Chapter Three

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Hope you all enjoy the second chapter of , Fall and Find ... Two Different Words . ^0^

I also i hope you enjoy the song i uploaded for this chapter ,

DIV Point Of View .


Normal POV

He then suddenly saw Lucy .. she was looking at him . " GO AWAY ! " Natsu shouted , but she just stood their . ' Shit ' Natsu thought . Natsu's eyes suddenly started to turn bright red and his skin started to grow blood red coloured scales . A pair of crimson coloured wings came out of him back. The next thing you see .. He was a full dragon with wings , He didn't look human anymore..

Natsu was no longer the Natsu she had known he was now a Blood Red Dragon . Lucy just stood their looking at the dragon , she then took a few steps forwards , towards the dragon . The dragon , roared but Lucy wasn't scared . She then reached her hand out to touch its face . She started to touch the dragons scales suddenly a tears escaped from the dragons eyes and fell on Lucy . To her it felt like a bucket of water had fell on her head .

The dragons claw slowly moved towards Lucy and the dragons used its nail to touch her . Lucy then pulled out the scarf from her bag and pulled it around the dragon . A few seconds later the dragon started to turn back into human form .

Lucy then stepped back and the dragon started to turn back . The wings started to disappear , his claws disappeared . After the dust around the dragon disappeared , their stood Natsu , with tears in his eyes . " Why are you not scared , I'm a monster ! " Natsu shouted . But Lucy just started to walk closer to him . " STOP! " Natsu shouted . But Lucy didn't listen and just kept walking towards Natsu . While Natsu just started to walk backwards . Lucy then swung her arms around him and brang him into a hug . " You're not a monster ! " She shouted . Natsu just stood their with his arms by his side , he then started to cry ... " How are you the only one that's not afraid of me ? " Natsu asked .

" My parents left me , my friends , my family the girl i loved , they all left me because of this . Why are you not scared ? " Natsu asked . But Lucy was shocked his whole family and his parents had abandoned him because of his . But the weird thing is when he said that the girl he loved , left him because of this she left like someone had stabbed her in the heart . " Iv never had friends ... because of this , Everytime when it hits Midnight i turn into this ugly beast " Natsu said while tears rolled down his face . " Do you know how to stop it ? " Lucy asked .

" Well yeah , but it will never happen ... " Natsu said letting more tears fall just thinking about it . "What is it ? " Lucy asked , thinking their is slight hope for this boy . " True Love's Kiss " Natsu said . " Well then , we just need to find that girl you fell in love with ! " Lucy said while smiling .

" But she will never love me , i told her about this , she just ran off and called me a monster ... " Natsu said while remembering the painful things she called him .


Gomen for the short chapter , Remember to vote and comment and if possible please follow me !

Thanks Mina


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