Naruko was pacing around the room. as she waited Rin to get ready. They were inside the dressing room in Rin's and Obito's weeding. Mikoto, Kurenai, Anko and Izumi were helping Rin. She had a white siren weeding dress without sleeves and bad her hair in a bun with some white flowers around it. Mikoto was wearing a red dress with long sleeves and turtleneck that hugged her body perfectly and reached the ground. She had her hair in a low bun and wore red lipstick and black eyeliner. Anko too was wearing a red minidress without sleeves that showed her thighs. She had black gloves that reached her biceps and black heels. Kurenai had a red tea-cup dress that reached her knees and had short sleeves that reached her elbows. She had black heels and had her hair in a ponytail. Izumi was wearing another red dress that reached the ground but had a cut in the side that reached her left thigh. They finished fixing Rin's hair and the music for the bride started.
Obito was standing in the altar beside his best men and his eyes widened when he saw Rin. She was beautiful. The same reaction had the best men too. Itachi's eyes were fixed on Izumi, Fugaku's on Mikoto, Asuma's on Kurenai and Kakashi's on Anko. The weeding was being held inside Uchiha district and every Uchiha was attending. Non-Uchihas were Obito's and Rin's friends, Kurenai, Anko, Kakashi, Asuma, Gai, their teams, Hiruzen who was going to wed them and the council. Naruko was the one who was holding the rings and Ino and Sakura grew jealous because she had the attention of every boy close their age. Naruko was wearing a purple teacup dress that reached up her knees, a lavender taffeta fabric gathered revealing a defined waistline before billowing into a soft flare. A double deep V neckline showed her tan skin like honey and her well developed assets. She had a black choker necklace with the Uchiha crest hanging in the middle, black gloves that reached her elbows and black boots with heels that reached her thighs. She wore coral lipstick and black eyeliner and coral shades, showing and intensifying the blue of her eyes. The whisker marks made her look even more exotic. Anko had made Naruko look like a young woman. The bride arrived to the altar and Hiruzen started the ceremony. Shisui didn't have time to think and listen the vows of the couple or when they said 'I do', he was to busy looking Naruko and her form. He snapped out of his thoughts when Naruko gave Rin and Obito their rings and they kissed. Soon the party started and everyone started to dance.
"Holy shit Naruko you look smoking hot"-said Kiba as Naruko approached them and she blushed. She greeted them and snickered at Sasuke as he was grabbed by Sakura and Ino by his arms. Ino had a purple tight dress that reached the ground and Sakura a red minidress with long sleeves and collar. They were trying their best to get Sasuke's attention.
"Umm know...have a dance with me"-asked Kiba blushing like a schoolgirl and Naruko laughed.
"Damn Kiba I didn't know you're shy, I know Hinata is but not you"-said Naruko and Hinata blushed in embarrassment
"Is that a no or a yes"-asked Kiba fighting down his blush
"Yes"-said Naruko and dragged Kiba to the dance floor. She missed the angry looks of Shisui and Sasuke.
"Sasuke-kun would you like to dance with me"-asked Sakura holding his arm
"You wish Billbow Board, he's going to dance with me aren't you Sasuke-kun"-said Ino and held Sasuke's arm tighter
"Sorry girls but I'm taking Sasuke fkr myself"-said Mikoto and saved her son from his crazy fangirls. The party was good, everyone was enjoying it except Ino and Sakura who were jealous of Naruko. Every boy their age and close their age asked her for a dance, hell even Hinata had danced with more boys than them together. They watched Naruko approaching them and huffed.
"Shit my legs are hurting as hell"-said Naruko and sat beside her friends.
