Chapter 4

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"You sure you're prepared?"

"Yes, I've got everything I need."

"And you're gonna be careful and not come home wrapped in bandages, right?"

"No promises."


"Oh, come on. I have been trained by the number one and number seven hero for the past couple of months. I'll be fine, so you don't need to worry."

"Hmph, I'm your mother; it's my job to worry."

Izuku smiled down at his mother. Even after all the preparations he made and training he put himself through, she was still worried about him. 'It's just how mothers are, I guess.'

And Izuku did indeed put himself through a metric fuck-ton of training. After his spar with Rumi Usagiyama Aka: Mirko. (Which Toshinori apparently saw) His training had increased tenfold. Reason being that Rumi decided to take Izuku on as a student, which was fucking unheard of. Apparently, he had impressed her during their time together, and she decided he was 'Worthy of being under her awesome tutelage' When asked why she simply said. 'I want to be able to say that I trained the next Number One Pro Hero.'

So Izuku now had his days filled with training OFA with All Might and training his hand-to-hand combat and different moves with Rumi. Due to all the training Izuku had done, he gained control of around 35% of OFA, 40% if he was pushing himself. He was even ahead of schedule in regards to his quirk training. Allowing All Might to get in some time to explain the finer details of OFA and help him activate OFA quickly; lastly, he helped Izuku incorporate OFA into his style.

While All Might's training was good and oh so important, it was Rumi's training that really bore fruit. If Izuku thought All Might was a slave driver, then that must mean Rumi was a demon from hell. In her exact words, 'Breaks are for weak-ass pussies. If you wanna be the number one, your gonna have to be able to go without breaks, period.'

Izuku honestly agreed with her statement and continued to push himself to the point where vision blurred and his body was close to giving up. Only his willpower kept his body functional during the beginning of his training with Rumi. But in the end, the results of his hellish training spoke for themselves.

His almost burly frame had filled out just the tiniest bit more, with him gaining an inch in height to boot. The most obvious improvement was his muscles that had once again changed. Where before they had been putting on mass, now they were refined beyond belief, even more than All Might's. Each muscle looked like it was crafted out of marble. He had to get a completely new wardrobe because his old clothes wouldn't fit over his compact muscles. He also got a new haircut to go with his new body, deciding to trim up the bush he called hair. He had shaved the sides in a close-cropped fashion and had trimmed the top of his hair, so it wasn't in his eyes.

Overall he wholeheartedly liked his new look, and if the glances he kept getting from the female population were any indication, they liked it too.

Leaning down, he placed a kiss on his mother's cheek to placate her fears. Leaning back up, he gave her a wide smile and picked up his motorcycle helmet. "I'll be safe, I promise!" He said, expertly ignoring the pointed glare she sent towards the motorcycle helmet.

While Izuku had been cleaning up Dagobah beach, he found an old motorcycle that looked like it was built before quirks had shown up. Acting on a whim, he had taken it and stored it at a nearby abandoned garage he would go and work out in from time to time. After much research, he finally found out what it was.

It was a motorcycle made by a Pre-Quirk Era company called Harley Davidson. They were well known for making badass motorcycles when they were still around. Obviously, with this new information, Izuku had to have one. All the other badasses drove them, so goddammit, he was too.

The only problem was that the one he had (He had identified it as a 2012 FLHR Road King, It was designed to be like the older model but held all the bells and whistles of the more modern cars of that time) was broken as fuck.

Luckily, Izuku was cleaning through a trash heap filled to the brim with useful parts, including motorcycle parts. After going through a metric ton of garbage, Izuku had found the required parts to fix up his bike and spice it up, of course.

One thing he did was modify the seat so that it could comfortably fit two people. He also modified the engine to be able to take the electricity from his quirk instead of gasoline; he really didn't want to spend money on gas. And after almost a year of fixing it up and re-fixing it up (The internet sometimes gave out false information about DIY fixing things), He had his bike working good as new. After cleaning it and slapping a new sleek black paint job on it, he had himself a badass ride.

