Best friends

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I went to the Garden of Love,

And saw what I never had seen:

A Chapel was built in the midst,

Where I used to play on the green...

Sheathing the Yamato once more, my shirt finally fell to tatters in the wind, falling away as the massive rush of air behind us threatened to steal the light away. The barrier has been destroyed, and for the first time in so long... There was no division in my soul.

Why... Why you ask? Why did I do this? Why did I free them? Even when it meant giving up the souls, even if I could've shattered the barrier on my own given enough time?

Well, I suppose you can call it irrational. Freeing the souls needlessly, but that's not a problem anymore... Humans can act irrational at times, and if this time down here has taught me anything... It Is that I am human.

So regardless, it wasn't the end of the world... Power is a choice after all, and seeking it while losing everything else is not rational either. And you wouldn't ask me to force those souls of children just like I to remain trapped inside me? No, I'll grow stronger by my own means, what makes me human will keep my heart safe.

And seeing everyone so muted in disbelief at my actions, even though I hardly even knew half of them... Many scared from my mere presence, many who I dismissed without further consideration... All individuals with their own lives and prerogatives, who am I to dismiss them?

And so the wind barks against them, and they rescind slightly... Fearing the beyond, fearing moving on to a brighter day... Almost as if the shackles around their legs haven't broken yet, perhaps it is terrifying to hope for something... For so long, and for it to finally come true... It's not concrete, not tangible, almost mythical... A promise never to be fulfilled, but with their freedom so close... All it takes is one step, one voice.

And of all people, I did not expect it to be him.

The very skeleton who despite his mystery, despite his terrifyingly apt knowledge. Despite the fact that his words still chilled my spine to this day. He was the first to step beyond the precipice with me, smiling in a way that conveyed a true joy... So unlike his dejection from before.

He caught my eyes wordlessly, for the first time not levying a quip or a joke. Placing a bony hand on my shoulder, the skeleton winked at me, put his hands in his pockets, and then trudged forward against the howling wind of tomorrow.

Sans had given up on returning to the surface... And now? He had no hesitation to move forward, for the first time taking the initiative instead of lazily standing by.

And he set an example for everyone else, showing them not to fear...

One by one cheers begin to sound out, more and more people beginning to realize that they were chained no more. Cries and yells of joy echoed throughout this mountain cave, the collective ahead of my gaze looking to me for leadership as they joyfully rounded on my position.

Nodding and turning around to follow the skeleton, my heart soared in the sun. The entire race of demons intermixed around me as we traversed this large mountain cavern.

An elderly demon fell to her knees suddenly, grasping onto the wall of the cave as if it was her only lifeline... I stood against the crowd, watching her with trepidation. Until...

"Oh oh, oh dear... I can't believe this..."

"C'mon gramma, we gotta get out there, everyone's waiting for us"

"I know dear..."

"I'm just a lil scared hun."

The young child took her hand and gently guided her away, pulling the elder from her reservations, clinging to the wall no more...

They all faced the unknown future even through fear.

Clamoring around me with their cheers, calling me their saviour... Parading me with thanks, however I felt as if I should be thanking them instead, the beauty of their civilization... Is this what my father felt towards humanity?

It had to be.

Suddenly, a group of smaller bunny spawn began to clamor as they climbed onto my body, giggling and laughing all the while. At first I was shocked but the shock quickly rescinded, replaced with a tiny grin. Two children climbed onto my shoulders, effectively weightless to me.

"Momma told us that you saved us all just now Mister, you pretty tough huh?"

"Perhaps I am, what is it to you?"

"I'll be even tougher when I grow up y'know, my brother is in the royal guard!"

"Oh really? Interesting, we may have met before."

Never in any reality did this seem plausible, me, a Demon slayer, talking to a small demon child hanging off my shoulder casually and being so close that this would even be possible...

Incredible, really.

"Huns, get off our friend okay? Oh jeez I'm sorry about that, Vergil right?" The store owner from before, she effectively wrangled the three children from my body, the third one quickly running off... Probably a cousin.