"Where's Hinata"-she asked
"Dancing with Chouji"-replied Sakura and Naruko nodded
"May I have this dance with you"-said a boy and Naruko looked behind her it was Inabi
"I'm sorry but I'm tired but I'm sure one of my companions would like to"-said Naruko and looked at Ino and Sakura. They looked at each other and Inabi asked Ino. She was prettier than Sakura and was a blonde and had blue eyes. After that another boy asked Naruko and she gave him to Sakura who was whining that everyone was dancing. Naruko sighed and rested her chin to her palm as she looked around. She had danced with almost every Uchiha her age and close her age but she hadn't danced with the one she wanted most.
"May I have this dance with you"-said a boy and Naruko sighed as she turned around to decline him. She saw surprised at Shisui and smiled.
"Thought you would never ask"-she said and rested her hand to his.
"Were you waiting me"-asked Shisui raising an eyebrow and Naruko blushed
"I...uhm...danced with everyone I know except you...yeah that's it"-she said nodding her head and fighting down her blush. Shisui chuckled and took her to the dance floor. The rest of the party went well and everyone had fun.
It was dark and the day had passed, Naruko hugged Obito and Rin. They were going to the Land of Tea for their honeymoon. During that period Kakashi would be their sensei. They greeted them as they entered the carriage and then went back to their homes.
The next day team seven was waiting for Kakashi in the training ground number seven. It had been three hour, three fucking hours since they had met there and Kakashi wasn't in sight. Suddenly he appeared in a puff of smoke and greeted them joyfully.
"You're late"-screeched Sakura and Kakashi winced at her tone.
"Well you see a black cat crossed my way and I had to turn around and take the long route"-said Kakashi excusing himself
"Huhuh and I'm really a black haired Uchiha"-said Naruko not believing Kakashi in the slightest
"Well then today we're going to spar with the other rookies."-said Kakashi
Meanwhile Kurenai was saying the same to her team. Kiba was eager to train with Naruko and Hinata nodded shyly. Shino stood stoic and just hummed in agreement.
"YOSH TODAY WE'RE GOING TO SPAR WITH THE OTHER ROOKIES. SUCH AN YOUTHFUL THING TO DO"-yelled Gai and his team, except Lee winced st his tone
"YOSH WE'RE GOING TO DO OUR BEST"-yelled Lee joining Gai
"GAI-SENSEI"-they hugged each other spilling tears of joy as in the background a sunset in a beach appeared and waves crashed in the rock.
Team ten was notified for this too and Ino was more than eager to train with her Sasuke-kun as Shikamaru didn't liked the idea at all. For him it meant more work and he preferred spending time watching the clouds no training. Chouji agreed as soon as Asuma said that after training they're going to go to BBQ for lunch.
Naruko was sparing with Sasuke when the other teams arrived. They were shocked by the fight, it was intense. Naruko fired a huge crimson fireball at Sasuke and he countered it with his own. The explosion was huge, Sasuke threw six kunais at Naruko and she countered it with her owns.
"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower"
"Fire Style: Blazing Meteors"-countered Naruko and her technique overpowered Sasuke's and the fireballs continued their way to Sasuke who replaced himself with a log. He appeared behind Naruko and tried to kick her but she turned around and blocked it
"Okay enough"-said Kakashi and they stopped and saw the other rookies. Gai's team was there too, Naruko had met them at Obito's weeding. Tenten was a fierce kunoichi and Naruko respected and liked her. Lee...well he was a second Gai and Neji was a stuck up prick. Kiba went by Naruko's side immediately and praised her and Ino did the same followed by Sakura.
"So Kakashi what do you think"-asked Asuma
"Naruko is as strong as a high level chunin or low level jonin, Sasuke is chunin level, Sakura well she's like Ino"-said Kakashi and Asuma nodded
"Should we divide them in different teams or let them just they are"-asked Kurenai
"I suggest to see the strength of the full team first. Let's have our teams spar against each other"-suggested Asuma and Gai nodded
"YOSH YOUTHFUL GENINS YOU'RE GOING TO FIGHT AGAINST EACH OTHER."-yelled Gai and the genins looked at their senseis.