After that, it was a simple matter of learning to drive a motorcycle and then getting a driver's license for it.

He, of course, did this all in secret, knowing his mother would absolutely NOT approve of him driving a 'Two Wheeled Death Trap' as she called them. It was only after he had gotten his license that he finally told his mother.

She was royally pissed, and rightfully so, but after much begging and pleading, she finally gave him the O-kay to drive it. Though that didn't stop her from sending it, and him, nasty looks sometimes.

After grabbing his helmet and subtly placing it back onto the rack cause badass's don't need helmets, he took his keys and slipped out the door.

Making his way down to his bike and sitting on it, Izuku started the engine and reveled in the familiar purr. He honestly enjoyed driving his bike. He built her up from scratch and learned to drive her by himself. His bike was like his unofficial baby.

Slipping his leather jacket on because you can't have a motorcycle and NOT have a leather jacket; He checked himself out in the rear-view mirrors. "Dark green shirt? Check. Cool denim jeans? Check. Black Steel-toed combat boots? Check. Badass black leather jacket? Double-check. Overall B.A.M.F Izuku Midoriya ready to go dominate the U.A Entrance exams and look awesome doing it? Triple check." He said as he put the final touch on his outfit—black aviators with gold trim.

With a confident smirk on his face, Izuku gunned his bike's engine before he peeled out of the parking lot and onto the streets.

As he drove through Musutafu, Izuku's thoughts drifted to something he wasn't quite used to.


More importantly, how he acted and felt.

He knew that he had undergone a slight personality change over his training with Rumi and All Might. He had become more outspoken, blunter, and overall... more confident. He attributed this change to the training itself with All Might and Rumi. While before he met them, he was confident and sure in his abilities, he still always had that little bit of doubt in his mind. He always was just the littlest bit worried.

But that all changed when he met All Might and Rumi. His training with the number one hero assured his small sense of doubt that he was doing okay. He was making progress. His training with Rumi told him he was ahead of others and would make the next Number One Hero.

They say that the student inherits the traits of the master, and that is indeed true. With every day Izuku trained with All Might, he gained a little of the man's confidence. Every day he trained with Rumi, he gained just a little more of her outspokenness and attitude. He was still his own person, and he was by no means copying either of them, but he was picking up similarities.

Looking back on it, he was honestly happy with the changes he had undergone. He was proud of himself for coming this far. He knew he still had a ways to go, but he was already leagues ahead of anyone else. It was that knowledge, that feeling, that made him so confident. He was assured in his own body cause he knew, deep within the recesses of his heart.

It was only a matter of time.


Aizawa Shouta, the alter ego of Underground Pro Hero: Eraserhead was many things. Tired, grumpy, addicted to caffeine. There were many words to describe him. Yet above all, there is one word, one thing that explains him the best.

He was Experienced.

He had been an underground pro hero for almost 16 years, which is to say, a very long time for underground heroes.

Underground heroics dealt with the dirtiest of the world, the part no one wants to think about. They worked more closely with the police and actively hunted down organized crime. Where 'Normal' heroes had patrols and generally kept the peace and prevented catastrophes. Underground heroes actively hunted the more difficult aspects of crime. Including, but not limited to, an organized crime such as human trafficking rings and drug cartels, to things like hunting down vigilantes. Regular or 'Limelight' heroes dealt with the 'villains' and generally tried to keep society in a peaceful state of mind. Underground heroics dealt with the true criminals.

As such, their jobs were much harder. Underground heroes went into more dangerous situations, from infiltration of drug cartels to firefights with human traffickers. Underground heroes had to constantly watch their back and take the utmost care to keep their identity hidden, lest the crime bosses find out who they are and order them to be killed.

Aizawa surviving for damn-near 16 years was a testament to just how fucking skilled he was. He was one of the best, and he had the experience to back it up.

So it goes without saying that Aizawa had also seen some shit.

He dealt with the most disgusting of society on a day-to-day basis. Organ harvesting, child slavery, and even organized crime rings focused on rape. He had seen some shit in his life.

