Bonus # 1

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The snow covered mountains in the distance were feeling nearer but they weren't. They were smiling face front towards the white clouds among the blue sky. The blue which can make you lost but still is a home in itself.

Standing in the cottage large window, Noor pulled her beanie down to cover her ears. It wasn't snowing but the snow was all around. She huffed once again. Her red nose was just an inch from the almost wet glass of the window. This wasn't her idea of a vacation mostly because winter wasn't in her favourite list but trust her husband and kids to enjoy something like winter to the fullest.

A smiled reached her lips. Rayyan, Reyha and Nayel were enjoying this fifteen days in the cottage like hotel with snow all around way too much. Their laughs and beaming faces would always make up for anything. Snow and cold weren't that bad. She'd always conclude seeing her family all happy.

Pushing her hands into the pocket of her warm coat, she looked ahead outside. The snow covered area was looking like some kind of a play ground. Kids were playing, throwing and doing every sort of fun with the snow they could. Her line of vision immediately found the two small munchkins in pink and blue beanies running like it was the most fun thing to do. Not far behind, was an exhausted yet smiling Rayyan. Whenever kids would decide to play outside in the snow, he'd always volunteer to take them because he knew Noor and snow wasn't a nice combination. Who'd think of these small details? Only Rayyan.

"Okay, this is cheating. You guys aren't supposed to gang up on me."

Rayyan's voice reached Noor's ears and at the same time Reyha and Nayel's running and giggles increased as well. They were enjoying. Rayyan as well.

Noor was about to call them to not trouble their Baba much but the next moment she knew, the kids had rounded up on Rayyan. With a welp he dropped to the ground with both Reyha and Nayel trying to tackle him. A laugh escaped Noor's lips. They were getting back at him for always outshining them whenever they were in a game of snow.

Her hand reached for her phone and taking it out captured the hilarious moment into the camera roll. The next thing she did was sending the photo to family Whatsapp group.

"Kids on work."

Few seconds later their were a range of comments making her laugh out loud.

Zirwa: Omg! This looks so fun.

Rohail: That's what I call total winner.

Abeer: My cuties!

Saliha: They aren't going to get a cold are they?

Izma: Look at their faces. My jaans!

Haseeb: Doing uncle Haseeb proud.

Umar: Errr, is this only me who's worried about Rayyan? 

Haseeb: Yeah, it's only you.

Noor immediately put the phone aside and ran downstairs and then through the door leading to the area outside. She should've done this before. 

"Are you okay?"

Noor looked at his snow covered form and then at her kids who had already sensed they were going overboard.

"Reyha, Nayel! This is bad! Vey bad!"

Noor scolded them in her all to familiar mother way and brought her hand forward for Rayyan to take.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to spoil them this way. They tend to go way far. You always...wooopp!"

The hand she was holding out to him was tugged at and now she was right beside him who was laughing now.

"Gotcha. Finally you are out of your warm cocoon."

"You never play fair."

Noor complained taking out the snow from her coat. Reyha and Nayel were giggling and throwing the snow balls at each other.


Noor tried stopping them but Rayyan held her hand getting up and making her stand as well.

"Let them be."

"They'll fall sick. I will fall sick. You will fall sick."

"We won't. Trust me on this. Just enjoy it. It won't bite."

Noor huffed. So he did this to bring her out here. Smartass. Still an ass.

"Stop sulking now. The kids love it when they have you here. Besides, cold isn't that bad."

Noor shook her head but couldn't stay mad for long. In few minutes she had became a part of the game she'd been seeing her husband and kids playing for days now.

In between the smiles and laughs, among the people made her a whole, Noor concluded this wasn't a bad idea. Awhile later, going towards their hotel room Noor pulled Nayel in her arms. Her first thought was of getting the heater on full the moment they get there.

"Are you cold?"

Rayyan had asked who was holding Reyha's hand. Noor smiled. This question would always have the same answer.

"I'm never cold. Not anymore."


This was a shitty attempt but since few people asked for a treat, Here it is.  We have one more coming shortly. 

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