"Good team seven is against team nine which is Gai's team and team ten against team eight"-said Kakashi and Asuma nodded
"Gai is Obito's team"-said Kakashi
"EVEN BETTER MY OTHER ETERNAL RIVAL"-yelled Gai and Lee nodded eagerly. Soon team seven stood in front of team nine.
"BEGIN"-screamed Gai and Neji ran at Sasuke and Lee at Naruko as Tenten provided help with her weapons from the distance. Neji activated his byakugan and Sasuke his sharingan. Tenten threw a volley if shurikens at them but Sakura deflected them throwing her owns. Lee tried to kick Naruko but she ducked and tried to trip Lee but he jumped back. Naruko ran at him and they started a fight of punches and kicks. Lee was fast and stronger but Naruko was more agile. Sakura casted a minor genjutsu at Lee and Naruko used this to her advantage and unsheathed her katana and placed it in Lee's throat eliminating him. Sasuke was having a hard time with Neji's gentle fist and Tenten throwing kunais and shurikens at him. Tenten glanced at Lee and saw him go to Gai's side and frowned. Neji managed to close two chakra points of Sasuke's arm and Sasuke jumped back with a limp hand. Naruko and Sakura joined him and Naruko asked Sakura to heal Sasuke. Rin had trained Sakura in medical techniques and she knew some minor ones. Naruko activated her sharingan and Neji smirked.
"Another inferior Uchiha"-he said and Naruko narrowed her eyes in anger. Her sharingan spun wildly and transformed into eternal mangekyou.
(Naruko's EMS)
Neji's and everyone's eyes widened and Naruko whispered a word as she locked eyes with Neji.
"Tsukuyomi"-as soon as she said that Neji fell limp in the ground and Kakashi told Naruko to undo the technique. He knew the said technique, every jonin knew it and were shocked to see that Naruko had the mangekyou. Tenten was baffled and Gai said that the match was over. After that team eight fought team ten but lost as Shikamaru thought a plan and managed to trap Hinata in his shadow, long enough for Ino to enter her mind and close some of Kiba's chakra points. After that Shino had been easy to defeat. After that Rookie Twelve fought one on one matches. Kiba fought against Chouji and the match ended in draw. Shikamaru lost against Shino, Ino lost against Tenten, Sakura lost against Hinata, Lee against Neji and Sasuke against Naruko.
"Naruko would you like to spar with me"-asked Kakashi and the genins looked in shock. Naruko nodded and soon they found themselves against each other.
"Fire Style: Great Blazing Ball"-said Naruko and sent a huge fireball way hotter and bigger than a normal one. Kakashi formed a water dragon and countered it but the fire evaporated the dragon and continued its way. Kakashi barely escaped being burned to crisps. He did some hand seals and sent a bolt of lightning at Naruko who dodged just in time. Kakashi appeared in her side and kicked her to the ribs. Naruko landed on her feet and narrowed her eyes. She started to shunshin very fast around Kakashi leaving after images behind and the other jonins were surprised as they knew Shisui's trick. Kakashi looked around and attacked various Narukos but no one was the real one. Naruko kicked him to his knee and he fell on one knee and then Naruko appeared in his side and kicked him in the head. Damn it was like he was hit by two persons, that's how fast she moved. Unknown to him he was hit by two shadow clones. Kakashi jumped up and breathed out a huge fireball that burned all Narukos. The fire died down and Naruko was nowhere to be seen. He looked around and then jumped up as soon as Naruko came out of the ground below him. They started a fight of taijutsu and Kakashi won by placing his kunai to Naruko's throat.
After that the teams went to BBQ, much to Chouji's pleasure and had lunch. Ino and Sakura as usually fought for the place near Sasuke and Lee proposed to Sakura in a rather blunt way. Tenten sat beside Naruko and Hinata and talked to them, Chouji ate as he had been starving to death and Shikamaru just looked bored out of the window. The day passed pleasantly and everyone enjoyed each other's company.
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