Dream Stuff and Another Demon

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Gideon: Well hello there folks! Unfortunately, I'm still in jail so I can't join in the 'fun.' 
Me: Someone take him away please -_-
Mabel: On it! *inside human-sized hamsterball* *runs like there's no tomorrow* One, two, three, KA-BAM! *hits Gideon*
Gideon: *screams as he shoots up the sky* I'LL GET YOU BACK! I'LL GET MY REVEEEEEEEENGE!
Me: High-five Mabel! *high-fives through hamsterball*
Mabel: Anytime sis, anytime~

(Y/N)'s P.o.V.

        "I can give you what you want, kid. I can and will, just make the deal," a voice said in the darkness. Everything was black.
        "Who's there? Show yourself!" I shouted at the darkness. A low cackle could be heard.
        "I'm your worst nightmare, kid. Just make the deal. I change your life to the way you wanted it to be: normal, peaceful, fun and exciting but not deadly at every corner. You just have to give me something...special," the voice replied. I could make out the figure of a throne; high and mighty. I couldn't see if anyone was seated.
        "I'm not signing that deal. Never," I said through gritted teeth.
        "Very well then...face your worst nightmares," the voice replied darkly. Suddenly, the place I was in changed and I saw both camps on fire. A lot of people were dead. Blood covered the flame-frolicked soil. I saw hundreds of monsters, and a giant crevice leading to Tartarus was open. Screams filled the air. I tried to move but couldn't. Then suddenly, a crack started to form beneath me. I started calling for help, but it seemed like the people who could here me needed my help. I still couldn't move as it got wider and wider and I fell in. "Welcome to Tartarus, godling," a dark, hollow voice said, followed by mad cackling.
        "WAKE UP!" someone shouted and I sat up. I nearly hit Bill who was holding me firmly by the shoulders. I was breathing rapidly. 

        "Wh-wha-what's *gasp* happe-*gasp*ning?" I asked in a slightly panicked voice. With no answer and warning, he engulfed me in a hug.
        "Thank the heavens your fine," he muttered through my hair. "Your screams woke me up." He slowly released me. "Were you having a nightmare? I nearly went into your mind to clear things up," he spoke.
        "I-I'm fine. Just the usual demigod dreams. Y'know, all nightmarish and stuff," I replied even though my heart was still beating rapidly. I decided to not discuss the dream so it wouldn't worry Bill. I was glad he didn't press the matter. I got up to make us some breakfast.
        "Wait, didn't you say my screams 'woke you up'?" I asked him. He stared at me as if the answer was obvious.
        "Duh! I'm in a human body. Technically, I'm restricted to stuff humans need. And that includes sleep," he said. I laughed a bit.
        "And that's why we're both gonna eat~"
*Time Skip*

        "Fine!" Bill huffed as I forced him to put on a hoodie. He changed from his dress shirt with a yellow vest and wore the hoodie.
        "At least it's yellow. I could've made it pink. Or worse, silver," I teased. He just glared at me slightly. I made him wear jeans too, with a pair high cut black sneakers. "You look adorable," I said as I ruffled his hair. He just huffed more and pouted as he put his hands inside the hoodie pockets. I wore this outfit (minus the excessive accessories and stuff). "Let's go!"
        Naturally, I would prefer staying at the tent. But, well, I wanted to walk around town. We walked pass the usual places. Everything was normal until I started seeing black triangle stuff. 
        "Are you alright?" Bill asked me, looking concerned. "You keep looking around."
        "The Pines might go looking for us," my answer was true, but the real reason I was antsy was because of that black isosceles. Bill just shrugged. "Whatever you say."
        We kept on walking around for no apparent reason. We went to the arcade to have some fun. Bill even saw himself at a game. "I am NOT green!" he exclaimed angrily and I laughed. We had fun and all that. It seemed almost as if we were on a date.
*Time Skip* Nearly Late Afternoon
        "Heck, I didn't know it was this fun," Bill said as we sat in one of the park benches. I chuckled a bit.
        "It is nice for me too. I've been quite used to monsters chasing me whenever I go out of camp." Suddenly, a low growl could be heard.
        "Right on cue. I'll go finish that sucker up," Bill said while flashing me a grin.
        "Hellhound," I muttered to myself, even chuckling a bit. Maybe the town was so weird that monsters couldn't smell demigods so easily. Then out of the blue, I heard someone calling my name. I looked around and saw Soos and the others. 'Uh-oh...' I thought. I was about to go to Bill when everything slowed down and turned black and white.
        "Wait, what?" I asked no one in particular. "If Bill isn't around..."
        "Well, well. If it isn't the one Cipher calls princess," a black triangle said. It was the one I saw the whole day. Up close, I saw it had a dark cape around it, a blood red ruby clasp holding it in place. It held a close resemblance to Bill's triangular form, but something about this one would give anything the creepy vibes.
        "Who are you?" I asked it. It gave a low dark chuckle. "You gave me that dream, didn't you?"
        "Correct, Pines. I am still offering you the deal," it said in a dark, hollow voice. It thrust out its hand and it burnt with dark purple fire.
        "You didn't answer my question," I glared at it. 
        "And I prefer not to. I see your friend is coming, so I must go. See you around, (Y/N) Pines," it said before dark mist swirled around it, rattling everything. It an instant, it vanished and everything went back to normal. I saw Bill almost near me, while Soos and the others were dashing towards me.
        "Let's go!" I shouted at Bill and I took his hand as we ran away from the park. He teleported us back to the tent, a few moments before the others stood in our spot.
        "Turns out it was just a normal dog," Bill said when we arrived at our little camp. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked me as he noticed I was pale.
        "Nothing...nothing to worry about. Maybe I was just scared they might catch us," I lied. Maybe I did want to go back to the shack, but I'd never admit. I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands.
        "You sure?" Bill pressed on, sitting beside me as he rubbed circles in my back.
        "I think I'm hallucinating already. Anyway, I've had enough adventure for one day," I told him as he stared at me with a rather concerned expression. Am I getting attached to this dream demon? I hope not...
        Soon, night came in and we both slept. I tried to be comfortable...
        However, I was far from comfortable, since I knew something else was watching me.

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