Bonus # 4

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Noor huffed once again and turned to the other side of the bed. The room was filled with a comfortable silence with the night hue spread in the background. The early winter nights were her favourite. The air was light and everything was so comfy. But not tonight. If it was the case, she'd be asleep by now but the clock was telling otherwise. It was way past midnight and she couldn't get a blink of sleep.

The evening wasn't a highlight of her day. Reason being the man next to her. His even breathing and the signature way of his arm under his head was telling her he was fast asleep.

How sweet.

Sending an other angry glare at his sleeping form, Noor sat up leaning against the headboard. First pregnancy is all smile and fun but only for first few days. The moment you step into the real mood swings things get way overboard. Like they did in the evening. Mr CEO was supposed to be back from a business trip this morning but his stupid tendency for enduring business talks and actually enjoying them made him late and here he was, almost 7 hours late reaching home. As usual, Noor treated him with her famous silent treatment and at last they got into a small argument which started off playful but when things had remained mellow in pregnancy? Soon she lost her temper, he immediately backed off trying to give her time to cool off, she did cool off but didn't talk to him after that. He tried but how long a tired man can put up with his whiny wife? He had gone to bed and slept.

As soon the haze of her tantrum fit left, she was filled with remorse. He didn't deserve her wrath like this. This pregnancy was surely turning her into a woman possessed my her own uterus. There were no two ways about it.

But this was Rayyan she was talking about. There could never be any awkwardness between them. He'd smile and kiss her apology away telling her he liked her fieriness. That ass. Always hyping her up. Always making her sigh a goalish sigh.

But the reason for her lack of sleep wasn't this. No. She knew patching up could be done in the morning. The reason was an intense craving which was about to come out breaking the confines of her mind. She needed ice cream. Pure Vanilla with chocolate chips. Right now. Right this moment. The fridge stock, well let's not go there. She had finished it and if this overprotective Mr hubby came to know about it, she'd be in for a lecture. But there was no way he wasn't getting to know it because the intensity of her craving was telling her to just wake him up so that he'd take that magic car of his and they'll go to an ice cream parlour if there was one open at this time.

The rational part of her mind just dozed off then and the craving took a hold of her. She shook his shoulder making him stir in his sleep.



His muffled grunt was audible in the silent room.

"Rayyan, wake up."

He turned to her side and looked at her with his filled with sleep eyes.

"What is it?"


"You want to apologize? It's okay. We can do it in the morning."

Noor scowled at him who had again gone back to sleep.

"No, Rayyan!"

She pulled his shirt in her hands which woke him up again.

"You want me to apologize? We can do that in the morning too."

Before he could again slip back to sleep, Noor made him look at her.

"I need ice cream. Right now!"

Rayyan looked on as if he'd heard her wrong.

"As far as I remember, we have our fridge stocked with ice cream."

"Not anymore."

Her guilty expressions were all telling. Rayyan looked at her and then at the clock.

"Shit, Noor. The whole supply? Were you not thinking?"

"I was hungry and I was missing you."

He sighed and dropped his head on the pillow looking right at her. For a long time he didn't say anything. Just kept on staring. The pregnancy glow was doing wonders or the 2 AM glow? He couldn't decide. But she was as usual taking his breath away.

"Okay then."

He got up pulling his hoodie from the side table.


"Ignoring my wife's craving? What kind of a husband you take me for. Now wear something warm."

He said picking up his car key and sitting down to wear his shoes. Noor picked up her scarf and warm shawl. The prospect of having ice cream was making her want to dance.

"But next time we are eating real actual food when we are hungry. Okay?"

"Double okay. Now let's go."

He chuckled at her childlike expressions and taking her hand started walking towards the stairs.


"If I don't get ice cream..."

"Noor, not now. I'm trying to find any still open place aren't I? So stop getting worried."

He held her knee while still looking around to find any open place. It was almost 3 AM now. Islamabad was usually early to call it a night and here they were, at 3 in the morning looking for an ice cream shop. Talk about unusual.

But there was no point he wasn't trying to get his wife her favourite ice cream. Noor wasn't big on food but her pregnancy had turned her into a crazy food lover. That often made him laugh seeing her so enthusiastic about everything she loved eating. This phase was like getting to know his wife a little more than he already did and getting to know Noor Fatimah and Rayyan Ahmed Khan would miss the chance? Never. He'd always be the same lover guy for her he was when he had first realized his love for her in that room in London.

"That place is open."

Noor's excited voice got his attention. He reversed the car and looked at the said place. To his relief it was open, though the guys were in the process of closing it. Not wasting any time he killed the engine and taking hurried steps came to the men who were also looking at him. A smile reached his lips.

Things a pregnant wife can make you do.


"You are the best husband in the whole world you know that right?"

Noor exclaimed eating a mouthful of her ice cream. Instead of sitting in the car she had insisting on standing outside. The weather was nice and the whole atmosphere had a romantic feel to it. Rayyan had chuckled at the romantic bit. What was romantic about a wife eating her favourite ice cream like she was starving for two weeks and an amused husband standing close whom she hadn't even asked if he wanted some?

"Noor, slow down."

She didn't give him any heed.

"The way you are eating these days, I'm afraid you are going to burst."

"You are implying I'm fat?"

Rayyan was taken aback. But he was one of his name for a reason.

"I'm not but if the show fits...what they say? Lace it."

"Don't try to act smart with me, Mr CEO."

"I don't have to act, wife. I'm born smart."

"And a narcissist, full of himself, arrogant and a bit loose on head."

"You still love me."

"How would you know?"

"Now, now, if I'll make any more comments you'll say I'm again being cocky. By the way we are having an apology session in the morning."

Noor narrowed her eyes.

"You wish."

"That wasn't the tone when someone was waking me up for this 3 AM expedition."

"You know what? You are never going to change. Still the same cocky ass."

He was in the dilemma whether to laugh or get offended at her insult when she left the car and started walking off to the side.

"Noor, okay, I'm sorry."

Here he was teasing her to say sorry and now he was the one saying it. Marriage got Rayyan Ahmed Khan good. No denying there.

She had gone to quite a distance when he reached her side.

"Okay, okay. That was uncalled for and no, we aren't going the silent treatment way again. You know that's one of those things I just can't go with."

Noor tried giving him a glare but ended up just smiling.

"Now, that's like my wife."

He held her hand so they'd go to the car when Noor stopped him.

"Pick me up. I can't walk."


"No jokingly. Now come on. Pick me up."

He rolled his eyes but obliged nonetheless. There was not even a single soul on this roadside. The shop owners had already gone after closing. Rayyan looked around and snaking his arms around Noor's waist pick her up. But a sudden feeling of déjà vu had hit him hard. His eyes snapped open immediately recognizing the road they were standing on.

One look at the woman in his arm and then his surroundings and he was forced to believe the ways of destiny once more in his life. Noor had also recognized the road. She glanced his way with so many emotions written on her face. Rayyan's hold on her tightened. It was his way of telling her this was their reality. Noor blinked back the tears and slowly, clutching his hoodie in her fist leaned forward. Her lips fell right on the crook of his neck. He closed his eyes. Noor stayed there for a few moments. When she looked back at him there was no trace of pain or sorrow in her eyes. Only love and everything that they'd felt for each other. Rayyan started walking towards his car.

This was strange. The road had witness a man and woman twice here. Back in time when he had lifted this woman in his arms, she was torn, she was battered and she was no one to him. But this time around, she was happy, she was contented, she was his and he was hers.

The air around them smiled. Destiny and its strange way.

The same people.

The same road.

But there was so much changed.

Change was the story.

Change was the destiny.


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