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Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence.

I walked through the town as I did without mirth or agony marred on my lips. I turned my gaze and caught the eyes of many spectators, mothers, fathers, and children solemnly playing in muted silence. The grey of the city was soft on the eyes but hard on the heart.

"So... This is the exuberant capital... Hn." It wasn't so much exuberant as it was dim and gray, not at all like the biomes prior.

Chara was quick to speak, "The buildings got repainted... When I was younger, they were shining and golden. Father... Did we.. really screw up that badly?" Her question caused me to flinch, the obvious tone... Mourning.

It seems that the years of imprisonment have led to the death of joy in many monsters, not that I was surprised.

Speaking of, far behind me was the crowd of Mettaton fans who had high energy and were chattering amongst themselves. But as we went further into the city, it seemed this energy was dying out and being replaced. The wind was becoming more audible than the cheers of bygones, and eventually they faded out entirely.

I quickly began to realize that for many demons... This life was dour, depressed, muted tears sewn across their many faces even if it could not be seen, it was known.

Underneath this cavern and mountainous extremity laid the graveyard for an entire civilization, doomed to never see the light again... A pitiful fate.

We came across a small gathering of demons, each one looking up to a large white statue of... Sparda himself. Sculpted in his true demonic form, insectoid wings and demonic greatsword held in hand. The statue was tall, taller than most buildings around it, and beheld an almost heroic reverence for the Dark Knight. For my...


I leaned up against a nearby house, watching a few monster children exit from the door and run up to the statue to join in on the reverence. The mob of monsters began to sway back and forth to the tune of a song, children all singing in tune too.





O' Sparda, O' Sparda, how hast you gone so soon... Gone from our world with your power, too!

Never to be seen again, we remain on this plain with the humans that you have saved...

Yet how the fires of our hearts do burn, and yet we stay the flame, all just to refuse this enticing mortal flay. Our hearts as one, do they stay.

With their souls ripe and true, just any one would do, but our hearts beat as one and so we rescind.

With our animosity gone, your fate has left us wronged, our brothers sealed and this task unto us, for hatred kneels to the unity of man and beast!

But O' do tears never dry, only do the devil's of humanity pry, their hearts turned to ice and their fears again tread.

Nothing at all could be said, for our bodies bled, and our dust did scatter all across the world, onto the grasses' sorrow bed and the ocean's mighty head, the world had turned upon our kind.

Routed in the night, we dithered not to fight, our flames quelled with the ice of humanity. Their blows did rain down and we could not stay our ground, of course, there was no other way-

For O' The mountain king mourns with the sky gone and forlorn, sent to our graves by the man who we once loved, the same we did save from the icey three-eyed king, turned upon and left to our chains.

Our hopes and dreams were kept far at bay, only by humanity, the humanity who were once delivered, delivered were they from the clutches of the three-eyed throne.

Sorrow fills as we do recall, walking these paths with tearful chains upon our backs, but we still wait for the end of our pain.

So do we cry, O' we cry out loud for you, Great Sparda with your Yamato sharp and true. We cry for you to see this immense cruelty embarked of which we once saw too, you who delivered humanity from his three-eyed treachery, so they could be free.

And O' remain here still, that always may be...

Hoping, O' hoping."

"That one day, you'll come and deliver us too..."

Little did I know, my lips trembled and twitched. This ode to my father... Feeling the cold of this soul, building up and up. I couldn't even sense the proximity of a demon close to me, far too entrapped in my own mind.

"Look at these morons, heh." I felt an elbow against my shoulder, turning my gaze towards the newcomer.

"They don't really believe Sparda will return, do they? Man, he wouldn't come to this shit hole for anything. Definitely not to save us, heh ain't that the truth my friend, call me cynical but ain't no way we're ever leaving this hellhole."

The demon was tall, slender like a bean pole, a cat-like demon with an ugly disturbing face that seemed forced. He was wearing a uniform with grease stains on it, and a small yellow cap with an M on it.

A smug grin, "Heh, but people will still mindlessly pray for something that's never gonna come."