She began walking beside me, "Don't mind them hun, they don't know just how to act sometimes huh." She laughed nervously, a far cry from the easy going personality I'd recall.

Waving her off, "Don't worry." A simple response, but it was enough. "And do not be disturbed by me, treat me no differently if you would." The rabbit woman snickered.

"Well, I suppose I can do that Hun... Just know that I'll give you a full discount for the rest of your life for this... And don't refuse, I ain't changing my mind." He glare finalized the agreement, or well... Her agreement.

"If you insist, but just know that I did not do this alone."

It would not have been possible without the fallen Prince... Or fallen Princess.

The shop-owner laughed, "Name's Jess by the way, glad to finally meet you for real Hun." Jess looked on wistfully, her fur bristling.

"Pleasure is mine... Jess."

Her children were making a ruckus behind us, but before Jess turned to admonish them. "Just sayin, thank you so much for freeing us... I always knew it would happen one way or another, just not that it would be in my lifetime hehe! Anyways-" Her eyes blazed in fury suddenly, the two demon boys yelping as she barreled towards them and trapped them in a bear hug.

"What did I say about starting fights huh?"

"But he started it, he always starts it mooooommm." The child from earlier that was talking in my ear was a troublemaker eh... Just like Dante.

But Jess wasn't having any of it, "Hun, don't give me that. You're the older one, it's your job to finish the fight." The older of the two boys stared down to the floor, shamed.

She placed a hand on his shoulder, "But... You're right, dealing with little brothers is always painful... But that means he'll always be there for you no matter what, alright?"

She wiped his tears away, "So you gotta learn to not regret the times you have with him, alright?" Because...

"Brothers stick together."

My lips curled into a smile as I walked away from them, continuing onwards till freedom.

Chara would have her time with the family she lost, the people of the underground wanted to know me after all... Who am I to deny their request?

People thought mountains were... Spiritual, metaphorical, challenging, but most of the time people never saw mountains as much else. I knew this to be different, a mountain represented something primal in all of us, demon or human, the challenge to overcome, a sublime to embrace.

And that mountain has been conquered, the sublime revealed in the sun... Shining so brightly over the mountains, the entirety of the underground spilled out into a large opening between the range, the sun sitting neatly between the contours of two mountaintops... It's light spilling across the newly freed society, for only a moment of course...

Many of the demons who followed us to freedom were heading back into the cave one last time to gather all their belongings, leaving only a few of us remaining... For better or worse.

"Dammit... Deemurr... You're telling me that you didn't have a plan after leaving the underground?" Toriel was glaring at her former husband with flame in each eye.

The king scratched the side of his head nervously, "Erm... I never supposed that we'd get this far..." Toriel dragged a paw across her face agonizingly.

Chara piped in, "It's not that complicated Mother, we just have to uh... Build a new, new home?" Asgore snapped excitedly at her half-assed suggestion, making me snort.

"That's it! See, I'm telling you Tori- erm, Toriel... Our daughter sure is bright! Er... She got that from you, by the way." Seeing Asgore so nervous and out of his element was odd to say the least.

Chara flicked his arm "Stop selling yourself short pops, you don't become king for nothing."

Toriel ignored her comment, "That she did, even though you were king... That was more for morale purposes, after all..." She slightly smiled, reminiscing about lost times.


The three Dreemurr's glanced towards me, all looking like goats caught in headlights... Somehow even Chara did as well, despite being a human... Must've been the eyes.

Speaking of eyes, her red eyes lit up, "Verg!" Breaking into a run, she quickly rounded on my position with her arms spread out.

My hand stopped her though, her face smashing against my palm. "Agh! What the hell!" She began to grab at my hand while pushing forward to no avail, my confusion was palpable.

"Language young lady!" She groaned against my hand.

"Yes mother dearest-"

She only doubled her efforts though, despite my strength. "Agh, c'mon pard... You know how badly my legs hurt right now after 500 years of not using them?"

"I see, how does that explain your attempts to maim me?"

"I'm not trying to maim you silly, I want to sit on your shoulders."

"Your father is quite literally standing over there, enviously might I add, I fail to see why it must be me."

