wasn't on their side that day...

I still remember that day...The day found out that my one true love was slowly slipping from my grasp...

My name is Lindsay Christina Thorne, born 17th October 1996, currently sixteen years of age when my story begins. I live with my parents, Zoey and Mark Thorne, both teachers, and my older brother of two years, Hayden.  

I would love this story to be a brilliant, romantic tale with the few bumps and twists, but sadly this is not. Then again, it is not a depressive, hateful story.

It is a story of life.

I live in small village called Udimore, which is only populated by less than four hundred people, so everyone knows everyone and their business, and when outsiders pass through, everyone will know about it within an hour. I attend Rye College with my brother and Jack, as well as my best friend, Georgia Anderson. We're in Year 11, while Hayden and Jack are completing their final year, Year 13. My mum, Zoey, is a music teacher at the same school, while Dad is the deputy head teacher.

The Thorne and Bryant are close, especially seeing as Mum and Christie are childhood best friends and we're next-door neighbours. But, about a year after hearing about Jack's condition, his father, Eddie, left, leaving nothing but divorce papers and a sterling silver necklace with a cross dangling from the small-link chain, which Jack still wears to this day, despite his detestable feelings towards the man he once called his father.

Jack Bryant was diagnosed with hypertensive heart disease at the age of seven, and now, nearly ten years later, Jack's condition has worsened, so now I'm determined to help him live his life to the fullest before it is too late...

Chapter One

Jack Bryant had his chin resting in his open palm as Dr. Parks slipped the blood measure monitor off his arm. 

"Right, that's you're blood pressure done...," he scribbled in various boxes on the form laid infront of him, mumbling to himself before peering at Jack's bored-enhanced face," Of course, I have to ask you the mandatory questions-," 

Jack exhaled deeply from the back of his throat, rolling his eyes, his mouth twitching in irritation," Yes, I've been avoiding trans and saturated fats as well as salt. Yes, I've been increasing my portions of fruit, vegetables and low-dairy products and remembering to eat whole grains, poultry and fish frequently. Yes, I've been exercising regularly. No, I haven't been drinking and no, I haven't been smoking," Jack smiled widely to show he was just joking. 

Dr. Parks smirked, used to the constant interruptions," Great. Thanks, Jack. I guess I'll see you next week then," 

Jack mock-saluted and ducked out of the examination room, weaving through the rushing doctors and dread-filled patients, through the slick corridors and out of the hospital and into the car-park, where Lindsay and Hayden were waiting inside his motionless car. 

Lindsay smiled as Jack swung into the car," How'd it go?" she clicked her seatbelt on again and shifted her art folder. 

"The usual," Jack replied with a casual shrug, not making eye contact with her as he checked he review mirror. 

Lindsay didn't retaliate as Jack wordlessly backed-out of the car park, steering the car to glide down the familiar route to Rye College, but she couldn't help but feel a little pang in her heart, making her feel invisible.

I cheered up when Georgia linked her arm through mine as well strode to Art. 

"Sooo," she drawled, bouncing jittery-like on the heels of her feet," Guess what?!" 

Humouring her, I gasped, pretending to be as equally excited," What? Tell me!"  

"There's a new guy in our year," she clapped her palms together," Apparently, he's like drop-dead gorgeous, but a bit of a bad-boy too," Her steel-grey eyes glinted. 

"A bad-boy? How so?" 

"He's been kicked out of three schools already, but his mum had enough, packed his bags and sent him to his dad, here in Udimore," 

I frowned, puzzled. Someone like that must have...problems, to say the least, so bad that even their own parent can't bear to be around them. 

An angry attitude that boils inside to defect against redemption. 

I hummed thoughtfully as we stepped into the doorway," What's this bad-boy's name then?" 

"The name's Carter Pollack," a deep voice boomed directly behind us, the tone ripe with boastfulness. 

I winced in embarrassment, my foot paused as my heel touched the floor in mid-stride, my hands balled up at my sides. I felt Georgia squeeze my arm, her head bent down in embarrassment too. Our eyes met and small, sniggering giggling pressed pass our lips before we rotated around. 

A tall boy stood before us, around six two; his stance cocky and stubborn, his left leg stretched forward and one hand on his hip; his white-button shirt untucked; his black trousers hanging low on his hips; scuffed black trainers peeping under his hems; his spiked blonde hair bristled with gel; black aviator sunglasses plastered against his forehead. His short-sleeved shirt revealed sun-kissed skin covering taunting upper-muscles and a row of silver hoops studded his left earlobe. His emerald-green eyes swivelled to Georgia first, scanning her platinum-blonde hair pulled in a high ponytail; her slender and curvaceous figure; her brown-tanned, strapping long legs shown by her short black pencil skirt. He looked slightly interested, as if he had seen her 'kind' before, but pivoted to me next; examining my strawberry-blonde hair pulled into bunches; my ocean-blue eyes and pale, alabaster skin; my lithe frame concealed by my baggy, second-hand jumper and trousers. His smile lifted in the right corner of his mouth, turning into a crooked grin," So, who might you be then?" 

