"Well here is your last bag Kara " Eliza said as she handed her daughter her last one of her bags. Kara moved into her new boarding school, she liked school but hated to leave her family for such a long time. They were standing at the front door and Eliza hugged Kara " I love you sweety, I'll see you in the summer vacation again, have a fun time." She gave her daughter a kiss and the forehead and walked to her car. " I love you too mom! I can't wait to see you again." Yelled Kara at her. Eliza turned around and gave her a hand kiss. She stepped into the car and drove away. Kara had already said goodbye yesterday to her sister Alex.
She walked inside and was greeted by a guide which showed her to her room. The building was very big and old, I felt kind of overwhelmed by everything. I asked where my two friends there rooms were he said they were in a different section. He also said I'll see them at breakfast tomorrow morning so I could ask them then were there room were. He open the door op a room and gave me the key saying it was mine. I took the key and walked in. He said that if I had any questions I should go downstairs administration to ask it there. I said that it was fine and he walked Away.
I put my bags in the room, I put my guitar by the window which was pretty big and you could sit in the window frame, wich I always loved. I unpacked my bag in. After that it was about 21:00 I came here very late I thought by myself. I realized I was pretty tired to I changed into my Mickey Mouse pajama and jumped into the bed which was surprisingly a two person bed. It was very comfortable. I set my alarm clock for 7:00 because the classes start at 8:30 but I have to find my way there to which takes a little bit of time to. I pulled the sheets all the way to my neck, and I feel very fast asleep,excited for the day ahead.
In the morning
I woke up from my alarm clock, I was kind of grumpy because I was having a really nice dream about flying like a superhero. I got myself out of bed and into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, did my hair and makeup. After that I put my clothes on which were a grey pants, a soft pink shirt with an oversized vest because I wanted to be comfy the first day. I looked at my schedule which said I only had two classes which were bio and history. I hate history I don't get it, why should I learned what happened years before me there all dead anyway. I packed my bag and went to look for the first classroom of bio.
I finally found the classroom right about 5 min before the class started. I sat alone kind of in the middle of class. I noticed a brunette which was sitting in the front, she looked very beautiful and I wondered how she got her hair that beautiful. The teacher said that we had to take a test to see how much we know so she knows what she needs to teach us. I felt fine with it I understood, of course I didn't like it. We were put in rows behind each other, lucky me I was placed right behind the brunette. She was handed the papers, she turned around to give one to me and our eyes looked we stared at each other for a little while. My whole body was glowing up. I didn't notice her beautiful forest green eyes, the kind of eyes a nature princess would have in a fairytale.
After realizing a was staring at her I quickly took the papers and passed them on.
I wondered who she was, the blond girl right behind me, I've been at this school for so long but I never saw her, she must be new. She looks fun to hang out with, and those eyes, those ocean blue eyes I felt like I was swimming in her eyes when I looked at her.
But if she finds out that my last name is Luthor and my brother killed people she probably never talk to me anyways, just like everyone else. So I decided to stay quite and not pay much attention to her.
I realized I forget to eat breakfast, oh well I'll see my friends at lunch.
After the two boring classes, where I couldn't stop looking at the brunette. It was lunch time very body went to this really big hall, we all sat down and got our food. I found my friends on the other table. I walked to them and I asked where there room where, Winn told me his was on the other side off the building because boys and girls where separated. Nia told me her room was actually pretty close to mine only a few rooms away. I was so happy I finally could talk to them.
"Nia,nia guess this, there's a really pretty girl in my class, her eyes are so pretty I really want meet her, but I have no reason to talk to her" Kara said. Winn looked at Nia and said "I knew you where gay!" Kara turned tomato red. "Shut up Winn." Kara said and quickly ate her food. After that she went to her own room.
Kara put open her window, it wasn't very warm but she just liked it, she picked up her guitar and sat in the window frame and started playing her favorite songs.
After the classes I decided I was gonna take a little walk around the building, which always made me feel better, I just hope I wasn't gonna see James there. He's always mean to me because I'm a luthor. He even hit me a few times. After I walked a little while outside a heard music, which was surprising because your not allowed to have parties of your own here. I walked toward the sounds and saw an open window. I walked a little bit back so I could see who was playing the music. I saw a her again those eyes, I saw her playing her guitar it sounded so beautiful. The sight of her so focused and happy with her music made me want to stay there and look at her for ever.
Suddenly I saw that she was looking at me kind of confused why I was staring at her, it made my heart drop, she was just special. I was turning red when I noticed I quickly ran back to my room and did some homework.