"I can't sit on my father's shoulders... I'm too grown up for that, so stop resisting."

"I fail to see the logic here."

But... I let her through anyways, despite her being taller, I was far more built than she was... So she scrambled up my body like a critter from the woods, sitting squarely on my shoulders and letting out a sigh of relief.

"Phew. Alright, now... Where to?" Weightless, I didn't even have to hold onto her legs to keep myself steady... but.

My face was burning from something else, "Chara, you foolish human girl..." Is this my fate?

"Hush, I'm just making up for your shortiness." Sputtering, my face scrunched up and burned in anger now.

My eyes narrowed, "That's not a word, and I'm merely a year younger than you... Not to mention I've barely reached the cusp of puberty, only recently have I felt hair-" She covered my mouth with her hands quickly, face blazing red.

"Don't tell me that, you idiot!" I pulled her hands away.

"Why, afraid of simple biology?" She pinched my ear, somehow it hurt... Just a little.

"No, it's just not appropriate to talk to a lady like such, dear me." Snorting, my legs carried us towards the two royals, Chara had to wrap her arms around my head to keep herself from falling off at my sudden movement.

The Dreemurrs seemed puzzled at our interaction, "Er, my children... How long have you two known each other?" My hand raised instantly to answer, preventing Chara from opening her fraudulent mouth.

"Since I arrived, she latched onto my powerful soul like a... Heh, parasite." Chara huffed at that, crossing her arms.

"I resent that."

"Resent all you like, doesn't alter the reality of the matter." Toriel giggled suddenly and Asgore looked between her and us with a puzzled face, his muzzle releasing a small 'Huh?'

It seemed the King was as lost as anyone could be when hearing how his daughter was resurrected from the dead, but his confusion quickly molded into reserved content.

And suddenly, Sans and Papyrus appeared from behind Asgore without warning, shocking the King even more... A slight tinge of pity filled my heart.

"Oh great heavens Sans, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" The king clutched his heart as he and Papyrus waved towards us, the taller of the two marching over.

"eh, trying? but my heart wasn't really in that, if it was, you'd be in a lot of trouble." Shrugging at his own terrible joke, somehow Toriel laughed at it...

This caused Asgore to sigh.

And then again.


She smirked. "What can I say? I'm a fan of puns, or if you'd like... Skelepuns." Papyrus' cranium shadowed, his sockets dimming dangerously.

"ey, that's pretty humerus, isn't it Verg?" Papyrus sighed into his gloved hand, chuckling a little.

I queried an eyebrow, "Apologies, no comment."

Suddenly, Asgore moved between everyone. He put his large paws out to silence the conversation, "Alright, cease the japes for now... Toriel is right, we require a plan." The Queen humphed, her eyes rolling.

"So now you want to make a plan?"

"Toriel please!"

Asgore was pleading with his former wife to be reasonable, in honesty I found her disdain for Asgore to be distasteful but it wasn't something I could speak of without being out of depth.

Toriel waved him off, "Yes yes, hm... Firstly, we need to establish contact with humanity so they don't attack us as soon as they set eyes on this development, but It's been so long... The kingdom of man may have fallen a long time ago." Toriel showed a new side of herself to me, she was far more intelligent than she let on...

"Um... I believe I can help with that."

Alphys slipped into view, nervously holding a device in her hands. "We just need to contact them, right?" We all crowded around her, looking down at the weird device...

A radio?

For the next few hours, Me, Chara, Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Undyne, Asgore, we all surrounded Alphys as she poked and prodded at her device, one that reminded me of her mobile phone... But a fair bit larger. A radio of some kind, she turned two knobs on the side of the device in an attempt to find a signal. The audio static was blaring loud.

Sighing, "It isn't working Alphys!" Undyne groaned immaturely, leering over the shorter demon.

"It will work, Undyne! Just have some patience."

"Sureeeee, but if I've been standing here for three hours for nothing it's your ass."

"Erm..." Alphys didn't quite know how to respond to that.

Suddenly, a strong voice flickered through the radio, "Unknown station identify yourself, over." Slightly distorted by the radio, but audible. Chara slightly tugged on my hair, nervous I'd presume.