So when Nezu walked into the observation room with a terrifying grin on his face, Aizawa was immediately on guard.

The other teachers seemed to notice it as well, as they also tensed at Nezu's smile.

"Teachers! I have a wonderful announcement to make!" He said, the sadistic glint in his eyes growing a bit as he spoke. It caused a few of the teachers to shiver at what this could mean. Nezu only had that glint in his eyes when something interests him.

"We have a new teacher joining us as our hand-to-hand combat instructor. Please welcome... Rumi Usagiyama, Aka: The Rabbit Hero Mirko!" He announced as Said hero walked through the door with her signature smirk in place.

Everyone in the room became shocked while Aizawa became confused. Mirko wasn't exactly a... team player. She worked alone and preached any chance she could about how teams were for the weak. It was odd to see her near a school, forget about her teaching at one. It just didn't fit her M.O.

Aizawa didn't have to voice his questions as Midnight decided to do it for him. "Ummm, I'm confused. How did this happen?"

Nezu took a sip from his ever-present team cup before responding. "Well, it is quite simple actually; I was creating the roster for the incoming first-years teachers when miss Mirko called me out of the blue, saying she was going to be working at U.A for a little while. When I asked why, she told me someone had caught her attention, and she wanted to see him grow. More specifically, she said she wanted to train him." He said, gaining shocked looks from most of the teachers.

"Really? Wow. I wonder who could impress Mirko enough to get her to be a teacher." Present Mic added. Said rabbit hero turned to him and smirked. "Don't worry. You'll know him when you see him. He's gonna dominate the exams. No doubt about it." She said, her confidence in Izuku winning absolute.

The hero's in the room raised an eyebrow at her. They obviously doubted her statement. Not believing that a mere high school student could best the U.A entrance exams as easily as she said he could.

They all turned to the monitor to watch the incoming students. Now more eager than ever to watch the exams. No one acknowledged the skeletal blond man towards the end of the monitors. Nor did they notice his widening grin.

'I just love it when things get even more interesting.'


Izuku watched with growing excitement as the towering figure of U.A grew steadily closer. He pulled into the parking lot, attracting the attention of the nearby students. It wasn't every day you see a high school student-built like a brick shithouse riding a badass motorcycle, pull in to take the hardest entrance exam in the country, maybe the world.

Izuku smirked at the kids who kept staring at him. The women kept giving him appraising looks, and a few even blushed at the sight of him. While the men were giving him looks of both respect and jealousy. Both respecting him for being such a BAMF and wishing they could one day reach that point.

Izuku smoothly pulled into a parking space and shut off his bike. Pulling the keys out of the ignition and hopped off. He put his keys in his jacket pocket and left towards the entrance. He arrived at the gate and walked through, marveling a bit at the majestic building that was U.A. He quickly shook himself out of it and continued through, or at least he would have, had a certain Pomeranian not spoken up.

"Oi! Out of my way, you damn shitty mask!" An annoyed Katsuki Bakugou said as he tried to shoulder check Izuku. He failed spectacularly and simply bounced off of Izuku's frame, almost falling on his ass in the process. He looked up to Izuku and glared at him straight in the eyes before walking off with a huff and a small angry mutter of, "Stay out of my way."

Izuku chuckled silently to himself at Katsuki's actions. He always found the explosive blond amusing, if not annoying. He continued towards the entrance when he felt his foot get caught on a brick. He looked down at the innocently sitting brick that attempted to trip him and snorted. 'As if something so simple would cause me to fall on my ass like some clown.' He thought before finally making it to the entrance.

He followed the flow of traffic till he reached a large auditorium. The inside was filled to the brim with evenly spaced desks, most by this point in time being occupied by a student. Izuku simply sat down at the closest one and waited for something interesting to happen.

