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Hyunjin stood patiently outside of the lecture hall he knew Seungmin was taking his exams in. He was slowly getting bored of waiting though.

"Hey," Jisung called out, walking towards him.

"Finished with exams? How'd you do?" He asked.

Hyunjin shrugged. He had finished 10 minutes early, but it was because he didn't know how to answer some problems—not because it was easy.

"I was looking for you yesterday—we could've also studied together. And I also had something important to tell you."

He nodded awkwardly, not knowing how to react.

"Sorry... I was busy. Friend's birthday," he explained. "Anyway, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Well since we're both done, do you want to go grab something to eat? I'll tell you afterwards." Jisung smiled and added, "We can get some cake as well to celebrate the end of these stupid exams."

Hyunjin wrung his hands together as he shook his head apologetically. "No... sorry. I... I'm waiting for my friend."

Jisung quirked an eyebrow. The last time he had checked, Hyunjin was someone who would eagerly take up any of his invitations without hesitation. But now he was refusing to have lunch with him?

"When you say you're waiting for a friend... Does that mean... Uh, are you waiting for your girlfriend or boyfriend?"

Hyunjin was just about to respond when a familiar voice answered for him. "Yeah, he was waiting for his boyfriend."

He turned around to see Seungmin casually strolling out with the rest of his class. And he noticed that he didn't have his backpack slung around his shoulder like he usually did.

"Ah, you're with Seungmin now?" Jisung asked in interest. "I didn't know, my bad. Didn't mean to ask your guy to lunch."

"No harm done," Seungmin lied coolly, leaving Hyunjin speechless.

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"What was that all about?!" He shouted, following after Seungmin who had casually walked out of the building.

"Hm, what?" Seungmin played innocent and turned to face him. "Why? Are you mad? Do you want to go on a date with Jisung?"

Hyunjin was left speechless by his barrage of questions.

"Because if you do—I'll go tell him I was joking. I can go right now. Seriously, I'll turn around now and go tell him."

"I don't want to eat lunch with him. We already made plans," Hyunjin murmured, placing his palms on Seungmin's forearms. "Calm down..."

Seungmin felt his heart pound faster when he felt his touch—it was not helping him calm down. "Yeah, but if you'd rather—"

"I said I don't want to go with him," Hyunjin cut him off. "Now let's go," he said as he grabbed him and began to drag him to his car.

His heart skipped as he felt Seungmin's hand suddenly tighten around his. It was so unexpected that it flustered him.

On the other hand, Seungmin felt his mouth become dry as he mustered up the courage to hold his hand.

And he admit that he was a little disappointed when Hyunjin let go to take his seat in the car.

As he took a seat behind the driving wheel, he was slammed with a question that left him speechless and nervous.

"Is this a date or what?"

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Chan saw Seungmin's backpack resting in the compartments in the back of the lecture room.

He must have been in a rush to leave, he thought with an amused smile, noticing that Seungmin hadn't even bothered closing up the bag.

He picked it up to zip it up and take it home for Seungmin, but the zipper opened wider from the weight of the heavy books inside.

All the workbooks and folders came tumbling out—and one book in particular caught his eyes. A journal...

He hadn't known Seungmin had a diary.

Curiosity got the best of him and he opened the cover, apologizing mentally for invading his friend's privacy.

His eyes widened. The handwriting was unmistakable.

This isn't Seungmin's...

He wildly skipped through the pages, skimming through the entries. There was no question—his suspicions had been correct. It's Jeongin's.

He laughed bitterly to himself, burying his face into the palm of his hand, thinking of Seungmin every time he saw Hyunjin's name written in Jeongin's handwriting.

The world can be so cruel, he thought, taking a deep breath. All he could do was feel pure pity for Seungmin; he couldn't sympathize—he couldn't possibly understand how Seungmin was probably feeling.

Hyunjin was Jeongin's most serious crush—they had all referred to him as 'Jeongin's guy,' whenever they talked about him.

It had only been natural, and it felt so normal. It would be hard to look at him as someone else's boyfriend—especially Seungmin's.

... Jeongin's best friend.

"You coming?" Minho called, poking his head into the classroom door.

He jumped and quickly slammed the book shut. "Y-Yeah, just a sec," he stammered, stuffing it back into the bag.

"Just grabbing Seungmin's bag—he forgot it here." He slung it around his shoulder and walked towards his friend.

Minho smiled and said, "Seungmin was probably in a rush to go hang out with Hyunjin and left it."

Chan swallowed hard, not being able to bring himself to smile along.

He found it hard to believe that he was the only one who noticed.

It was stressful keeping it to himself, and he wanted to shout it for everyone to catch on. Seungmin likes Jeongin's guy.

To be continued...

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