I stared at him, my eyes slightly wider than before, my mouth hanging in a small 'o'. Typically, almost like a rule when I'm with Georgia, boys take the interest in her, playing along with her as she fluttered her long eyelashes, following her every command like a cute puppy fetching sticks. 

Of course, I could never see anyone, especially boys, beyond friendship; Jack already filled up all the space in my heart, covering every inch. I couldn't help but compare the new boy to Jack; they looked nothing alike, with Jack having peach-toned skin that shaded a warm olive during summer; midnight-black hair that flopped across his forehead; chocolate-brown eyes framed by long, dark eyelashes, his face shaped with a strong, square-jaw; bulky shoulders and the small outline of his physique that his t-shirts would occasionally cling to; complete with long, limbering legs that made him the football captain of the Udimore Club Football Team. His high IQ and friendly, warm personality matched him perfectly. 

Needlessly to say, no-one compared to Jack in my eyes, despite my feelings being one-sided. 

We stood there for a while, me remaining silent, the new boy's eyebrow arched in curiosity and Georgia's eyes flickering between us, until she stood on my foot and answered for me," She's Lindsay Thorne, and she's very happy to meet you," I glared at her as I rubbed my sore foot, but she ignored me and twirled a lock of blonde hair around her finger, smiling suggestively," I'm Georgia Anderson," 

Carter nodded but glued his eyes to me, thrusting out a hand as he moved his sunglasses to hand from his neck," It's a pleasure to meet you," 

I slipped my hand into his and pumped it a few times, but he twisted my hand, palm-side down, and kissed it tenderly. I snatched my hand back, glowering as he laughed gruffly," Don't be touchy, baby," he tucked a stray tendril of hair behind my ear, leaned forward, overloading my senses with hot, spicy cologne," See ya around, Linds," He winks as he passes us and finds a seat at the back. 

"Wow," Georgia breathes as we stare after him then shakes my arm to snap me out of it," Ohmigod, you just got hit on by a major hottie!" she squealed and tugged me to our desk at the side of the classroom. 

I scoffed and Georgia wiggled her finger infront of my face, "Tsk, tsk. He's totally hot, so don't dismiss him!" 

I looked pointedly at her, lowering my gaze a bit," He's a total idiot," I corrected, hissing a little to make my point. 

Georgia rolled her eyes," Come on, Lindsay, he acted like total gentleman," 

I kept my frown level," He called me Linds. You know that I. Hate. That!" I banged my fist against the desk as I fiercely whispered the last three words. 

She tossed her hair over her shoulder," We can work on that," She faced me again," Come on, babe, seriously. You can't keep pinning yourself on Jack, because it won't end in the 'happily ever after' that is clouding your judgement,"  

I sighed, revolving my head to the front of the class.

It was in second period, which was Business Studies, with Hayden. I was suppose to be concentrating on the Economic Drops of India, but my mind kept wondering back to after my hospital appointment, when Lindsay and her brother were waiting for me in my car. After I 'reported' back to Lindsay, she was abnormally quiet, just staring out the window, observing the scenery outside, but her eyes were dull, as if she had been hurt. 

Bluntness, Jack, bluntness... 

Had I done something wrong? Was Lindsay mad at me? Was that why she banged the car door and stormed into school without saying goodbye to me and Hayden? 

Oh geez... 

I groaned, leaning back in my hair and wiping my face with my hands," You're an idiot, Bryant, a classic idiot...," I murmured to myself. 

Hayden perked up then, his hand doodling on his worksheet," Hmm? Did you say something to me?" 

I shook my head," Nope. Sorry, mate,"

Lindsay and Jack wandered around school in a daze, focused on eachother rather than lessons, almost like ghosts. They didn't speak during break and lunch, as if avoiding eachother, but they shared a small smile as Lindsay met his unbroken stare when she leaned across to look at the latest, updated gossip on Georgia's phone. 

It wasn't until the end of the school day when they encountered again. Lindsay had walked with Georgia to the bus stop and waved farewell as she climbed onto her bus as Jack was travelling along the main road, alone because Hayden decided to stay behind and catch-up on his ICT work. He halted to let a few school kids across the road, his eyes catching sight of Lindsay strolling down the pavement, her sight attached to her shoes as her art folder dangled above her ankles. Once the crowds of children cleared, he rolled forward and leaned out the window," Hey, Lindsay!" 

Her head snapped up and fixed her gaze onto Jack. Her thousand-watt smile braced her mouth and the familiar spark tingled along her spine. He motioned for her to climb into the car, so she nodded, checked the road was clear and sprinted into the open car door, settling herself in the passenger seat. 

"Thanks," his smile remained, but she still avoided glancing at Jack as she scrabbled around for her seatbelt. She flipped her hair up as she fastened it into place, peeking at Jack from under her eyelashes as he pushed the car into gear. Silence surrounded them like a hidden, thick smoke that crammed itself in the large spaces. Agonisingly cramming itself in the large spaces of the car. Jack felt the agonising silence pain his arms with an icy-feeling. He shook it off and broke the silence first. 

