Chapter 9

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"She's alive?!"



"He's... alive?"


"Katie! What?"

"Uncle Lance?"



"Hold up!"

"No Way!"

The people of earth watched in confusion and chaos. People were calling others. The garrison was frantic. Things were going down. The worst of it was the families of the paladins. They had just seen that their children, siblings, and family were alive.


The McClain family were sitting on the couch watching The Lion King, for the millionth time. It was kid friendly and the whole family liked it, so why not. Just after Akuna Matata, came the televised aliens. For a moment, Veronica had just thought the T.V glitched, but the more the woman with the white hair talked, the more she began to fear. Someone had taken over the airwaves.

"What the heck is going on?" said Rachel. Everyone looked confused and slightly scared.

"I don't know, I'm calling the Garrison," Vernoica stood up and walked next to the back wall, "Come on pick up."

"Wai- that's Shiro!" said Sylvio sitting straight up. The 9-year-old had done his research and, like most children of his age, thought Shiro was one of the most amazing people to have walked this earth.

"The paladin of the black lion is Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane," The woman on the screen said.

"Holy crow, HE'S ALIVE!" Veronica covered her mouth. She had friggin worked with the guy. She had mourned him and Matt with Adam and the rest of the Garrison. Now he was alive.

"Keith Kogane, the paladin of the red lion."

"Hold up-Mullet?!" exclaimed Rachel.

"What?" Marco asked, sitting on the floor next to his younger sister.

"That's Keith! Lance would always complain about how he was constantly trying to one-up him. It was insane."

What happened next was a surprise for the entire McClain family. Next to the right leg of Voltron a photo of their brother, uncle, and son appeared.

"Lance McClain is the paladin of the blue lion," Allura announced. The family stared at him. Veronica dropped her phone, which was still on hold.

"LANCE!" screamed Luis as his wife ,who covered her mouth.

"UNCLE LANCE!" Shouted Nadia in shock, she had only known him while she was 3, but she could always remember how he would babysit her and her brother.

"My boy, that's my boy!" said Lance's mother wrapping her arms around her husband as cuddled her. The whole family began to cry.

Finally, Veronica could hear her ringtone over the shouts of her family. She picked up the phone and noted who was calling. Adam.

"You're seeing this too, right?" she asked her friend.

"I think the whole world is seeing it. Shiro is alive! Your brother is alive!"

"I know, I know! Wait, shut up!" Veronica yelled.

"Hunk Garret, the paladin of the yellow lion," Allura continued.

"That's Kiri's son," said Lance's dad.

Marco added, "He was also one of the other kids that disappeared 5 years ago."

"Wait, you don't think that maybe-" Rachel was cut off by her niece.


Lisa rubbed her daughter's shoulder, "Yes sweetie, please calm down."

"So, does that mean that girl is next?" Sylvio asked. Sure enough, a picture of her popped up right next to The Green lion.

"Last, but not least, the green paladin Katie 'Pidge' Holt."

"She looks just like Matt," Adam said in shock, as he was watching at the Garrison.

"Yeah, she does," Veronica agreed.

The green paladin soon went on to send a message to the Galaxy and her family. The McClains were too in shock to even think about that.

"Veronica, I just talked to the General, just come in tomorrow 'k. We'll figure it out then."

"Thanks Adam, I'll see you tomorrow," she clicked off the call. Tears formed in her eyes. She walked back to her family.

Her grandparents were trying to console her mom and dad, who were bawling like babies. Rechel looked hysterical. Half crying and half laughing. Her twin brother was alive, there was no questioning why. Marco had his arm around her. He was telling her things like, "breathe" and "It's going to be fine", while he had to keep himself from crying. Luis was a mess. His wife was doing her best, but it wasn't working. The kids looked so freaking happy; it was adorable.

"I just got off the phone with Adam, I'm heading into work tomorrow to figure this out," Veronica said. Her younger sister quickly stood up and walked right up to her.

"You saw that right? That means that..." She started crying before she could finish her sentence. Veronica held her sister as she bawled into her shoulder.

"Lance is alive Rache, I know."

Marco joined in the hug. He said," Hey, Luis get your butt in the awkward sibling hug!" The brother walked over and squeezed his siblings.

The family walked over to a small table. Sat on it was a picture of Lance at the academy. There were candles next to it.

"Lance, if you're really out there, we're gonna try to see you again," said his father, smiling.

The Garret families were sitting and talking with one another. The one thing that was missing was Hunk. The families were lost. To his parents it was like getting shot. To his cousins, it was like losing a guide through life. To everyone, it was like losing a piece of them, that wouldn't come back. 5 years later, they had built themselves back up, it still stung. Just less.