Toriel was quick to act before anyone else, "Hello, this is Toriel. My people have freed themselves from the barrier underneath Mt. Ebott, we wish to initiate contact with your King. Do you understand?" A small silence followed after Toriel spoke into the radio, the only audible noise being the fuzz of radio noise.

... "Affirmative, redirecting to higher order of command."

Everyone stood and watched with bated breaths, staring at the communicator with trepid worry marring all our faces. The humans and Demons of the underground would be meeting for the first time in many many years, for better or for worse... But I had hope, man and demon... They can be united again.

Psst, "This is Lieutenant Colonel of the World Army Markus Manhower, am I speaking to the Subterranean Demon Tribe? Acknowledge, over." This voice was much older, more gruff and experienced.

Toriel had the most serious face I'd ever seen from her, "Yes, this is Queen Toriel of the 'Subterranean Demons', we have been freed from our imprisonment and seek peaceful relations."

Pzzt, "Copy, you guys finally made it out of that shit hole huh? The press are gonna have a damn field day with you lot, over." Slightly put off by the sudden vulgarity, Toriel waited a few seconds to respond.

"Yes, but we mean no harm... We wish to reestablish our peaceful relations with humanity."

Pzzt, "Affirmative, that you should, your highness. Priority, I'll send a convoy to make first contact STAT, acknowledge, over."

The Demon Queen quickly got used to the lingo, "Acknowledged, we shall meet your men with open arms, thank you." A small chuckle was heard over the other line.

"Affirmative, we'll see you soon, over and out."

And with that final transmission, a collective sigh of relief hushed through our little group. All except for Undyne, her eyes narrowed in distrust.

She shook her head rapidly, "I don't trust them for a second, it can't be that easy right? They have to have some ulterior motive, right Asgore?"

The king stroked his beard at her question, "Hm.. Possibly, but it has truly been many many centuries since we've been underground... Perhaps humanity is different now." Asgore decided to take a more hopeful sentiment, the weight of expectation still sitting heavily on his shoulders... But lessened... I'd hope.

Chara scoffed and climbed down from her perch on my shoulders, "Unlikely, humanity doesn't change that easily... Even time can't fix that."

A scruffy paw came over the top of her head, "Oh dear girl, you need not tell me that... But isn't it just like you to say ha, oh how I miss our talks..." She smiled at her father, a real smile.

"Well, now that I'm back... We'll talk as much as we like, right, father?" The King ruffled her hair a little, causing her to giggle.

"Of course my dear, I still have that wonderful sweater you made for me after all... Finally, I have a reason to wear it again." I watched Chara's eyes light up, moisture peppering the corners of each one.

"You kept it... After all this time." The human girl sniffled, my eyes became softer at the sight of her tears...

Sans draped an arm over my shoulder, we were of similar height.

"so, that's the little angel over your shoulder huh? the princess of the whole underground, pretty impressive huh."

Watching tears light up those beautiful red eyes of hers, "Hm, impressive indeed." She caught my gaze, blue met red, and her smile widened for a small moment before something appeared in her eyes.

And then they narrowed suddenly in realization over something, "Vergil, watch over everyone..." She tugged my hand as she brushed past me, ignoring the calls of her parents.

Before I could even say anything, "I HAVE ONE LAST THING TO DO! DON'T WORRY!" She yelled back towards us with an assuring wave, running back into the underground cave and leaving me to face the King's and Queen's quarreling

Staring at the retreating girl, it clicked suddenly. My pockets were empty, recalling when I took the bar of chocolate from the Dreemurr family home... She'd stolen it from me without a second thought, what she was planning to tell me in place of the chocolate bar... Was no longer important to me.

Hmph, "I see."

A smile tugged at my lips, I was glad she was finally facing him for real... It was time to amend all things, for that was in season... Was it not?

Turning the sun in the sky, six figures stood there smiling... Well, most did. But I could feel their gratitude, finally free as they were to move on to the next life... It was goodbye, and so they flourished and swirled into the wind... Only to reveal...


The golden locks of my Mother

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