"Listen Lindsay, I'm sorry if I upset you earlier," 

Lindsay whipped her head towards the open window, letting the harsh wind weave through her hair, her gleaming-smile resurfaced," It's OK, Jack," 

Jack pivoted towards her, his smile wide, laughing lightly under his breath, laugh lines creasing the corner of his eyes and his cheeks lifting delightfully and their gazes' joint once again, causing Lindsay's throat to dry up and her lips tingle numbly. Their orbs bored into eachother for seemed liked an eternity for Lindsay. But she didn't care, she could have stayed like that forever, her and Jack in his car, the world a huge path stretching for them to trek through together. She wanted to burn this memory into her brain forever. 

That's why they didn't see the other car.  

Jack didn't even realise that they has crashed until he felt the bumper crunch under his feet. The car jolted, causing Lindsay's shoulder to slam into the window, breaking it with her elbow. The windshield splintered as it collided with the other car, sprinkling Jack and Lindsay with small glass shards. The rolled on itself, twisting Jack and Lindsay this way and that, spiralling the world outside rapidly. The car slowed and shuddered, resting upside against the pavement, leaving debris and jagged pieces of glass in its path. Jack was the first to open his eyes, startled, his breathing heavy and choppy. He felt the cold slither of blood down the bridge of his nose and his cheek and a throbbing pain ebbing from his knee to his ankle. A heavy pulse was echoing in his head and he flexed his wrists. He twisted cautiously, seeing Lindsay unconscious, her arms swaying, her head tipped up, blood seeping down her left arm and through her fingers. 

"Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay, can you hear me?" Panic stabbed his heart and erupted goose bumps over his upper torso. 

No response, dammit! 

He reached down to untie his seatbelt, but his leg started pounding again, only more painful this time. He warily took a fleeting look at it, securely wrapping his hand around it, but it was stuck out at an odd angle. He sighed and let his head fall back, slipping into the world of unconsciousness.

Lindsay was sitting by the bed Jack was assigned to, her sprained wrist now plastered, her elbow bandaged up and stitches planted on her right temple. She was thankful that her right arm was uninjured, that would have screwed up her Art assignments. 

Luckily Jack wasn't too bad either. He had a couple of cuts and bruises covering his head, face and underarms, as well as a broken leg, but the doctor reassured her that it was a clean break and after resting in a cast for the next few weeks, he's be fine. 

She had called his mother, who was unfortunately out of town on a business, as well as Hayden, but got no answer. 

Probably fell asleep at school. 

She had phoned her parents too, but remembered that it was the Sussex Downs Open Event at the Eastbourne Campus, so they wouldn't be home until late. She sighed, feeling helpless. 

Two hours later, Lindsay was helping Jack limp down the corridors of the hospital, despite his help of the crutches and into an awaiting taxi. Jack had finally woken up but was determined not to spend another second in the hospital, so he demanded to be discharged, which the doctors agreed to after a few tests. Jack had asked Lindsay to help him home and stay with him until Christie came home, which she agreed to, but in her mind was silently begging to disagree, go straight home and rest.  

She felt her heart thumping against her rib cage as the taxi drove into the lay-by next to Jack and Lindsay's houses. She paid the driver, skipped out first and assisted Jack out and into the house. 

"Lindsay...,"Jack groaned once the door was closed behind them, his face millimetres from Lindsay's, letting their breath entwine," I think I'm gonna head up for tonight...," he paused briefly to look up the stairs and back to Lindsay's astonished face," Can you help me?" 

Lindsay's breath caught in her throat as she slung his arm around her shoulder and wrapped hers around his waist, feeling her senses scream with nervousness, her head pulsating with every step they took up the stairs. She pushed his bedroom door open with her foot and hobbled into the room. She took a hold of his wrist and started to slid his weight off her small frame," Here you go, Jack...I'll say goodnight then," 

"Wait," Lindsay froze, her eyes unblinking, loosening her grasp on him," I-I need to change my clothes,"

A heat flushed on my neck and rose to my face, spreading up to my hairline, my breathing laboured, my blood beating like drum in my veins. I nodded and let Jack stand upright, putting his weight on his left leg. My fingers grasped the edge of his thin t-shirt, but I looked up at him in hesitation, but grasped tighter when he nodded to proceed and peeled the shirt off his body and over his head. I tried to ignore the electricity that crackled through my body as my fingertips silkily traced his shoulders, down his forearms and off his wrists. I deflected my eyes from his smooth, flat stomach and well-defined chest but I could see a line of hair from his bellybutton to the waistband of his jeans, making me gulp hard. My hands started to tremble as I reached for his jeans, but he grabbed them and guided them to undo the button and zipper, letting them slide from his skin, my insides tingling. He clutched my shoulders as he stepped out of them, pushed them aside with his foot, leaving him in nothing but his blue boxers. I grabbed his sleeping trousers from the bed and opened them up, allowing him to use my shoulder for support again as he stepped both legs in and pulled them up to his hips, snapping them into place. 

"There," I said, forcing a smile on my face, forcing me to look up at him. 

He raised his hand, cupping it against my cheek, his eyes swaying as he tilted himself towards me, my hands bracing

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