He began to convulse oddly, "Not us though, I may be a wagie but I'm definitely more educated than these bums. What are they trying to do? Summon the guy?" He nudged me again, ignoring my obvious agitation.

He lit a cigarette, "Welp anyways, I'm glad Mettaton is gone for now. My weekly shift is over, go Burgerpants, we out here!" Odd name.

A complete 180, a sudden dread marred his feline face, "But in a week I get to go back to that hellscape... Damn my torturous life-" I suddenly pushed the cat demon away with a light tap, his attempts at conversation leaving me irritated.

"You talk far too much." I spat out before turning away and walking.

The cat demon sputtered, "W-wut?" Too absorbed with his own hardships to notice anything outside of his hubris.

"Now wait here you little weirdo, what's the supposed to mean eh?" The feline was vibrating, hunched over and hovering next to me as I went forth with a stoic gait.

"You should appreciate the simplicity of your life, not demean those who'd wish for a better one." My words echoed, resonating with me more than my target.

"Huh? Are you telling me to reflect on my life choices... But- That would make me stupid!"

"Good, you're becoming self-aware." The demon actually began to laugh, a high-pitched cackle.

"Oh man, that's pretty funny. You're a funny guy huh?" Chara groaned from above, her ghostly form glaring down at the two of us.

My hands tightened around the Yamato, curling so tightly. "You think that was funny? How I pity you, Burgerpants." Chara was laughing at the name.

"Hey! Just call me Brandon, Burgerpants is my work name."

"You were the one who called yourself that, not me... Perhaps you still need to work on your self-awareness." A glimpse of humor appeared on my lips.

This city was filled with many different demons it seemed, from the loathsome cat who was following me at the moment, or the demon children who despite their odd and devilish forms... bore the innocence of any human child. But just as the city moved, so did its people.

Bakers did bake, shoppers did shop, workers did work, and all without a sense of hierarchy, almost communal. So different from humanity, yet so similar. It seemed the two races had rubbed off on each other when they both ruled the mortal plane.

"So, tough guy, what are you looking for?" Brandon asked me, his voice oddly nasal and warped.

"A way to the castle, I need to speak with King Asgore." The king would be a good source of information regarding Sparda and the human souls... I would take them and become immensely powerful, powerful enough that... That...

I left my thoughts alone, "But I would think you're unaware of where I must go, and so I bid you farewell." Quickening my pace, but my trial was not over yet.

But the feline didn't let up, "Woah, buddy, pal, going so soon?" Brandon came in front of me, putting his hands out to block me from moving forward.

"Pard, is this guy for real?" Even Chara was getting tired of his antics.

I sighed, "What do you want?" The skittish demon began to sweat suddenly, "Hey man, just think you're kinda cool! Like real cool, look at your sick ass sword!" Brandon lowered to inspect it with salivation dripping down his chin.

Pulling the Yamato away, "I appreciate the platitude, but if you truly wish to commemorate me..." Trailed off as I realized something, we were being surrounded.

"Holy... Now you really have a fan club, Vergil!" Chara watched from above as I was surrounded by a mob of what appeared to be hungry demons wanting to tear into my flesh.

"Oh no, this is just like what happened when Mettaton was at my workstation! Don't tell me..." Brandon began to point at me accusingly, "You were an attractive person all along?"

I ignored the uncouth fool, "Damnit... why did I have to be dragged into this mess, Mettaton... you bastard!" That braggart may have lost to me, but he definitely ruined any chance of peace going through this place.

My plight wouldn't go unnoticed.

"Hey! What the hell are you banshees doing? Break it up ladies!" A familiar scratchy and rough voice echoed out, one I didn't think I'd ever be glad to hear again.


The fangirls began to disperse, revealing the unarmored form of Undyne in full gait towards me. Her red hair flowing in the wind, the fish approached me with a faux and forced grin.

She stopped right next to me, giving me a sudden mean glare. "Hey, punk, it's been a while." She tried to seem intimidating with her tall stature, but in my mind was a storm.