After waiting a couple of minutes, he decided to scope out some of the competition. Taking a glance around the room, he saw a few people that caught his eye. One was a spiky-haired redhead with sharp teeth. He was pretty well built for a high school student and had this 'manly' aura around himself. Another was a pink-skinned girl with cute little horns coming out of her head. Her sclera was a surprisingly black color, and she had a cheerful, friendly smile on her face. The last person he saw made him want to burst out laughing. He was this little midget with what looked like purple grapes stuck on his head. He was just sitting in his seat, drooling while looking at all the girls. It was honestly hilarious to see him zero in on one girl's particularly large bust and unconsciously make grabbing motions with his hands. The purple midget looked like he was about to cream himself from just the thought of boobs. Izuku took one look at him and just knew he wasn't going to pass the entrance exam.

He was brought out of his thoughts by The Voice Hero: Present Mic's loud shout. "HEYY, WHAT'S UP ALL YOU LITTLE LISTENERS!!!! CAN I GET A YEEAAHHHH?" He was answered with dead silence. Feeling a bit bad for him, Izuku stood up and cupped his hands around his mouth. Charging 1% of OFA into his lungs and lining his throat with it. He let out his own shout.


His sudden booming voice shocked the students around him and caused a few to jump in their seats. A couple giggled at his actions, and the rest just looked at him like he was a weirdo. Present Mic was trying to stop the tears of joy streaming down his face. This was the first time a student had responded to his question with as much enthusiasm as he had. It was all he could do not to go down there and hug the life out of the little listener that just made his entire day.

After composing himself, Present Mic started to explain the practical portion of the exam. About how they would be split up into different groups and sent to different mock cities. They would then have fifteen minutes to destroy as many robots as possible, the robots being numbered 1, 2, and 3 based on their difficulty. Obviously, robots with a higher number being worth more but also being harder to destroy. He was going to continue before being interrupted by a blue-haired boy with engines in his calves. "Excuse me! The pamphlet here says that there are four different robots, but you have only spoken about three! If this is a misprint or mistake on U.A's part, then I find it disgraceful that such a prestigious school such as U.A would allow this to happen. And you there! The one who rudely shouted earlier and disrupted the explanation!" He said, turning his attention to Izuku, who was sitting with his feet on the desk and his hands behind his head. Looking almost bored with everything around him.

Izuku raised an eyebrow at the boy, who was pointing his finger at him in what looked like righteous fury. "If you think this is all some joke or if you don't care enough even to pay attention, then you should leave! We are all trying to become hero's here, and you are making a mockery of it!" He shouted. Izuku looked at the boy for a few seconds. Letting the tense silence that had befallen the room simmer for a bit. Before he chuckled a bit.

"Man, you need to pull the stick out of your ass and listen. Present Mic was about to explain how the fourth robot, or Zero pointer, is an obstacle you do not need to fight. Because of Its Zero point status, it would honestly be easier to just avoid it altogether. As for me thinking this is all some joke?" He said as he glared at the boy, who at this point was feeling slightly embarrassed about jumping to conclusions. "Well, we'll see how much of a joke I really think this is when I get first place in the practical exam, now won't we?" He finished letting his statement weigh down on the room.

And weigh on the room it did. It was one thing to have confidence in your abilities, but to have the balls to openly declare he would place first in the practical exam, to a room full of contenders? Was another thing entirely, and the fact that he said it so surely, so confidently. Like it wasn't a dream or a goal. It was a reality, a fact that he knew to be absolutely true. Like there was nothing anyone in the room with him could do about it. It was an unchangeable fact of the universe that he was going to be number one.

It shook almost everyone to their core. Sure everyone here was confident on some level, and sure they wanted to win. But they didn't know they were gonna win. They, despite the training they had put themselves through, did not feel sure enough in their abilities to say I will win this. So to see someone who was sure enough in themselves to flat out declare it to the entire room. Not simply brag about it to a few people. Or arrogantly boast about how good he was to them, but declare that he was going to outshine them all like it was a cold, hard fact?

It scared them.

Present Mic broke the stifling silence with his usual boisterous voice. "Thank you, little listener! And you are right! The fourth

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