"Ok, so where are we gonna find a healer from 'The Oath of the Crown'?" asked Noa. The 13-year-old asked his sister. Masina shrugged.

"I dunno. I asked around and no one knew what that even was."

"Crap, how are we gonna face the dragon without one!"

"We pray to the DnD Gods to have mercy on our nerdy souls."

The two had recently discovered the world of "Dungeons and Dragons" and were absolutely enthralled. Masina and Noa were working on a team for a campaign, but things weren't working out. People either didn't care or were in another group that had their own thing going. It kinda sucked.

Suddenly the T.V., which had previously been showing a documentary about bird, switched to a woman with pointed ears talking. The whole Garret family was confused. Who was this and why was she talking on the airwaves.

"What war?" asked Hunk's father. He was a man of few words. The woman continued to speak.

"What the heck is Voltron?" Kiri asked. Her sister-in-law shrugged as they continued to watch.

"The paladin of the black lion is Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane," the woman's voice said.

"Wai- like the captain of the Kerberos mission?" Hunk's uncle questioned.

"Yeah, I thought he died a long time ago. Weird," said Noa. The woman said another name which Hunk's parents barely recognized. When Lance popped up the family had a hey-day.

"Lance! I know him! He was Hunk's friend remember?" said Masina turning to her aunt and uncle.

"He was the reason Hunk was in the principal's office all the time," his father reminded, slightly chuckling to himself about the memories.

"He was also one of the kids that went missing, right?"

"Mhmm," Mumbled Hunk's aunt.

Suddenly Hunk photo popped up next to the yellow lion. The family sat in silence as they listened to Allura say his name. Hunk's mother started crying as she realized what this meant. Her husband began to tear up as well.

"Hunk?" screamed Noa. His sister stood up and was bouncing. It was amazing.

"How?" His mother said sobbing into her husband's shoulder. The family was in shock.

"I-I've got to call the Garrison," Hunk's dad blurted scrambling to get his phone.

Hunk's aunt replied," Screw that! Everyone go pack, we are getting in my van and checking this out!"

By now, everyone knew that when that woman had an idea in her head, there was no stopping her. So, they followed through. Both families had several questions.

Amaya Shirogane was simply sitting on her couch when it happened. The 50-year-old woman was simply petting Kuro the family cat. Her husband had died long ago, before Shiro was born, so she was alone, other than the cat. She missed her son. More than anything sometimes. She was finally starting to accept his death. It was about time after five years, right?

She was watching some old movie, when the T.V. went to something else. A young woman was talking about strange flying beasts, and a war. Amaya simply figured that this was the work of some dumb teenagers, but the more the woman talked, the more sense it made.

Suddenly an image of a large robot appeared. It looked like it had cat ears for some reason. That's when the image of her son appeared. She stared at it for a moment. If what the woman was true, then he was alive! Alive and well! Then a picture of someone else she recognized. Keith.

Shiro had brought him home multiple times. The boy had lost his father when he was and wasn't doing so great. Amaya was so proud when her son was acting like an older brother to him. It seemed so natural after not having one himself. During the holidays Shiro would bring him to her house. She, her son, Adam, and Keith would celebrate together. A while ago Keith brought her a Mother's Day card. It still sat on her shelf like a prized possession.

Tears began forming. The two were together. They were both safe. They both had grown up. Her son had a similar hair issue to his mother. The white always started at the front. It was strange to see her genetics in her son, considering he looked so much like his father. Keith looked much older. He looked taller as well. There were several scars present on both of their faces.

She soon saw the familiar face of Katie Holt. She met her at the funeral for the Kerberos mission crew. She had just lost her brother and father. The girl seemed distraught. Katie stayed a good couple feet away from the funeral the entire time. Amaya, Collen, and her cried together for several hours. So, to see that girl now was astonishing. Her once midback hair no brushed her shoulders. Her body had developed nicely.

It appeared that Katie would be married to the grape elf, which was extremely confusing.

"Colleen is going to have another mental breakdown. Come on Kuro!" They old woman picked up her cat.

"We're going to the garrison."


Sorry it took so long, but this one was definitely longer then the ones before it, right? I tried my best! I had some school stuff to take care of, but I'm back baby! The next chapter will follow the Holt's reactions to Pidge and Lotor's engagement. After that chapters will go back to normal.


2: I got my first follower, holy moly. @XxsilverwitchxX Thank you so much. People, you will be notified when the next chapter comes out if you follow, so if you want to keep reading I would suggest it. Happy spooky season! Time to rewatch Coraline for the millionth time! Thank you! Luv all ya'lls!  

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