Inside my heart, there was a tinge of sadness... Before me was a woman I had killed in a previous life, it was harrowing for reasons I couldn't quite explain. Seeing someone still breathing who you'd previously bisected was... Not the most warming of experiences.

Undyne checked the perimeters, "Alright, you're coming with me." She commanded, but I merely blinked. The fish-like warrior reached for my arm, intending to drag me along like any child.

While I was appreciative of her crowd clearing capabilities...

A son of Sparda would not be humiliated like that.

My body disappeared from sight, and I landed squarely atop the Heroine's head. "W-what?" Undyne stuttered and wobbled at the added weight, she growled.

"Hey! C'mon kid don't make this any harder than it has to be!" She reached above her head only to find me gone again, atop a nearby building.

I merely bowed before turning and sprinting across the rooftops, successfully avoiding the authorities.

Or, authority in this matter.

Wielding a small donut I had acquired from a spider bakery, my mouth quickly opened to devour the confection while I walked through a small growth of foliage. This confection reminded me of times I'd whisk away sweets and the like from general stores or bakeries, no human could track my movements after all.

At the center of this little clearing was a bench next to a fountain, a small statuette of two child-like figures.

With a grunt, my body fell and relaxed, sitting down on the bench. Stretching out my legs and propping the Yamato up against the armrest, for the first time since I'd gotten up earlier this morning... I caught my breath. After Mettaton's show... My body had intense stamina but I was still mentally fatigued by it all.

"It's calming isn't it?" Chara sat down want to me, both of us enjoying the sound of water hitting itself.

"Hn, perhaps."

"Which means, "yes of course" when translated to English right?" A smile formed across my lips but was quickly replaced with a scowl. Damnit, I was letting myself slip.

I felt a hand on my back, "Vergil?" Her worried tone, her gentle touch... Why? But she didn't say anything, merely offered a comforting presence...

"Do you have any idea what it is like?" I blurted out.

I continued, face pushing into my palm, "Any idea how it feels, to be torn apart from the inside? As if two arms are pulling you in different directions..." I mumbled into my hand, but Chara answered immediately.

"Yes." I turned to catch her gaze, shock is written across my face.

It was.. surprising.

She took on a melancholic smile, "A long time ago, actually it was a really long time ago I realize now." She stared at the statue inside the fountain, at the two figures. Both had their hands raised, and at the point where their wrists connected, came the water sprout.

"I died."

She smiled, the typical smile she would wear when saddened about something. "It hurts to think about, though." One could only nod solemnly at the revelation... As obvious as it was.

And I wondered if my friend would ever share that with me, what exactly caused her so much distress and hatred towards humanity... There was only my imagination to connect the dots.

But I had to know something, "So then, Sparda has always been a sort of Idol down here? The locals seem to treat him as a deity." I asked with a quiet intone, changing the topic.

Chara shrugged, "Not a deity per se, there isn't a religion down here. But Sparda was a huge hero to us, he spared all of the underground demons and allowed them to be free from Mundus' serfdom. Father always told me that without his sacrifice..." She suddenly looked towards the sky, propping her head up with a wry gaze.

"Legend says he up and vanished one day not long after sealing Mundus away in the demon world, what happened to him after that... Nobody knows." Of course, I knew what happened...

"And then it only took a couple hundred years of peaceful relations for humanity to start fearing the demons led by my father, how it boils my blood..." Chara gripped tightly around the handrail of the bench.

"The Order Of The Sword, a newly founded religion, began to worship Sparda as a God, and viewed all other demons as leftovers to be exterminated from the Dark crusade as they called it... When I was a kid they were at the height of their power." She spoke with such vitriol every time the topic of humanity came up.

Wait... Order Of The Sword? Sparda worshippers?

Speaking in recollection, "I've heard of them before, a small cult far off the mainland. But I can't be sure what they do in this day and age, knowledge of Sparda faded with time." Brushing my chin, I planned to one day investigate the island to see if there was a trace of my father's legacy...

I respected him, but not once along my many journeys could I understand why... Why would he give up his power? Locking it away in the demon world... My last memories of him were on his sickbed, crumbling away slowly but surely... And then the attack.