She was looking at me from outside, I was really happy when I saw her, she just makes me feel so happy. After I looked at her for a while, it looked like she noticed me looking. I really wanted to say haii or something else, but she quickly ran away. I wondered wat she was doing outside, it's pretty cold this autumn. I wish I knew her room number so I could see her again. It feels so good when I'm around her, I just really wanted to see her again.
The day after I wake up again from that stupid alarm, which I already started to hate. I kind of did the same this morning but put different clothes on, this time it was denim jeans with a Superman shirt, I always liked Superman. I also put my PE clothes is my bag, because we had that today, I've always been a fan of PE it's a really good stress reliever and I'm good at it. Before PE tho we had math, which I hate because I'm bad at it.
I went to the hall to get some breakfast was basically just was some yogurt and an apple. Of course a was talking to Winn and Nia about what I was gonna do today, and how excited I was for PE and her. They laughed it off a bit. After a while they said I was gonna choke if I didn't stop rambling.
As I was taking my seat and placed my books in the table I saw the blond walk in and i couldn't help but smiling. She sat behind me again, which made me kind of happy because it meant that she didn't mind me around. I always liked math it's so easy. Because nobody really talked to me I could always focus on my work, which made me kind off good in everything. I heard her struggle with the math which made me chuckle a little bit. " Dear god why is luthor still here isn't she suppose to go and kill someone," James said in the back of the class just so I could hear it. It was making me sick, like didn't he have something better to talk about, I tried to ignore it tho and just focus on my work. The teacher come to me and said " great work luthor " I hate it sometimes she calls everybody by there first name but for some reason she likes to call me luthor.
So her last name is luthor I thought by myself. That sounds like a pretty name. I didn't understand the comment from the guy in the back but i sure didn't like it, I always hate bullies. On my last school I was bullied for being a DC specially Superman fan.
After that stupid class that was called math was the amazing class called PE. We arrived and went into the changing room. I saw the luthor in her underwear which made me blush like crazy, I hope she didn't notice. After I was changed I walked into the classroom which was really big. The teacher that was called ms grant said that we have to do some wrestling to get us closer together as a group. It wasn't my favorite but I still enjoyed it, ms grant made teams and to my surprise I was put together with Lena, who ever that might be. I just stood there looking around me when I saw the brunette walk so me. I was getting nervous about why she walked to me, when she stood before me she said "haii I'm Lena" my heart just went crazy and I think my head looked like a tomato, I realized it was wrestling with means I had to touch Lena, which made me super nervous. "H-hai my name is Kara" I stuttered back at her. Ms grant said what we had to do and where. I looked at Lena which looked kind of nervous. I stepped a little closer and asked her what was wrong. She didn't seem to respond but after a little while she said that she was bad at PE. I told her I understood and that I would take it easy. Which made her smile a little bit.
So Kara is her name, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, I was really nervous for PE but meanly for her, I had to touch her. We stared, we had to sit on our knees on this big mat, she came closer and I was getting really nervous en kind of scared. I think she noticed and gave me the most beautiful and kind soft smile, it made me feel better. Before I knew it a was on my back defeated by Kara. I heard James laugh at me from across the room. Kara looked at him and gave him the most hateful look, which made him chuckle and kind of surprised him so he just went on with the class.
After class I walked towards Lena which yes made me hella nervous. I looked at her and asked "do you wanna come to my room sometimes, to chill." Lena seemed surprised by the question. I smiled at her, she said yes that she would love to come over tomorrow. I smiled brighter at her, she returned the smile and walked away, i was glad she said she wanted to come tomorrow because it was Saturday tomorrow which means we have more time.
At dinner I told Nia and Winn all about what had happened today, specially a lot of details about Lena, like how cute she was and how kind. I saw Lena sat alone eating dinner, I looked at her and smiled, she smiled back and I waved her to come sit her. She didn't seem to move tho and I looked confused at her. She just looked kind of sad to me. When she finished her food, she walked away I wanted to talk to her, but she was to fast for me. After I finish my food I went to my room too.
After being on my phone texting my mom and sister, and watching hundreds of YouTube videos, brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas and curled into my comfy bed, I wanted to sleep but the only thing I could to was thinking about Lena, I was so excited for tomorrow and seeing her again I couldn't sleep, I texted Nia hoping she was still awake after I caught myself thinking about kissing her. After texting for hours I finally fell asleep,still thinking about those gorgeous eyes that were Lena's
Ahhh omg guys I'm so excited for this supercorp, I love them so much.
I hope you guys injoy this story❤
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