(Sorry I dipped for a bit on this book, but now that it's the spooky season (And my insta feed is being filled with Mavis related images) I've re-lit my inspirational candle for this book! Also I did a bit of editing for previous chapters and added a little cute scene in the rooftop part :D )
The smell of something burning brought me back to the situation at hand, I haven't slept for ages due to trying to help set up the power outlets in the hotel, Mavis has been an absolute gift so far, she's become a pretty decent cook and has literally dragged me away from working when I was over doing it.
But now that I've gotten up early, or more like woke up just before the sun went down, I've been able to work non-stop without Mavis being able to find me, and now I remember what that burning smell is.
"Oh! Gerald, let go of the power cable!" I tell the zombie worker who seemed confused as to why he was being cooked alive... or well unalive.
It was then that I was caught off guard by a giant man in a suit.
"Hey Frank, what brings you to the zombie roasting?" I ask him as I finish off the power outlet and place the plastic cover over it.
"Well ya know I was created by electricity so I thought I could give you a hand" Frank suggested as he jokingly removed his hand before quickly putting it back on.
"I guess I could use a break and all that's left to do is to install a few more light switches, take Gerald with you and here's the manual" I explain to him as I pass him the sheet of paper and box of light switches, he's a tech savvy guy... right?
I look out a nearby window and weirdly enough it was still night, I thought it would of been day by now. Unless I've been awake for the entire day, my stomach definitely agrees with me on that.
Dragging myself to the kitchen, I was greeted by Drac attempting to cook regular human food and most likely failing.
"No ectoplasm is needed to make spooketti?!" He seemed to say in confusion as he flipped through a cookbook, I sighed as I began to remember the time he tried to get me to eat spooketti, it had literal spirits floating out of it and was a deathly green.
"It's spaghetti and yes, you do not put ectoplasm in it" I yawn out as I grab a can of diced tomatoes and poured it into the frying pan with the already cooked mince, which Drac did a surprisingly good job at cooking to the right color.
"Y/n, you realize that once Mavis finds you she will most likely lock you into your room until all the work is finished on the hotel right?" Dracula told me as he added the rest of the normal ingredients into the pan before putting some pasta into boiling water.
"Yup, but my work is almost done anyway, it'll be a short prison sentence and a welcome one at that" I joke about the most likely lock up my girlfriend will put me in, I wouldn't mind spending more time with her.
As we wait for the pasta to finish boiling, me and Drac talked about how fast we've managed to get the hotel into more of a modern state, of course the walls were still brick and such but at least I could charge my phone from the wall instead of from a small portable solar panel beside the window.
Once I got my serving of the spaghetti and Mavis's I immediately made my way upstairs, back to our bedroom. As soon as I opened the door I was met with a very angry looking female vampire who was tapping her foot.
"Forgive me food?" I suggested as I gave her the bowl of spaghetti, which she gladly took but still held a strong frown.
"You disappeared for a whole day to work on the hotel *chewing sounds* jst fo not tell meh!" Mavis argued at me with a mouth full of food, I waited till I finished my mouth full before replying.
"Look, the faster I get the hotel done, the faster we can spend our time together and finish off our room. I love you and all but we both know you'd drag me away to have a break every hour" I argued back, Mavis now finishing her meal remarkably fast.
"I know... It's just that we've been together for around a month now and it's been constant work work work! I just want to do some couple things, have our "honeymoon" stage as you put it~" She replied with a mischievous grin plastered on her face, me only just finishing my bowl.
"As much as I'd love to have our "honeymoon" stage, we first need to get some soundproof foam or your dad will have my head, one moan that leaves our room and I'm gone" I point out, Mavis growing the familiar confused face.
"Soundproof foam pretty much does what the name suggests, keeps sound from leaving a room" I explain, Mavis's confusion clearing back up.
Me and Mavis continued to talk about how we could improve our room, which at the moment was three large rooms that were all merged together, plans for a bathroom, kitchen, Livingroom and all the normal house rooms sat on a nearby table. Currently we share a bed in my room, but then you could walk through the knocked down wall into a still decorated Mavis room and then another broken wall to some other random hotel room, all of these rooms were now ours to freely plan around.
"I'll bring the dishes back down to Dad, you Mister need some rest!" Mavis commanded, giving me a light peck on the lips before heading out of the room, I could then see all three doors to each room lock with her weird vampire magic.
"GOODNIGHT BABE!" I yell out, and almost instantly the bedroom door unlocked once more to have Mavis pop her head through.
"Goodnight sweetie" Mavis replied with a warm blush on her face, then leaving once more. I finally lay down properly and my head was met with a soft pillow, my eyes grew heavy for a moment but they ripped open when the skeleton phone beside my bed began to scream.
"What. Is. It?" I asked the skull angrily.
"Your parents are calling" The skull replied, shit.
(Short chapter I know but I literally just woke up so hush)
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