Some part of me wished he was still here.

"I won't lie to you and say I didn't idolize him too when I came down here... Me and my brother became the hope that the alliance Sparda secured could one day be mended, that humanity and devil could one day unite again..." Chara yearned wistfully, only to grit her teeth.

Eyes blazing a crimson red, "They didn't know humanity like I did although..." a sinister sentiment, I wondered if she truly... Truly could never forgive humanity.


What did it matter anyway?

"Vergil... No matter what happens." She tugged on my arm, drawing my attention to her plea.

Blue caught her red, and I let my guard down for just a second. "Please, free them, if you get the souls... You'll have six plus your own, you'll be as strong as a God." The temptation of power burned in my blood, but... Something was missing.

Chara smiled dimly, "Maybe humanity will try to kill demons again, but... Is it better to die quietly in a cave or die fighting for your freedom?" What the girl said was true, but humans were far more than the spear-wielding primates they were in ages past...

I leaned over my knees and stared at the cobblestone ground, "If it's such a millennial task, I suppose..." After all, I could reward demon kind for allowing me to acquire absolute power in some way.

Chara placed a single finger over mine, happiness radiating from her like a beacon. "Thanks, Pard, you're not some bad guy, you know that?" Those words... Why did they make me feel so strangely?

Although the prospect of freeing demons from this place... Not sure it was possible, especially considering that humanity is so much stronger now in terms of tech... Even if individually they are weak.

"Ring... Ring..."

I stood up suddenly, feeling my phone vibrate.

"Ring... Ring... ERM, HELLO!" I had to pull my face away from the mobile device, the piercing static causing me to grimace in pain.

Looking at the device wearily, "HELLO MR. SWORDSMAN, IT IS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS. I HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF YOUR NUMBER AND THAT YOU'VE REACHED THE CAPITAL EH? MOVING UP IN THE WORLD, GOOD WORK!" Chara hovered over my shoulder as the skeleton spoke through the phone.

"Yes." Was my non-committal reply.


"And? I have done nothing wrong." The only thing I could recall that she might be following me for is when I nearly beheaded Monster Kid some time ago... But, I hadn't drawn blood.

"OH YOU MISUNDERSTAND, UNDYNE ISN'T TRYING TO BEAT YOU UP ANYMORE! SHE WANTS TO "hang out with that punk because Alphys said so!" WITH YOU." I blinked a few times before checking with Chara, she had no idea either.

"I see."


A click.

My eyes traced the contours of the mobile device, my mind present elsewhere. 'To... Hang out?' I wondered, what was Alphys planning now? taking one last glance at the statue in the center of this little clearing, my heart was beating slowly while taking in the calm locale.

Chara tapped me on the shoulder, "What can it hurt? Maybe Undyne will take you to Father next..." An accepting smile appeared across her innocent face.

"If you explain to him, I'm sure he'll give you the souls if you promise to free us. No need to fight, right?" I nodded, this could be solved peacefully... If it meant sparing Chara's father, I would do it.

She's put her trust in me, I'm choosing to respect that.

But that still didn't help with the sudden warmth I felt in my neck, an itchy feeling, it was only a slight discomfort thankfully.

With a combination of intuition and Chara's directions, we found the barracks in no time. Using the rooftops to travel, the group of three wouldn't have seen me coming even if they could sense my approach.

My soles crashed against the cobblestone, kicking up leaves around me and drawing attention from the three demons who awaited my presence. I caught their gazes and began walking towards them, Papyrus was in the middle of getting his head noogied by Undyne, and Alphys was fretting over them. Oh... And Brandon was sitting a few meters away from the group, shaking like a leaf.

Undyne dropped Papyrus to the ground, "Well well, look who finally decided to show up!" I could tell immediately how forced her grin was, sharp teeth grinding against one another.

Papyrus was quick to get back up, standing straight and tall. "IT'S BEEN A WHILE MY FRIEND, I DARE SAY I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN THE LESSON YOU TAUGHT ME WHEN YOU LEFT." The skeleton came up to me with his flamboyance somehow having

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